Edited to Add: Youtube tutorial (5:19) is also available here.
Would you like to decorate your home with a beautiful handmade wreath for this holiday season? And wouldn't it be nice if you can make good use of those ever growing fabric scraps in your sewing room?
If you answered yes to both of these questions, this tutorial is for you! This is a quick and simple no sew project, yet it sure adds that special touch to your home. I also think the handmade wreaths will make great holiday gifts for your friends, teachers, and family members.
Okay, let's begin. Here are the required supplies:
If you answered yes to both of these questions, this tutorial is for you! This is a quick and simple no sew project, yet it sure adds that special touch to your home. I also think the handmade wreaths will make great holiday gifts for your friends, teachers, and family members.
Okay, let's begin. Here are the required supplies:
You will need: 使用する材料。
- One 12 inch (30 cm) Styrofoam wreath purchased from local Joann store (30センチ大の発泡スチロール製のリース。私はアメリカの手芸量販店 Joann にて購入)
- 1 chopstick or screw driver (割り箸一本。または、スクリュードライバーでもOK。)
- Craft glue (工作用のり)
- Various fabric scraps of your choice (はぎれたくさん)
- Approximately 1 yard 10 inches, or 115 cm, of matching ribbon. I used red velvet ribbon of 5/8 inch or 1.5 cm in width. (1.5センチ幅のベルベットなどのリボンを約1.2メートル分)
- pinking shears (ピンキングはさみ)
Directions: 作り方。
Are you ready to begin?
Using pinking shears, cut out fabric scraps of your choice into approximately 2 inch x 2 inch (or 5 cm x 5 cm) squares. The squares does not need to be precisely in this size, it can be a bit bigger or smaller.
Here, I mainly cut green, red, and white prints to lift up the holiday spirits. But of course, you can use any fabric selection of your choice.
Note: you don't need to cut out too many squares as shown here; you may want to begin with less number of squares and add as you go.
Pour a small amount of craft glue into a flat container. Here, I used a recycled jar lid.
Then, take one 2" x 2" fabric square and place it on your palm RIGHT side up.
Place a tip of the pointy side of your chopstick or a screw driver in the mid point of the square fabric.
Wrap the square around the chopstick (or the screw driver) like this.
Dab a small portion of craft glue on to the tip...
Then stick the fabric-covered chopstick into the Styrofoam. Be careful that you don't pierce the fabric with the chopstick, and also be careful not to go too deep inside the foam. As long as the hole you made into the foam is not too deep and the square does not come off easily, you're on the right track.
Keep on sticking the fabric-covered chopstick on to the Styrofoam in a random manner.
Here, the fabric squares are randomly stabbed into the wreath foam.
Continue the same process using other fabric squares until one side of the wreath foam is entirely covered with fabric squares. Check and see if there are no empty spots.
Now that I've covered one side of the foam wreath, let's move on to make the ribbon hanging. Cut the ribbon into 28 inches (70 cm) long to make the hanging.
Sew both ends of the ribbon with a sewing machine or by hand stitches, to make a ribbon loop.
Place the ribbon loop on the fabric wreath...
Then pull one end of the ribbon loop through the opposite loop end like this.
Then, cut the remaining ribbon into 18 inches long to make the decorating ribbon.
Tie a ribbon knot on to the hanging ribbon like this.
To prevent the ribbon ends from fraying, you may want to dab both ends of the tied ribbon into the craft glue. Let dry.
Close up of the fabric rag wreath...
The back side of the wreath will look like this.
Tada! The fabric rag wreath is completed!
Simple yet beautiful, isn't it?
Tada! The fabric rag wreath is completed!
Simple yet beautiful, isn't it?
Hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and I'd like to see your handmade wreath if you make one for yourself!
Wreath is not just for holidays... Here's an image of my flower bouquet wreath made in the same manner but using fresh and vibrant colors!

Fabric Rag Wreath tutorial is on youtube! Click here to check it out :)
Thanks for reading and have a happy holidays!
***Love, Amy***
cocostitchさん、店頭には、このリース型(12インチ)より一回り大きい物と小さい物がありました。 ちびリースで作っても可愛いかもしれません。 ギザギザハサミで切る作業は(糸くずは大量に出ますが)それ自体は私にとっては楽しい作業です。 なんといってもハギレを活用できるのでそれが一番嬉しいですー☆
Magnific!!! Fantastic and simple!
Amy, this is really beautiful. Thanks for sharing . I appreciate your kindness for preparing such a detail tutorial !
Great tutorial!
Thank you, Laura, PY, and Speckled Hen! Hope you ladies will find this tute helpful, if you ever plan to make fabric wreath on your own ;)
Very pretty, I love how you attached each fabric pieces. Thank you for linking!
Thank YOU, Sachiko, for hosting the wonderful and inspirational link party always! It's so fun to be part of it :)
a beautiful idea and tutorial! Thank you!
Thank you, Irena, for your comments :) Hope you enjoy making the fabric rag wreath, too!
That's wonderful, so easy and colourful ... it will be a fun to make it... Sure I will go for it..
I would love if you come and enjoy the fragrance of sweet potpourri heart at
I am your newest follower from Pakistan.I would love if you come and enjoy the fragrance of sweet potpourri heart at
Somehow, I find this post every year and think about making this easy wreath. This might be the year! Thank you for sharing the idea. I certainly have the fabric scraps!
Hello desertskyquilts! Hope you have a chance to whip up this wreath with your fabric scraps this year^^
Wishing you the happiest holiday season ever from California... xoxo, Amy
I love this idea and it looks so easy. I will be going to Joann's tomorrow to get the rings and make this. Thanks for the easy tutorial.
Well done!, wow it's lovely and it looks so easy to deal with, thanks for sharing, can't wait to work for it.
I love that you wrote your tutorial in English and Japanese. I love making crafts and sometimes my mom wants to try them; but to read everything in English is difficult for my mom to understand; she is Japanese! She loves making things and I so appreciate the fact that you also wrote it in Japanese; when I make these for next Christmas as gifts; if my mom wants to make them I can just print it out for her and she can make them as well. Thanks again! I will be back to look at more of your beautiful ideas! Sue in Washington State.
Hello Sue King, I'm so happy to hear that you and your mom can share my tutorial in both languages, Japanese and English!
Hope you have a wonderful 2014 with lots of love, happiness and crafty moments! And please send my warmest "Kon-ni-chi-wa" smile to your talented mother, please!
xoxo, Love from California, Amy
Thank you, for such clear instructions. It is now do-able!!
I am thinking of doing this but doing both sides of ring and double bows so I can hang these in my windows and they will look pretty inside and out. Thank you for the inspiration.
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