About me 自己紹介

Sewing bags for friends and family

These are some bags that I've sewn recently for my friends and family as gifts...


Just like most of the bags I sew, these bags are fully reversible.  The bag has a tie ribbon closure.

私はリバーシブルのバッグが大好き。 もちろんこれらのバッグもリバーシブルです。 開き口には共布で作った紐を縫い付けました。

Made of Echino fabric

これは日本製の echino ブランドの布を使用。

Reversible side has a small pocket.

Boxy bag bottom can carry many items inside.


This one is made for my mom.

I used this turquoise color for the reverse side. Isn't this color stunning?


This lovely tree fabric is from our local Joann.

こちらの可愛い生地は近所の Joann にて購入しました。

Reverse side from Joann, too.

内布も Joann から。

These bags are foldable, so it can be rolled up into a compact size and kept in your purse at all times.  

Just say no to plastic bags with these bags! (lol)


Rolled up into a compact size


My ten year old is the model here in this photo. She got so tan :)


Thanks for visiting my blog and hope you all have a beautiful month of August!


***Love, Amy***

Cloth Diaper Bath Mats with Patchwork Binding

 Last week, I posted about this handmade gift that I created for my mother-in-law. So this week, I decided to post about what I created for my own mom recently, just to be fair to my both moms (lol). 

先週は、義母のために作った手作りギフトについてご紹介させていただいたので、今週は私の実母のために作ったギフトを紹介させていただきます。 二人の母に対して、不公平感のないようにしないとね(笑)。

These are bath mats made of cloth diapers. What? Cloth diapers? Yes, cloth diapers!
 Cloth diapers are super absorbent by its nature, and they are also very soft and comfy on our feet, so they make perfect bath mats (really)!


My mom is in her mid sixties and thankfully, she lives a very active life. So far, she has five grand kids (sixth one on its way :) and her grand kids really enjoy visiting their granny, especially over the summer.  So I made these bath mats with her grand kids in mind (including our own girls who just love to visit their granny)!!

私の実母は現在60代なかば。 お陰さまで毎日いろいろと忙しくしています。現在、母には5人の孫がいて(6人目が近々誕生します:)、孫たちは皆おばあちゃんちに遊びに行くのが大好き。 我が家の娘たちももちろんおばあちゃんが大好き。夏休み中は孫たちのおばあちゃん宅訪問が盛んになります。

In the past, I've made a couple of these cloth diaper bath mats for our home, such as this one shown above. I had piles of both used and unused cloth diapers that our girls used when they were babies, sitting in our closet for a while, so one day I came up with this idea of turning them into upcycled diaper bath mats. 

うちの娘たちがまだ赤ん坊だった頃に使った布オムツ(未使用のものも含む)の始末に困っていた時、バスマットに再利用することを思いつきました。 上の写真のマットもそうですが、我が家では布オムツ製のバスマットを数年前から愛用しています。

Well this time, I used brand new cloth diapers to make these bath mats. So mom, in case you're wondering, I only used the brand new cloth diapers to make your bath mats, so worry not!! (lol)

This is the good old Gerber 3-ply cloth diapers that I used.  They come in 10 pack, so I used six cloth diapers to make the bigger mat, and I used the remaining four cloth diapers to make the smaller mat.


I love the softness of cloth diapers, especially when they're straight out from the dryer. So warm and nice :)

洗濯後、乾燥機から出したばかりの布オムツの肌触りは最高です:) とってもふわふわなんですよ~。

To make these mats, I layered several cloth diapers together, and randomly machine stitched from top to bottom a couple of times to secure the fabrics together. 


Oh and BTW I've been using these sewing clips from Clover (red clips shown in above image) when holding several fabrics together in place.  They're very convenient and helpful compared to using the regular sewing pins, when sewing bulky items together.


 The binding tape is made by combining small pieces of fabric scraps. I cut them into 3" (7.5 cm) width and pieced them together randomly to make a long patchworked tape.


As you can see, the layered cloth diapers are pretty thick and has bulk. The patchwork tape is pressed in four-fold and they're used to sandwich the layers of diapers together.

その縁取りテープをアイロンで四つ折りにして、重ねて縫い合わせた布オムツマットを挟みます。 写真でもおわかりの通り、布オムツを重ねるとかなりの厚さに

I attached a small hook at the corner of each bath mat for convenience.


These bath mats turned out a bit wonky... but I think they still do the job as bath mats ;P


Hope my mom and her *crazy* grand kids step on my handmade bath mats over and over and make good use of them over the summer :D


Thanks for visiting my blog today and hope you continue to enjoy your summer!


Mini drawstring pouch with crochet bottom (purple)

Hello my fellow crafty friends :) 

Today I wanted to share about what I made for my mother-in-law recently. It's a mini drawstring bag with a round crocheted bottom. My mom-in-law is in her early eighties, and unfortunately, she suffers from several health issues right now. She no longer sews, but she used to be a skilled seamstress when she was younger.  She was a working mom who raised her two boys (including my hubby), sewing dresses and clothing for her customers.

