About me 自己紹介

Zakka Pattern Overview: Travel Organizer ☆ 私のオリジナル雑貨パターンより 「パスポートケース」

This post is part of a series to introduce my newly released zakka patterns in detail. Today's pattern under spotlight is Travel Organizer

Because there is a limit on the number of photos and descriptions that I can post on my etsy shop listing, I will provide you with more information about my individual patterns on my blog posts.

Hello everyone!

First of all, many thanks to you for checking out my newly released (eight) zakka patterns in my etsy shop! And for those who actually purchased my patterns through my shop or through Seven Islands Inc (for wholesale purchases), thank you very much!  Today, I'd like to provide you with more info and images of my Travel Organizer pattern.

今月初旬の雑貨パターン販売開始と同時に私のオンラインショップを覗いてくださった皆さん、ありがとうございました! オンラインショップから雑貨パターンを購入してくださった方々、または、Seven Islands Inc. さん(日本からの輸入生地専門卸業者)から直接パターンを購入して下さったショップオーナーの皆さんには厚くお礼申し上げます。

To make this Travel Organizer, you will need 1/2 yard of lightweight canvas or home decor weight fabric for the main fabric, and one fat quarter of solid cotton for the lining. Other supplies required include batting, interfacing, one 7" zipper, snap fastener (size 16), and a snap setting tool of your choice.


This is a 4 page pattern with illustrated instructions. If you have seen my book, you know my style. The pattern is laid out in a similar way as it is in my book, with step-by-step instructions and easy-to-follow diagrams. 

If you purchase my patterns via Etsy, once your payment is processed, the PDF pattern can be instantly downloaded. You can print out the pattern sheets from your account as many times as you wish.


This is a very convenient travel organizer that securely holds passport(s), identification cards, credit cards, and other important documents altogether. Or, you can use it as everyday organizer to hold daily planner, store coupons, shop cards, and business cards, all in one place!


There is one large zipper pocket, two large compartments, and six card slots for maximum storage. Step by step instruction to install one zipper pocket (7" zipper) is included.


For setting snap fastener (size 16), you may use your favorite snap setter of your choice. I used The SnapSetter© from SnapSource and a hammer to set snap fastener, which I find it very user friendly. Instead of snap fastener, you can use an ordinary sew-on snap, too.

スナップファスナー(アメリカサイズ16。日本では11mm)の取付けには様々な道具がありますが、私はThe SnapSetter(写真参照)を愛用しています。もちろん、留め具にはスナップファスナーではなく、普通の縫い付けタイプのファスナーボタンを使われてもいいですね。

Setting snap fastener using SnapSetter

ハンマーと SnapSetter を使えば、簡単にスナップファスナーがつけられます。

Approximate finished size is 5"W x 7-1/2"L (when closed).


For this Travel Organizer (in bunny fabric above), I used a button and an elastic instead of snap fastener. I personally like the finish of the snap fastener better (it's more sturdy) but the choice is up to you.


Check this and other zakka patterns in my shop

Thank you so much for visiting my blog today... Wishing you have a lovely Thanksgiving holiday with your loved ones^^


アメリカでは今週末はサンクスギビングです。皆さんご家族で楽しい時間をお過ごしくださいね♪ 今日も最後までお付き合いいただいてありがとうございました。

***Love, Amy***

My facebook (Amy Morinaka) →☆
My instagram (chick chick sewing) →☆

Holiday fabric rag wreath 2013 ハギレで作る布リース(2013年)

Holidays are just around the corner and I've noticed that many viewers are visiting my fabric rag wreath tutorial that I put together a couple of years ago. Recently, I was happy to learn that the same tutorial was featured on All Free Sewing website as "Spirit of Christmas Fabric Wreath"!

クリスマスを来月に控えて、最近ではたくさんの方々が過去に当ブログに掲載した、ハギレで作る布リース作り方を見に来てくださっているようです。 つい先日には All Free Sewing というサイトでも私の布リース作り方を掲載していただきました。

So, I decided to make the 2013 version of my holiday fabric rag wreath based on my own tutorial.  The size of this wreath is rather small (I used 10" styrofoam wreath here) than the one I've shown in the tutorial.


I started out using scraps of green fabrics and linen...


Then added red and white gingham check to add that holiday kick to the wreath.


The styrofoam wreath is covered with holiday-colored fabric scraps.



The bow completes the fabric rag wreath!

Once you have all the fabric scraps cut into 2" squares using pinking shears, making this wreath is fairly quick and simple. It will be a safe and fun project to work with young children.

最後にリボンをつけたらもう完成です♪ このリース、ピンキングはさみを使ってハギレを5センチ大にカットする作業さえ済めば、あとはとても簡単に仕上がります。小さなお子さんでも、ママやパパと一緒に楽しく作れると思います。

If you are interested in making your own fabric rag wreath, check out my  tutorial here.


Or you can check out my YouTube video tutorial, too. Enjoy your holiday preparation by creating your own fabric rag wreath with your loved ones! 


***Love, Amy***

Sewing for our girls: Peko-chan tote bag ペコちゃんバッグ完成♪

Peko-chan fabric from Japan 


Lately I've been doing lots of catch-up sewing for our girls. Over the past few months, my mind was pretty much occupied with the release of my new zakka patterns, so I literally had no time to sew for them...  

But I finally decided to tackle the sewing requests from our girls a.s.a.p. before the holiday craziness strikes our household soon! lol


So here's the tote bag that I stitched up for my youngest girl recently. She selected the Peko-chan fabric that I got from Japan this summer.  

In case you're wondering, Peko-chan is the girl in pigtails with her tongue sticking out from the side of her mouth. She is the advertising mascot of Fujiya, or popular confectionery store in Japan.


Milky candy featuring Peko-chan


Just like many bags I create, this one is totally reversible in design. The reversible side is pink x pale blue polka dots combination.


And guess what? Per request of my daughter, I ended up sewing two tote bags using the same Peko-chan fabric! One is for our girl, and another is going to be her BFF's birthday gift.  


The girls go to the same Japanese school together on every Saturdays. They have been real good friends from 1st grade. (The girls are in 6th grade right now).


I fussy cut the "Milky" logo from the fabric and stitched it on to the inside pocket for this bag.


For this bag, I fussy cut a small "Happy" logo on the lining pocket, just for fun!

色違いのバッグには Happyの文字をカットして縫い付けてみましたよ。

These bags are made to fit all of their textbooks, notebooks, pencil cases, and other supplies needed for their Japanese school. 

Getting up early on every Saturday mornings to go to their second school is not always fun for the kids (and not to mention the weekly homework load they get from JP school)! But I hope that carrying these matching bags make the girls enjoy going to school together on Saturdays... Hopefully.



***Love, Amy***

My zakka patterns are now on sale in my etsy shop! オンラインショップでオリジナル雑貨パターンの販売開始しました♪

I am excited to announce that my original zakka sewing patterns are now available in my etsy shop! There are eight downloadable patterns in total. Once your payment is processed, you can print out the patterns over and over from your etsy account. Hope you have a chance to stop by at my shop to check them out!


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Thank you so much for taking a look at my patterns... You can find out more about each individual pattern in my shop!

The printed patterns are also available for wholesale purchases through Seven Islands, Inc., a major Japanese fabric distributor, located in Torrance, CA, or contact me at any time.

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他にも、アメリカ国内のショップのオーナーの方でパターンの店頭販売をご希望の方は Seven Islands, Inc.さんまでお問い合わせいただくか、私まで直接ご連絡ください。


*** Love, Amy ***