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♥Sew Illustrated Blog Tour and Book Giveaway♥ アメリカの手芸本 Sew Illustrated のご紹介とプレゼント企画 ♥

I'm so happy to be part of the Sew Illustrated blog tour today! 

Sew Illustrated: 35 Charming Fabric & Thread Designs: 16 Zakka Projects is a book packed with sweetly designed projects and useful techniques and tips, written by Minki Kim and Kristin Esser. I had been a huge admirer of the beautifully stitched sewing illustration projects by the ladies, so it's so exciting to be part of their blog tour today.

アメリカ在住の手芸家 Minki Kimさんと Kristin Esserさんがこのたび著書 Sew Illustrated を出版されました。→☆今日はそのブログツアーの一環でお二人の最新著書をご紹介させていただきますね。

From this book you will learn the methods of free motion stitching and machine applique techniques to create beautiful projects or to embellish your original handmade projects and gifts 💕 Once you get the hang of "sewing illustration" methods, design possibilities are endless - e.g. , sewing your children's drawings, stamped images, or even a traced photo to zakka items - will add special touch to your handmade projects and gifts.

本では、主にミシンステッチを使ったフリーモーション刺しゅうやアップリケの技法をふんだんに取り入れた作品を紹介されています。作品はどれも本当に可愛いくて見ているだけで楽しいのです❣ 全編英語ですが写真も多く、とてもわかりやすく技法を説明されています。本で紹介されている技法をもとにオリジナル作品を作るのもいいですね。

So here's what I chose to make from the book - House Zipper Pouch❣ In the book, Minki stitched her daughter's name above the door (as you can see from the front cover of the book), but I skipped that process and instead added a small door knob (a light blue button) to embellish the exterior panel.

今回私が作ったのはこちら↑ おうちのポーチです。本の掲載作品ではポーチのドア上部分に著者Minkiさんのお嬢さんのお名前をフリーモーションステッチされていますが(表紙作品参照)私はその代わりにドアノブ用に水色のボタンを縫い付けてみました。

The book comes with clear step-by-step instructions with lots of beautiful photos and diagrams to follow.  It was especially fun to fussy cut the little girl, a dog, and birds from scraps to create windows and to attach them with fusible web!

ポーチ作りで一番楽しかった過程がこちら。 おうちの窓部分に使う女の子、わんちゃん、鳥さんなどを手持ちのハギレ布から切り取ってアイロン両面接着シートで指定の位置に接着しました。その後ミシンでアップリケしました。

Installing zipper was a snap❣


Although it wasn't indicated on the book, I decided to add straps to the "roof" of the house.  If you decide to add straps to the pouch as I did, I highly recommend that you stitch them before installing the zipper. (I added straps after installing the zipper). 


For interior I used solid yellow - so happy and bright!


I love how my house pouch turned out. 
Every time I peek through each window it makes me smile ^^


You may want to check out this exciting video by visiting Minki and Kristin's YouTube channel for a sneak peek inside the book!


Check out the other blog hop stops hosted by a set of talented designers/bloggers/artists!


August 15: C&T Publications
August 16: nanaCompany
August 17: zakkaArt
August 18: Down Grapevine Lane
August 19: A Spoonful of Sugar
August 20: chick chick sewing ←You're here! 今日はここ♥
August 21: Stacy Olson
August 24: Sarana Ave
August 25: cafenohut
August 26: Oh,how sweet
August 27: Tied with a Ribbon
August 28: VividFelicity
August 30: ellis & higgs
August 31: pretty by hand
September 2: Cloverand Violet
September 3: Auribuzz
September 4: Minki at Minki’s Work Table and Kristin at They Grow Up Too Fast

C&T Publishing has offered to giveaway a copy of the book at every stop!

  • The giveaway is open worldwide until August 31One winner will be chosen.
  • Leave a comment on this blogpost and the winner will be announced by email and on my blogpost.
  • If the winner is in the U.S., a hard copy of the book is received. If the winner resides outside of U.S., an e-book will be received.
Good luck!


出版社のC&T Publishing様より今回出版された本のプレゼント企画があります❣ 当選者はお一人。締め切りは8月31日です。当選者の方にはeメールでご連絡をした後、当ブログで発表させていただきます。


Giveaway is now closed. Winner will be announced shortly.

Happy stitching♪

***Amy Morinaka***

Find me on Facebook (Amy Morinaka) →☆
Follow me on Instagram @chickchicksewing →★

Making Patchwork *Gamaguchi* Wallet or Metal Frame Coin Purse ♥ パッチワークのがま口財布を作りました♥

Here's my recent handmade item: patchwork gamaguchi wallet or metal frame coin purse I whipped up for a good friend of mine for her birthday. 

My girlfriend and I met while working at a same restaurant when we were still teenagers (which is long long time ago as you can imagine!) We had been close since then despite living in the other side of the globe - U.S. and Japan. Now that I moved back to Japan, my girlfriend and I are reunited again.


The cross-stitched initial "E" in the center of the front panel is my friend's initial. I love adding personal touch to handmade gifts!


Interior of purse is turquoise blue.


Back side 


Do you recall these handmade cards I made using my hand carved stamps recently?


The handmade card goes well with the gamaguchi coin purse when packed together.


Wrapped in a clear bag with a tied red ribbon 💕 The gift is complete!


To celebrate her birthday, I invited my friend over to our tiny apartment with my home cooked meal.  

Chat. Eat. Drink. Repeat. Well basically that's all we did that afternoon at our kitchen table for seven hours straight - which was just great! You know, time just flies when you're with a good friend. There's just so much to catch up!


Wishing you enjoy your August with your family and friends❣


***Amy Morinaka***

Find me on Facebook (Amy Morinaka) →☆
Follow me on Instagram @chickchicksewing →★