About me 自己紹介

Linen bunny and a crochet edged bib set ♪リネンのうさぎと、ふち編みビブのベビーギフト♪

I made this baby gift set a while ago, but I noticed that I still haven't post it yet... This is a handmade linen bunny and a crochet edged bib gift set, made specially by me to celebrate the arrival of my girlfriend's baby. 



The bib is reversible.  For the front side, I used my favorite double gauze fabric from nani IRO.  I just love the softness and the delicate colors of this fabric!

リバーシブルのビブの表側は Nani IRO という日本製ブランドのダブルガーゼを使いました。この生地のとても柔らかい肌触りと、なんともいえない微妙な色合いがお気に入りです。

The reverse side of the bib is a machine quilted linen. Soft cotton batting is sandwiched in between. 


The bib was made for a baby girl... but I wanted to use light blue instead of pink! :) 


The patterns of this linen bunny and the bib are my original.  

However... until I took a closer look at the above pic, I didn't realize that the bunny's arms are too long for her body??  I may need to shorten them for the next time! :P


I hand stitched the baby girl's initial in the center of the block...

The gift set was shipped to the happy family of three who lives in Tokyo. I hope the sweet baby "K" lives a long and happy life filled with lots of love, good health, and prosperity. We are so delighted for your arrival!

中央の「K」はベビーちゃんのイニシャルです。ご覧の通り、少々いびつな出来になってしまいましたが(苦笑)、生まれたばかりの「K」ちゃんが健康で幸せいっぱいの人生を送りますように・・・と願いをこめて作りました。 東京在住の友人宅の元に無事に届いたようで一安心です。

***Love, Amy***

Find me on Facebook (Amy Morinaka) →☆
Follow me on Instagram (chickchicksewing) →★

What you've made from my book - Kotori Bird Pouches ♪読者の皆さんが作った雑貨をご紹介(ことりのポーチ)♪

Hello my crafty friends! 

Today I'd like to show you what you have created from my book, Zakka Handmades!  There's nothing more exciting as a craft book author to see what the talented folks actually create from my book and patterns!  It's really an amazing feeling that make me fly over the moon!


Above collage: clockwise from top left  上の写真:左上から時計まわりで製作者の方々はこちら↓

And here are more lovelies to share with you...

Sweet patchwork birds by Elena of Elenitas.net!


Cute Kotori birds on the clothesline by Sandra of Sandra Sews!


Flock of colorful birds made by Katherine of Sew Me Something Good!


Wow! Thank you, everyone, for making these awfully cute zakka projects from my book!! I only shared your Kotori birds (little birds) pouches today, but I will definitely share other projects from my book soon!

My *kissing* Kotori pouches...
こちらは私の作った小鳥ポーチ。チュッしてます♪ 笑。

Check out my Pinterest board - Zakka Handmades: my book for more projects made from my book, and...

If you're on Flickr, don't forget to post your handmade zakka projects from my book to: Zakka Handmades - the book flickr group!


ピンタレスト Zakka Handmades: My book→☆では著書より、今回ご紹介できなかった他作品もご覧になれます。

写真投稿サイトのFlickr→☆ に参加している方はZakka Handmadesグループにどんどん作品をアップしてくださいね。

***Love, Amy***

Find me on Facebook (Amy Morinaka) →☆

Follow me on Instagram (chickchicksewing) →★

My Mom's Crocheted Granny Blanket ♪母のかぎ針モチーフ編みのブランケット♪

My mom was visiting us from Japan over the past several weeks.  She left for Japan recently, and we already miss her very much.


While my mom was here, she continuously played cards with our girls night and day (our girls love playing cards with their grandma!), she slept a lot, ate a lot, laughed a lot, and spent lots of quality time with us, and...


She crocheted!


I call my mom a "crochet machine" simply because her crocheting speed is amazingly fast!  

When our oldest girl asked her grandma if she can crochet a new granny blanket using our girl's favorite colored yarns, we were not sure if that was all possible, considering that there were less than three weeks left until my mom's departure date.



Yet my mom tackled one granny square at a time, and the size of the blanket grew each day...


And it kept on growing...


Until she crocheted a total of 270 squares of granny squares (in less than three weeks!) Wow!


