About me 自己紹介

Day 3 of Zakka Handmades Blog Tour - Tea Rose Home ブログツアー3日目♪

I'm happy to announce that today is the Day 3 of Zakka Handmades Blog Tour!Today, the tour stops at Sachiko of Tea Rose Home who will be posting her zakka creation from my book, so be sure to check it out ;)

Note by author: Zakka(雑貨) in Japanese refers to small household goods used in everyday life. Handmade zakka adds charming and meaningful touch to our daily tasks!

今日は私の著書 Zakka Handmadesブログツアー3日目です。ブログツアーとは?についてはこちらをご覧下さい。→☆ 今日は、Tea Rose Home の Sachiko さんが、ブログにて私の著書を紹介してくださっています。Sachikoさんの手作り雑貨も必見です!

As you may already know, Sachiko is a popular blogger who is happily married with three beautiful children. She enjoys designing, quilting, sewing, working with beads, and restoring old items in her spare time - you will be amazed by her long list of helpful tutorials of lovely projects on her blog!

Sachiko さんは、手芸クラフト部門では知る人ぞ知る有名ブロガーさんです。家族構成は、ご主人と3人のお子さんたち。お忙しい毎日の合間を縫って、ご自身のオリジナル手芸作品のデザイン、キルト、ソーイング、ビーズアクセサリー作り、リメイク・・・などをされています。Sachiko さんのブログには、数々のTutorial(作り方レシピ)が掲載されていて、そのどれもがとても美しく、丁寧に作られている作品ばかりです。→☆

Here, Sachiko embellishes simple cardigan to a charming treasure packed with pretty flowers!

Don't forget to leave a comment on Sachiko's post to win a copy of my book!



There are more exciting stops during this blog tour:

6/24/13 - Kerry verykerryberry  (interview post)
6/26/13  Jeni In Color Order 
6/28/13  Sachiko Tea Rose Home 
7/1/13 – Amber One Shabby Chick 
7/3/13 – Kristen Feeling Stitchy 
7/5/13 – Hiromi Harujion Design 
7/8/13 – Amy nanaCompany 
7/10/13 – Lisa and Sarah A Spoonful of Sugar 
7/12/13 – Mette Erleperle   
7/15/13 – Sarah and Rachel Roxy Creations 
7/17/13 - Anna Noodlehead 


Thanks for stopping by and see you at the next stop!


***Love, Amy***

Day 2 of Zakka Handmades Blog Tour - In Color Order ブログツアー2日目♪

Adorable George ウサギのジョージ君

Today is Day 2 of Zakka Handmades Blog Tour and guess who is sharing her thoughts about my book? It's Jeni of In Color Order!  She's even sharing her zakka creation from my book, so hop on over to her blog to check it out!

Note by author: Zakka(雑貨) in Japanese refers to small household goods used in everyday life. Handmade zakka adds charming and meaningful touch to our daily tasks!

今日は私の著書 Zakka Handmadesブログツアー2日目です♪ 今日は In Color Order のジェニーさんが私の本をブログで紹介してくださっています。 今回、ジェニーさんは私の著書に掲載されている雑貨作品も作ってくださったのでそちらも必見です!→☆


As we all know, Jeni is a super talented quilter, instructor, sewing designer, fabric designer... and she has the cutest bunny named George! (Cute image at the top!)

To honor George, I decided to share with you some of my bunny related creations that I've made over the years...



Hopping bunny eraser stamp carved by me


More hand-carved eraser stamps of bunny, bird, star, and more 


Bunny softie and a bib set for baby


Peter Rabbit machine-appliqued pot holder


And here's an image of Bunny or Panda Soft Ring Toy from my book!


And don't forget to leave a comment on Jeni's post to win a copy of my book ;) 

And the blog tour continues...

