About me 自己紹介

Good bye California... Hello Japan! さらばカリフォルニア~日本へ引越します☆彡

Cute embroidered applique patches from Japan

First off, I apologize for the non-existence... It's been quite some time since I blogged here and I truly missed posting about my latest handmade creations!


Fabrics from Japan

The truth is, I haven't had a chance to create for a while, because we are in the midst of our family move to... Tokyo, Japan!! The move is due to my hubby's business and we are moving in just a few more days!!


Colorful acrylic yarns from Yuzawaya, Japan

Our family stayed in Tokyo for over a month in early this year, to take care of our girls' school issues and to settle down in our new place prior to our real move (scheduled in end of March).


Sanrio World, in Ginza, Tokyo, Japan

Now we're back in California, packing things up for our final move and saying good-byes to our good friends (the worst part...)


Local shrine in Tokyo

This move is going to bring major changes to all of us, because we have enjoyed the sunny California lifestyle for too long! (Almost thirty years for my hubby and I, and for our teenage girls,  their entire lives were spent here.)


From the train station near Kamakura, Japan

We have been preparing for this move for the past few years. As a mom, my major concern was our girls' school issues, whether they can get into schools of their choice and to get accustomed to the school life in Japan. (In Japan, getting into high school is like getting into college in the U.S. - kids are required to study hard to get accepted in the schools of their choice).


Green tea ice cream parfait from cafe in Tokyo

There were emotional moments... but I am so proud of my girls for studying very hard and getting accepted at the schools of their choice (high school for our oldest, and middle school for our youngest). They are finally ready to start new school year in Japan, which begins from April in the Japanese school system.


Cold soba or buckwheat noodles and tempura dinner

We will badly miss our wonderful friends, the beautiful Southern California weather, and the In-n-Out burgers! For me, I will definitely miss the American fabrics...

カリフォルニアの温暖な気候や、近所のハンバーガーショップの名物バーガー(In-n-Out Burgers)、そしてこれまでこの地で仲良くお付き合いしていただいた友人知人との別れはそれはそれは悲しく辛いです(涙、涙…)。手芸を愛する者としては今後はアメリカの生地を入手するのが難しくなると思うとそれも寂しい~。

Me, in front of huge Buddha statue in Kamakura, Japan

However, we are ready to start our new venture in my home country. After all, it's great to be reunited with my hubby's and my family members in Japan. And more than anything, we wish that this experience will be a positive one for our girls.


Packing, packing, packing...

 I look forward to post about our new life in Tokyo. Wish us luck and see you soon!!

Oh and don't forget to check my instagram account @chickchicksewing - I try to post frequently than I do with my blog!

このブログも次回は日本から更新することになるかと思いますが、皆さま、引き続きよろしくお願いします♪ (スマホでインスタグラムをされる方は私のアカウント@chickchicksewing もチェックしてくださいね!)では皆さまもどうかお元気でおすごしください。☆彡

With lots of love from California,
***Amy Morinaka***

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