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Patchwork needlebooks made for my crafty friends ♥ 手作りニードルブックのプレゼント ♥ 

Today I'd like to show you what I had stitched for my crafty girlfriends as holiday gifts this year... Patchwork needlebooks!


I followed an awesome tutorial by my talented friend, Amy of nanaCompany. You can find the tute here.  It's super adorable and highly recommended project!!

作り方はこちらのレシピを参考にしました。→☆ 親しくさせていただいているブロガー友達のAmyさんのブログ nanaCompanyより。

For the inside (needle holding pages) I did not have good felt sheets on hand (100% wool felts are probably the best to store needles)... So instead, I used 100% cotton batting (I selected the thickest batting I had on hand).  It may not be the best option available, but hopefully it works!


Reverse side of the needlebooks.


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And above image is the "genuine" needlebook that Amy of nanaCompany had made for me recently. (Check out this post for our first get together!)  As I immediately fell in love with her work, I decided to make a couple more for my girlfriends... Hope my crafty friends like it as much as I liked mine!

そしてこちらのニードルブックは本家本元、レシピ考案者の nanaCompany ブログの Amyさんからいただいたものです♪(初のオフ会についてはこちらから→★)とっても可愛くて一目で気に入ったので、今回私も友人たちにプレゼントさせていただきました。 友人たちにも気に入って使ってもらえたら嬉しいな♥

***Love, Amy***

Find me on Facebook (Amy Morinaka) →☆
Follow me on Instagram @chickchicksewing →★

Sewing for my newborn nephew♪ 甥っ子君に手作りベビーギフト♪

When my nephew was born in October, I was so happy that I immediately began stitching his initial and birth date onto a piece of linen...


... to create this simple patchwork drawstring bag.


Then I whipped up these handmade bibs for him... 

Actually I wanted to keep on stitching more handmade goodies for the cutest baby boy but due to the lack of time... I instead rushed to our local Target store and bought more baby stuff! lol

その後もちくちくと手作りビブなど作ってみました。 本当はもっとハンドメイドのギフトを作り続けたかったのですが時間的制約もあり。。。

Here is what I got from our local Target store for my baby nephew. (Oh and the chocolates are for the new mom and dad!)


I packed everything up and shipped to my youngest brother's family who lives in Tokyo. Hope the baby likes the gift!


***Love, Amy (the proud aunty ♥)***

Find me on Facebook (Amy Morinaka) →☆
Follow me on Instagram @chickchicksewing →★

Happy Holidays from my little Kotori bird ☆ 小鳥ポーチよりホリデーシーズンのご挨拶☆彡

Hello my friends! I'm just dropping by to wish you all have a safe and happy holiday season with your loved ones... 


Wishing you the best from my original *kotori* zipper pouch holiday version! (lol)  
Note: Kotori refers to little bird in Japanese. The pouch pattern is featured in my book, Zakka Handmades


***Love, Amy***

Find me on Facebook (Amy Morinaka) →☆
Follow me on Instagram @chickchicksewing →★

Puffy Ponytail Bows made from my book ♥ふわふわリボンゴムたくさん作りました♥


I stayed up late last night to put together these "puffy ponytail bows" for my oldest girl. As you may already know from my previous post, my fourteen year old loves pastel colors, hence she selected these fabrics.

♫母さんが~夜なべをして~リボンゴムを作りました~♪ すみません字余りですが(笑)昨夜は深夜までこんなの作っていた母さんです。前回に引き続いて今回も中学生長女からのリクエスト作品です。

These were made for my daughter and her friends. I had to rush to make these last night because she wanted to bring these to school on Monday morning for some sort of school activity. (And today is Sunday)!


Here's the view of the back side of the ponytail bows...


The project is featured in my book, Zakka Handmades


***Love, Amy***
Find me on Facebook (Amy Morinaka) →☆
Follow me on Instagram @chickchicksewing →★

Handmade Bow Pouch for the teenage girl ♪ハンドメイドのリボンポーチ♪

I've been making things here and there, yet I just haven't had a chance to post pics on my blog with the start of the holiday madness!  Let me quickly show you this handmade bow pouch that I whipped up over the Thanksgiving weekend per request of my fourteen year old daughter.


Actually, it was made for a good friend of my daughter as a birthday gift. As always, my daughter selected the fabrics (She loves pastel pink!)


Pattern is my original. 


I like to add a small embellishment ball to the zipper pull...


A birthday gift is complete with a Starbucks gift card inside of course!


Of course now I need to make two more of the same pouch for two of my own girls!


***Love, Amy***

Find me on Facebook (Amy Morinaka) →☆
Follow me on Instagram @chickchicksewing →★