6/24/13 - Kerry verykerryberry  (interview post)
6/26/13  Jeni In Color Order 
6/28/13  Sachiko Tea Rose Home 
7/1/13 – Amber One Shabby Chick 
7/3/13 – Kristen Feeling Stitchy 
7/5/13 – Hiromi Harujion Design 
7/8/13 – Amy nanaCompany 
7/10/13 – Lisa and Sarah A Spoonful of Sugar 
7/12/13 – Mette Erleperle   
7/15/13 – Sarah and Rachel Roxy Creations 
7/17/13 - Anna Noodlehead 

Thanks for stopping by and see you soon!


***Love, Amy***

Zakka Handmades blog tour kicks off at verykerryberry! ブログツアー、始まりました♪

I am losing my breath with excitement to announce that Zakka Handmades blog tour finally kicked off today, June 24th, at Kerry's blog! And she's posting an interview of me!! Ahhhhh!!  Go check it out... Hope you enjoy!!

Note by author: Zakka (雑貨)in Japanese refers to small household goods used in everyday life. Handmade zakka adds charming and meaningful touch to our daily tasks!

私の著書 Zakka Handmades を有名ブロガーさん11名がそれぞれのブログ記事で紹介して下さる、ブログツアー企画がいよいよスタートしました!ツアー初日はイギリス在住のケリーさんがなんと私のインタビュー記事を掲載して下さっています!全編英語ですがよかったらご覧になってみてくださいね。→☆(後日、日本語訳をご用意する予定ですのでお楽しみに♪)

Here's the schedule of the rest of the blog tour. 

6/24/13 - Kerry verykerryberry  (interview post)
6/26/13  Jeni In Color Order 
6/28/13  Sachiko Tea Rose Home 
7/1/13 – Amber One Shabby Chick 
7/3/13 – Kristen Feeling Stitchy 
7/5/13 – Hiromi Harujion Design 
7/8/13 – Amy nanaCompany 
7/10/13 – Lisa and Sarah A Spoonful of Sugar 
7/12/13 – Mette Erleperle   
7/15/13 – Sarah and Rachel Roxy Creations 
7/17/13 - Anna Noodlehead 

And did I mention that there is a giveaway of my book at every stop and much more?? 


So hop on over to the Kerry's post!  I'll see you there ;)


*** Love, Amy ***

Handmade Reversible Baby Shoes and My Blog Tour Coming Up! 手作りベビーシューズと、もうすぐブログツアー開始♪

I love making anything relating to babies, and stitching a pair of baby shoes is one of my favorite projects to make.   The step-by-step instructions for how to make this Reversible Baby Shoes is featured in my book :)

私は赤ちゃんのための小物を作るのが大好きです。中でも、ベビーシューズは作りながらも思わずニンマリしてしまう作品のひとつ^^ このベビーシューズはリバーシブル仕様になっており、作りかたは私の著書に掲載されています♪

 You may recall the above cut out pieces from my earlier post. As Maria guessed in her comment (thanks, Maria!) I was making a pair of tiny shoes for the little person :)

上の写真をおぼえていらっしゃいますか。少し前に、当ブログでチラ見せさせていただきました。→☆ これは、ベビーシューズ作りのための型紙&生地を裁断した時の一枚です。

This project can be made with two fat quarters (for the interior and exterior) and a small fabric strip for the straps. It's fairly simple to stitch than you might think.  Here, I used my favorite yellow floral prints for the shoes exterior and the tie ribbons are made of yellow and white polka dots prints.


 As you can see, I used bright pink and white polka dots prints for the reversible side. These shoes are made without any snaps, buttons, or exposed seams, so it's safe for the precious little feet!


Soft shoe soles and sides are padded with 100% cotton batting.  The project is small enough that it can be hand stitched throughout without using the sewing machine. 


Reversible baby shoe from my book...

Before I go... My palms are literally sweating with anticipation and joy that the Zakka Handmades Blog Tour will kick off on Monday, June 24th!  Woo hoo!  


You can check out the entire schedule here. See you all at the tour!