Again, per request of my daughter, my mom added this yellow scallop edging around the entire blanket to finish the project.


And here's the final result! My fourteen-year-old daughter can't be happier with how her blanket turned out. Thank you so much, mom, for your super speedy crochet blanket made with lots of love and care!!

Although this granny blanket was made super quick, I know that it will be treasured by my girl for many many years to come...!



***Love, Amy***

My Facebook (Amy Morinaka) →☆

My instagram (chickchicksewing)→☆

From my 2013 zakka creations... ☆2013年に作ったものいろいろ

I know, we're more than a half way into the month of January in 2014... but I've been wanting to look back at my zakka creations from 2013 and create a simple photo collage. Better late than never, I thought... ;P


Looking back, what a fabulous year it was... My book was published in 2013 and it still seems like a dream to me.   


I am ever so thankful to my talented blogger friends who helped me out with the blog tour of my book!


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

The above collage pics are only a portion of what I have actually created in 2013. I am looking forward to make more zakka in 2014 so stay tuned!! 


***Love, Amy***

CHA Anaheim 2014 Book Signing! ♪サイン会ありがとうございました!

Thank you so much to those who showed up at my book signing today and to those who helped organize my event! My first time at CHA (Craft and Hobby Association) show at Anaheim, CA, was so exciting and fun!

本日、カリフォルニア州アナハイム市のコンベンションセンターにて行われた Craft & Hobby Association (CHA) Mega Show(業者向けのトレードショー)での著書サイン会にお越しくださった皆さま、ありがとうございました!


Special thanks to R & M West Coast Enterprises, a major wholesale book distributor, for having me at the book signing today!

今回は特に、R & M West Coast Enterprises(本の大手卸売業者)の方々には、サイン会会場・ブースを提供して下さって大変感謝しています。

Happy zakka making!


***Love, Amy***

Making fabric necklace for my book signing tomorrow, Jan 12, at CHA Anaheim! 明日のサイン会用にネックレス作りました♪

This morning, I made myself a fabric necklace using some wooden beads and a piece of fabric.


This necklace requires minimum sewing (and turning), yet the result is very charming! I used a total of fifteen wooden beads and approximately 1/4 yard of lightweight fabric to make this project.


Fabric turner came very handy to turn the fabric tube right side out, like this!


The project is from this book/magazine (Stitch/Craft Create Gifts 2013).  Lots of pretty handmade ideas and projects inside!


The instructions were very easy to follow with lots of clear photographs. 


I plan to wear this handmade necklace for tomorrow's (Jan 12) book signing at CHA (Craft & Hobby Association) Anaheim Convention Center!



Come see me (and my handmade necklace! lol) at Anaheim Convention Center, R&M booth #1224 on Sunday, Jan 12, from 11 a.m. if you're attending!

今回のCraft & Hobby Association (CHA)主宰の手芸&ホビー関連業者向けのトレードショーは業者向けのショーなので残念ながら一般の方々は参加できないのですが、参加予定の方は是非お立寄りくださいね。ブース(店舗)ナンバーは#1224です。布製ネックレスを身に付けて会場をウロウロしている日本人女性を見つけたら(笑)是非声をかけてくださいね!

***Love, Amy***

Book Signing at CHA Anaheim Convention Center this Sunday, Jan 12, 2014! ☆サイン会のお知らせ

Come say Hi! to me at the Craft & Hobby Association 2014 show this Sunday, Jan 12!  This is a trade show and not open to the public, but stop by if you're attending! I'll be at R&M booth #1224 from 11 a.m.

カリフォルニア州アナハイム市のコンベンションセンターにて Craft & Hobby Association (CHA)主宰の手芸&ホビー関連業者向けのトレードショーが今週末に開催されます。

1/12/14(日)午前11時より、同会場にて私の著書のサイン会を行います。CHA 2014は業者向けのショーなので残念ながら一般の方々は参加できないのですが、参加予定の方は是非お立寄りくださいね。ブース(店舗)ナンバーは#1224です。

Zakka Handmades, my book 

At my sewing table tonight, lots of folding and sorting of my zakka patterns are going on...


My eight zakka patterns are available for wholesale purchase through Seven Islands Inc., a major Japanese fabric distributor based here in California, or check out my etsy shop for PDF patterns that can be downloaded immediately!

