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Mouse pad?

Mouse pad?, originally uploaded by chick chick sewing.

I made this fabric mouse pad for my computer, but our kids didn't like it (they complained that the "mouse" doesn't move swiftly enough with this pad). So, I transformed it into another fabric tray...

I got this cute fabric from this awesome fabric store  when we visited San Francisco earlier this year.  I couldn't believe my eyes when I first spotted this Richard Scarry fabric at the store...!!  His books are the all time favorite of our family, and I'm sure for many of your families, too.

Here is the closeup...

Aren't they adorable?


  1. THis fabric is sooooo cute! I am crazy about cat. If you don't mind, can you tell me about the location of fabric store in SF? I am live in Central Valley, bit far from SF. But I want to keep in mind of this store. THanks!

  2. Thanks, coco-stitch, for visiting!! You can find details of this awesome fabric store, Peapod Fabrics, here: http://www.peapodfabrics.com/aboutus.htm
    The store is owned by a charming Japanese lady. She also has a blog that I visit often. http://peapodsf.exblog.jp/