***Love, Amy***

Crochet Doily Pouch: Suggestion about the crochet gauge かぎ針あみのドイリー&リネンのポーチのゲージについて。

In my book, Zakka Handmades, there are three projects that incorporate simple crocheting. The Crochet Doily and Linen Pouch shown in the above image is one of them.

私の著書 Zakka Handmades には、かぎ針編みのパーツと布を組合わせた作品が3点掲載されています。上の写真の「かぎ針編みドイリー&リネンのポーチ」もそのひとつです。

I like to combine 100% cotton yarn with linen or cotton fabric to create unique texture to create my original handmade zakka.  I used Lily Sugar'n Cream yarns (yarn weight: medium 4) for the entire crochet projects introduced in the book,  including this Crochet Doily and Linen Pouch.

雑貨作りには、100%コットンの毛糸を使うのがお気に入りです。著書に掲載したかぎ針編みを使った3点の作品すべてには、Lily Sugar'n Cream yarns という、アメリカではごく一般的に入手できるコットン100%の毛糸を使いました。(上はその毛糸の写真です)。

Recently, I was kindly advised by my dear blog friend to inform my blog readers about the crochet tension or gauge of my Crochet Doily and Linen Pouch.


According to her, after crocheting the doily following my book instructions, hers turned out much bigger than the finished size specified on the book, while using the suggested yarn and a crochet hook size. (The suggested yarn weight and crochet hook: 4 Medium weight yarn and size 5.0 mm 8/H hook).  

というのも、本の作りかたを参考に指定の毛糸とかぎ針でポーチ用のドイリーを編んだところ、彼女のドイリーは指定のサイズよりもかなり大きく仕上がってしまったそうです。(著書では、USA 規格 4 Medium のコットン100%毛糸を使用、かぎ針サイズは 5.0 mm 8/H となっています)。

Why the difference in finished size? 

If you crochet or knit, you know that everyone crochets/knits with different tensions. That's why it's important to check your gauge by stitching a sample swatch (usually a 4" x 4" square of crocheted rows) before you begin crocheting the project. 


For this doily pouch, here's the suggestion.  Instead of stitching a sample swatch of rows and rows of stitches, measure the doily size after stitching the first row (first round) to check your tension.


Use medium weight (4) yarn (I used Lily's Sugar'n Cream yarn) and a crochet hook size 5.0 mm or US H/8 to crochet the doily, based on the stitch instruction from the book. After the first row (first round), check the doily size as follows:
  • If your doily's diameter measures approximately 1.5" or (3.75 cm), continue stitching
  • If your doily is much smaller (or tighter) than 1.5", unravel, and change to a bigger hook.
  • If the doily is much bigger (or looser) than 1.5", unravel, and change to a smaller hook.
  • Keep changing your hook size and continue crocheting until you reach the desired size.

US仕様 Medium weight (4) の毛糸(今回の作品には Lily's Sugar'n Cream yarn を使用)と、かぎ針 5.0 mm(USサイズ H/8) を使って、の編み図を参考にドイリーを編み始めてください。1段目(1周目)を編み終わった時点で:
  • ドイリーの直径が約3.75センチの場合→そのまま編み続ける。
  • ドイリーの直径が3.75センチよりも小さい場合→指定のかぎ針よりも大きめの針に変えて編み直す。
  • ドイリーの直径が3.75センチよりも大きい場合→指定のかぎ針よりも小さめの針に変えて編み直す。
  • 1段目を編んだ時点でドイリーの直径が3.75センチに近づくまで、針を変えて編み直してください。

As an end result, the finished doily (after 4 rows) should measure approximately 4.25" (10.8 cm) in diameter. Of course, the doily size can go slightly off, but as long as it's near this size, you will be able to create your doily pouch in a breeze!