私の雑貨パターン8点はオンラインショップにて販売中です。卸販売については Seven Islands Inc. さんからご注文いただけます。

Thanks for visiting and hope you enjoy the rest of your week!!

***Love, Amy***

2014 My first block of the year is a horse! 今年の干支(うま)にちなんだログキャビンキルトブロック

Here's my first block of the year... Yes it's a small log cabin block with a fussy cut horse in the center, because 2014 is the year of the horse according to the Chinese zodiac calendar!

We have two "horses" in our family - my hubby and my youngest girl. They are both born in the year of the horse.


I made another block with my favorite Russian Matryoshka doll in the center. I wish I was born in the year of Matryoshka! lol


This Japanese fabric was used to fussy cut the horse and the Matryoshka doll placed in the center.

I wish you all have an active and energetic year of the horse!



***Love, Amy***

Zakka Handmades is now printed in German! 私の著書のドイツ語版が出版されました♪

 Schon geZAKKAt?
Schon geZAKKAt? 

I am so excited that my book, Zakka Handmades, is now printed in German! It's available at Amazon Germany.  Unfortunately, I don't understand a word of German, but the word "zakka" printed on the front cover of the German print really makes me smile :) 

皆さんこんにちは!このたび、私の著書 "Zakka Handmades" がドイツ語で出版されました。ドイツ語版はアマゾン・ドイツにて発売中です。本の題名は、"Schon geZAKKAt?" です。残念ながらドイツ語はまったくわからない私ですが、本の表紙に Zakka という言葉が印刷されているのを見るのはとっても嬉しいものです。^^

Raindrops Tote from my book


Crochet-Edged One Yard Scarf from my book


Airmail Mug Rug from my book


And this is the original version in English.


Thanks for stopping by and happy zakka making!


***Love, Amy***

Celebrating New Year with traditional Japanese food アメリカでお節作り

Happy New Year 2014!  

In our family, we are celebrating the New Year's day with traditional Japanese new year food. You know, we have two teen/tween girls who are born and raised here in the U.S., and we try our best to incorporate Japanese new year tradition into this special day for them. Which means I end up spending long hours in the kitchen prior to the New Year, preparing the food... 



Japanese new year food is called "O-se-chi Ryo-ri" (お節料理) and each and every dish and ingredients have meaning, such as health, wealth and prosperity, good harvest, long life, happiness, and more babies in the family (really!)  Some of these food are too "traditional" for our girls, but I still cook them anyway ;P


Let me quickly show you some of the Japanese food that I prepared for this new year. 

Cooked veggies in Japanese style broth (煮しめ)

Konbu-maki or simmered seaweed rolls (昆布巻き)

Sweet black beans (黒豆)

Japanese style cha-shu pork, or marinated and braised pork (煮豚)

Cooked Burdock roots wrapped in sliced beef (ごぼう巻き)

Bu-ri or cooked yellow tail (鰤)

Marinated fried salmon and onions(紅白鮭マリネ)

Pickled carrot and daikon radish (紅白なます)

Mashed sweet potato with sweet chestnuts (栗きんとん)

Dried sardines cooked in soy sauce.  田作り(ごまめ)。

We store the prepared new year food in these "Ju-bako" or stackable lacquered boxes.(お重)

Here the food is being cooked and ready to be stored in the boxes. (I aim to finish the entire cooking by noon of the New Year's eve).  Every year I prepare new year food in abundance, pack them in several ju-bako lacquer boxes (I own several of them), so that I can share the food with my friends and neighbors.


For the food prep, my youngest daughter helped me by cutting out the carrots and dai-kon radishes into flower shapes.


She also folded chopstick holders from origami papers.


O-zo-ni or clear soup with mochi rice cakes, another traditional Japanese style food eaten on New Year's Day that I prepared.


Thanks for following along this long food post! lol  I wish you all have a happy and healthy 2014 with good food and of course, lots of crafty moments!! 

最後までお付き合いいただいてありがとうございました! 今年も皆さんにとって、おいしいものいっぱいの、健康で、ご多幸な一年になりますように!もちろん、今年も手芸タイムも満喫しましょうね~♪

***Love, Amy***