About me 自己紹介

What I've been up to... making of new zakka patterns♪ 新作雑貨パターン制作中♪

(Scrappy log cabin making)

Taxes are filed and the Easter is over... and guess what I've been up to lately?


...I've been squeezing in stitching time as much as possible during my work day and night, making new zakka patterns!


Unfortunately I cannot show you what I'm making now, but here are a quick peek of  what I've made recently... This one is a handmade bias tape using mini strawberry fabric.


...My original fabric stamps. 
Check out my book if you're interested in making these cuties yourself :D


Actually, stitching is the easy part.  I can sew all day long humming and smiling (if I'm allowed to do so). On the other hand, writing up patterns is a serious business for me and I try my bestest best to write up easy-to-follow instructions with clear diagrams. It's no laughing matter, yet I'm determined to share with you the joy of making handmade zakka with you! ;-)

My new zakka patterns will be introduced at Spring Quilt Market at Seven Islands Fabric's booths.  Stay tuned for more info to come!


新作雑貨パターンは5月のSpring Quilt Market(ペンシルバニア州ピッツバーグ市にて開催)にて、Seven Islands Fabric さんのブースにて展示・販売されます。詳細はまた追ってご報告させてくださいね♪

***Love, Amy***

Find me on Facebook (Amy Morinaka) →☆
Follow me on Instagram (chickchicksewing) →★

Happy Easter! from my handmade linen bunnies ♪ リネンのウサギさんから、ハッピーイースター♪

Just dropping by to wish you all have a Happy Easter Sunday...


... from my handmade linen bunnies!


Our neighbor brought over these yummy bunny chocolates for our girls today. But before we knew it, our youngest girl ate her bunny in a blink of an eye! I have no idea where she got her "chocoholic-ness" from! lol


Enjoy your Sunday!

***Love, Amy***

Cinamoroll iPad cover for my daughter ♪長女にシナモロールの iPad カバー♪

Per request from my fourteen year old daughter, I made this iPad cover using Japanese character fabric (Cinamoroll).  I have made a couple of iPad covers in the past, and once again I followed this awesome tutorial by one shabby chic. The entire cover is machine quilted throughout, which gives a good protection against everyday use.

我が家の14才の長女のために、手持ちのシナモロール(サンリオ)の生地を使ってiPadケースを作りました。作り方はこちらのレシピを参考にしています。 →☆ このカバー、全体をミシンキルトしているのでとても丈夫な仕上がりです。

Actually, using the same Cinamoroll fabric, I have made a laptop cover for this girl before (above photo to the left).  She has been using my hubby's old laptop until now for her school work, social media, and such...


But now she took over my iPad, so she needed a new cover!


This is the cover I had been using until now to protect my iPad. I liked it, but my daughter wanted something else that better suits her taste. Talk about fabric pickiness! And I wonder where she got it from... lol

これはこれまで私が使っていた手作りの iPadカバーです。長女は一体誰に似たのか・・・生地の好き嫌いが激しいです(笑)。私がこれまで使っていた iPadカバーの柄では不服らしく、シナモンちゃん(シナモロール)の生地で作って~~と依頼されました。

Now we have two iPad covers for just one iPad...


Aside from the above two iPad covers, do you recall this iPad cover that I made for my sis earlier?  

そうそう、我が家で使用中の iPad カバー以外にも、少し前には妹から頼まれてこのハミガキ柄の iPad カバーを作ったことも思い出しましたよ。詳しくはこちらの記事に。→☆

I wasn't sure if we needed another iPad cover, but I think it all worth it as my girl seems happy with her new iPad cover...! 

 iPad カバーばかりそんなにいらないとは思いましたが、長女が新しいカバーを喜んで使っている様子をみたらまあいいか・・・という気になりました。バカ親ですね~、はい。^^;

***Love, Amy***

Zakka Pattern Overview: Pyramid Zipper Pouch and Sachet ☆ オリジナル雑貨パターンより 「三角ポーチとサシェ」

This post is part of a series to introduce my original zakka patterns in detail. Today's pattern under spotlight is Pyramid Zipper Pouch and Sachet

Because there is a limit on the number of photos and descriptions that I can post on my etsy shop listing, I'd like to provide you with more information about my individual patterns on my blog posts.


The pattern is available in my etsy shop.  It comes in a PDF format which includes step-by-step instructions with easy to follow diagrams. Once purchased, the pattern can be downloaded over and over from your account. 

If you are interested in carrying my *printed* pattern in your shop for retail purposes, they are available through Seven Islands, Inc., a major wholesaler of imported Japanese fabrics located in Torrance, CA.


または、ショップオーナーの方で販売用にプリント済みのパターンをお求めの場合は、直接 Seven Islands Inc. さん(日本からの輸入生地専門卸業者)から卸売価格で購入していただけます。

This is a compact sized pouch (4 1/2" in height), which means you only need a few scraps of fabric and a zipper to make it (4" zipper is used). The pouch is fully lined.


Back side


Upside down?


The above Pyramid pouches are made from floral print, gingham print, and linen. 


You know, I like to add small embellishments to my handmade pouches... For this pouch, I've stitched  a folded ribbon trim to the pouch front.


Here, the binding is stitched on to the pouch's front.


And a small zipper ball adds that special *zakka* touch...


Small zipper ball is hand stitched to the zipper pull.


This project makes a perfect last minute gift... 
Or you can make it for yourself and store secret candies inside like I do! lol


The pattern includes instructions to make these mini pyramid sachets using remnant fabrics and a handful of dried lavender.


Hope you have a  chance to check this out and other zakka patterns in my shop!
Enjoy your stitching moments...


***Love, Amy***

My recent fabric purchases ♪最近買った生地など♪

Sewing rows of scraps...

Lately, I've been very busy designing my new zakka patterns to introduce to you this Spring.  I am making things every night and day, but I can't show you the images here yet (sorry...)  Check out my shop for the current selection of my original zakka patterns.




 Instead, I'd like to share with you my recent fabric purchases here. Designing new patterns gives me a wonderful excuse to buy more fabrics! lol


Japanese Kokka fabrics from Momen Plus, my favorite local store located in Torrance, CA.

写真上は日本製コッカの生地。 近所にあるお気に入りの生地屋さんMomen Plusさんにて求めました。

More beautiful fabrics from Momen Plus!

写真上も、Momen Plus さんにて購入した生地です♪

Moda April Showers fat eighths bundle by Bonnie and Camille that I got from this Etsy store located in California.  I especially love the umbrella fabric in the center!

お次は Bonnie and Camille さんというアメリカの人気キルト作家兼ファブリックデザイナーである母子コンビの最新コレクション April Showers からカットクロスのセットです。このオンラインショップにて購入しましたよ。中央の傘の生地がお気に入りです♪

And look at these beautiful feedsack fabrics I snatched from this Etsy shop! The kind shop owner carries precious fabrics and notions that I had such hard time narrowing down my selection...


Wishing you all have a stitchy kind of week♪♪  See you again soon!


***Love, Amy***