最終的には、4段目を編んだ時点でドイリーの直径は約10.8センチ大になるように編んでください。 もちろん、多少の誤差があってもまったく問題ありません。但し、あまりにも違いすぎると布部分(本体ポーチ部分)とサイズが合わなくなってしまうのでご注意ください。

Hope this suggestion is helpful. Thank you my friend, for the wonderful suggestion!  Happy crocheting♪

今回の記述がドイリーポーチを編むときのご参考になれば嬉しいです。今回の簡単ゲージ計算法を提案してくださったブログ友達にはとても感謝しています。 ハッピー編みもの♪

***Love, Amy***

Patchwork coasters for gifts パッチワークのコースター作り

I whipped up patchwork coasters for last minute gifts.   

These are really quick to make and it's a great way to make use of those bits and pieces of fabric remnants that continue to grow in my sewing space...


Reverse side is simple polka dots in bright pink on white.


Each coaster is individually wrapped in a cello bag with some sweet goodies inside. Can you see the tiny coffee cup stamped on the white label sticker?  I used my hand carved eraser stamp to create an original gift tag (sticker label).


Hope the recipients enjoy their coffee (or tea) time with my handmade coasters!


*** Love Amy ***

Celebrating Father's Day one cake at a time... 父の日ケーキ…2つ?!

Happy Father's Day to the hard working, family loving, and thoughtful fathers, father-in-laws, grandfathers, uncles, husbands, and all the fatherly figures out there! 

今日は父の日。世の中のお父さん、お義父さん、お祖父さん、伯父(叔父)さん、そして普段から父のような存在で周囲を温かく見守ってくださっている方々へ。 いつもありがとうございます♪

We are celebrating our Father's day here, one cake at a time... Just too much cakes to eat!


Actually, I was too busy today with our girls' activities so I asked my hubby to pick up his own "Happy Father's Day" cake from the bakery that I pre-ordered.  When he returned, he brought home with his favorite Japanese style fluffy cheesecake with "Happy Father's Day" chocolate on the top, plus another family sized chocolate cake in his hands!  Which is just too many cakes for a family of four... but who can complain? It's Father's Day! 


I managed to cut up the pieces for my next project.  Can you tell what the pieces are for?


Hope you're enjoying your Father's Day with your loved ones. 


***Love, Amy***

Storing eraser stamps in my grandpa's toolbox 祖父が作った道具箱に消しゴムはんこを収納しました。

I organized my carved eraser stamp collection recently.  These stamps are hand carved by me using eraser blocks and a sharp craft knife.


I decided to store the entire stamps, carving tools, and inks into this toolbox that I inherited from my maternal aunt. 

My grandpa had a total of five daughters, and he made this handmade toolbox for each and every daughter when he was still active (a total of five toolboxes). My grandpa passed away almost three decades ago, but his toolbox is still being used, now by me!

消しゴムはんこ、ナイフ類、はんこ用消しゴム、スタンプなど一式を、母方の伯母から譲り受けた道具箱に収納しました。 私の母は5人姉妹です。 この道具箱は今は亡き祖父が生前、娘5人のために一人にひとつずつ、丹精こめて作ったものです。

The toolbox is structured in accordion fold style in two tiers. I'm not sure what kind of wood is used.


Now that my entire stamp carving items are organized in one place, it's so convenient and everything is easily accessible.



Thanks to my aunt for letting me use this precious toolbox, and a huge thanks to my grandpa for making such a lovely gift!


***Love Amy***

Knitting while I wait (sashay ruffle scarf) 待ち時間は編み時間♪(ふりふりスカーフ)

This morning I spent almost two hours sitting at our local DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) office waiting to get my driver's license renewed.  And this is what I did while I waited to keep myself busy.


If you are interested in how to knit this scarf, check out my earlier post here.  This is a really easy project that doesn't require much concentration, so it's perfect to bring along to your DMV office! lol


For me, waiting isn't bad at all as long as I can keep my hands busy :) In fact, knitting at DMV was actually fun! 


***Love, Amy***