About me 自己紹介

Hello from my new sewing space in Tokyo♪ 新居のミシンスペース整いました♪

Hello everyone! 

Just dropping by to let you know that I was able to set up my sewing space here in our new place in Tokyo, upon arrival of our moving packages. It took more than a month to receive my sewing machine and the rest of our moving boxes via ocean from U.S.!! It sure was a long wait!!


While my sewing machine was still in transit, I started English Paper Piecing (EPP) project using these gorgeous fabrics from Lecien (Retro 30's).

ミシンが手元になかった間には手縫いでパッチワークなどをしていました。ご覧の生地はルシアンさんの可愛い Retro 30's のラインから。

Yes, hand stitching definitely takes more time, but it's really nice and relaxing...


I still have bunch of boxes to unpack and organize (our house is a huge mess!), but I can't be happier now that my sewing machine all set up and ready to sew♡

What have you sewn lately? Hope you enjoy your spring sewing!

家の中はまだ段ボールの山、山、山、でしっちゃかめっちゃかですが(^^); とりあえずはミシンスペースが確保できて大満足です♪ 皆さんもどうかソーイングタイムを満喫してお過ごしくださいね♡

Hugs from Tokyo,
***Amy Morinaka***

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