義理の母に手作りギフトを作りました。 ニット底のミニ巾着です。 
義母の年齢は80代。 ここ数年は体調が芳しくなく、今ではミシンに向かうことはありませんが、若い頃は得意の洋裁で家計を支えつつ、息子たち(うちの夫を含む)を育て上げました。私など足元にも及ばない洋裁の腕前の持ち主なのです。

 The exterior polka dots fabric is from the Echino line. My mom-in-law and I have much in common, and we both love purple/violet/plum color range. (And we both love flashy leopard prints, too :) Therefore I selected this purple fabric for her. As you can see, interior fabric is a vivid purple to match the exterior.

義母と私は洋服などの好みが似ていて、紫系が好きなところも似ています。(派手なヒョウ柄プリントが好きなところも!笑)。今回は義母が気に入ってくれることを願って、やはり紫系の水玉模様の生地を表地にもってきました。 内布も鮮やかなパープルです。

The diameter of the round bottom is approximately 5 inches (12.5 cm). I crocheted the pouch's round bottom in our kitchen, while standing by our stove top, cooking spaghetti meat sauce for my family. Sorry, mom-in-law, if the pouch smells like pasta sauce (lol).

ニット底の直径は約12.5センチ。 キッチンで夕飯のミートソースを調理中、立ったままの状態でこのニット底部分をかぎ針で編みました。 出来上がった巾着はパスタソースの匂いがするかも・・・苦笑。

The yarn is Sugar'n Cream 100% cotton yarn in navy. I like to purchase these cotton yarns from our local Joann when they're on sale or whenever I have extra coupons in my hand. And I like to make small projects in my spare time.

毛糸は近所の手芸チェーン店 Joann で購入した100%コットン毛糸です。 毛糸のセール時を利用したり、割引クーポンを利用して毛糸を買い集めては、こんなふうにコツコツと小さなものを手作りするのが何よりの楽しみです♪

Small piece of floral ribbon is sewn along the side seam to add the *zakka* touch.

巾着の横にお花のリボンをはさんでみました。 雑貨ふうになったかな。


 And cute embellished balls are added at cord ends.


The size of the pouch is fairly small, about the size of a yarn ball. 


A yarn ball fits snugly inside the pouch.


When I began creating this pouch, I wasn't exactly sure how big or small the pouch will be, because I casually picked up a yarn ball and a hook and began crocheting without much planning. But my wish was to create something that is light and small enough to sit on my palm.  The end result: somehow the finished pouch turned out to be just the right size that I had in mind, which made me happy :)

この巾着はほとんど思いつきで作り始めたので、どのくらいの大きさに仕上がるか不明でしたが(笑)、義母が使いやすいように、小さめで軽いサイズになれば・・・と考えていました。 最終的には何とか手のひらサイズに仕上がったのでよかったです。

I plan to include a hand cream, a chapstick, and a pink lipstick inside this pouch and present it to my mom-in-law. Hope she likes my handmade gift made with lots of love and care... Although my handcrafting skills are waaay below her level ;P 

義母にプレゼントする予定です。 私の手芸レベルは義母のそれとは比べものになりませんが・・・気に入ってもらえたら嬉しいな。

Thanks for visiting my blog today and hope you're enjoying your summer days :) 

今日も最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございます。 皆さんも引き続き楽しい夏をお過ごしくださいね。

Reversible baby shoes and a peacock visit

Here's something I made some time ago - a pair of baby shoes.  The size is approximately 4 inches (10 cm) long, which should fit babies up to six to nine months old.

最近作ったもの。ベビーシューズです。 サイズは約10センチ。 

These shoes are fully reversible. Linen is used for the reversible side.  I think they turned out cute, but next time, I will use cotton prints on both sides of the shoes, as linen may be too hard on baby's feet... Also, I should of used cotton batting instead of fusible fleece, to add more softness.

このベビーシューズはリバーシブルで使えます。 裏側はリネンで仕上げました。
ただ、次回はリネンは用いずに両面コットンで仕上げたほうが赤ちゃんの足に優しいかな? ほかにも、キルト芯はやはりコットン100%を使ったほうがいいですね。(今回は、こちらでは一般的なフリース地のキルト芯を使用)。

And these are quick projects - kitchen scrubbies made of 100% acrylic yarns. I use these scrubbies to wash non-greasy dishes and glasses without using soap. It's eco-friendly and soft on my hands :)

I like to work on these quick and simple projects at our dining table while I watch our girls do their homework in our kitchen.

こちらはアクリル毛糸で編んだエコたわしです。 子供たちが日本語学校の宿題をするのを見ながら、キッチンのダイニングテーブルで編み編みしました。

Aside from crafting, look who's been visiting our backyard lately... yes, a peacock!

お客さん(?)の写真を紹介したいと思います。 そうです、孔雀です!

Do you remember when the female peacock laid eggs in our backyard a few years ago? I posted about it here and here and here.

数年前には、やはり孔雀が我が家の裏庭で巣を作り、赤ちゃん孔雀がうちの裏庭で誕生したことがありました。 その様子はこちらこちらこちらに記してあります。

Well this year, no eggs are laid in our backyard, but we still have regular visits from these green flying birds.  Yes, they are wild peacocks, and no, we don't live in a zoo! 

They cry pretty loud, too, often from very early morning to late at night.   

今年は我が家には巣はありませんが、孔雀はしょっちゅうやってきます。 ちなみに私たち一家は動物園に住んでいるわけではなく(笑)、この孔雀たちは野生です。


Thank you for visiting my blog and I'll come back soon :)
