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Drawstring lunch bag made with laminated cotton   ラミネート布でお弁当バッグ

Our girls bring lunch to school everyday, which is six days a week (including Japanese school on Saturdays), and their lunch bags gets worn out fairly quickly after such heavy use. So I  made my younger daughter a new lunch bag.

This is the top view. It is a drawstring lunch bag made with vinyl coated fabric, or oilcloth.  The top drawstring part (gingham check fabric) is 100% cotton.

Side view. 
This red/white heart oilcloth fabric is imported from Japan.  

The bag is lined with the insulated fabric, or Insul-Bright.  It helps keep whatever stored inside the bag hot or cold.   I also use these insulated lining fabric when making hot pads and oven mitts.

I think I need to add another layer of lining inside the lunch bag, to sandwich the Insul-Bright with the outer oilcloth and the additional lining, as our girls are really good at making spills inside their lunch bags.  
(They're very messy.)

I wanted to make a lunch bag that can store this plastic container flat inside the bag, to prevent any leaks from the pasta sauce, etc. from the lunch box.

Therefore, the bottom is square shaped.

As you can see, the square shaped plastic container fits perfectly into this new lunch bag!  Yay!

I'm very happy with how this lunch bag turned out, however, my daughter now complains that this new lunch bag is too big to fit in her backpack...

I guess I need to make another one that is smaller in size... Oh, well.  I'm pretty used to the picky end users of my finished products (our daughters) and in most cases, it's not easy to please them!


  1. I love lunch bags, & yours is lovely! Did you base it on a pattern or is it your own design?

  2. i heart the bag! :-) i am still trying to find oil cloth in malaysia... any recommendation/online shop?


  3. Wow ! Amy, this lunch bag is so lovely! I love the gingham check fabric. Well done !

  4. Hi, 9crafty11! This bag is my own pattern, because I wanted to make a bag that fits our specific lunch box. However, I did lightly follow few of Japanese crafting online tutes such as this one... Sorry, it's in Japanese only :( http://www.rakuten.co.jp/pirol/582756/791278/939245/

  5. WhimsyLoft, thanks for stopping by! I purchased this oilcloth in our local fabric store and unfortunately, they don't sell online. But you may want to try the following online shops... Good luck!!




  6. PY - thanks for your nice comments always :) I love gingham check fabrics, too!

  7. I love the Japanese style bento bag with the draw strings and handles ;)

    Did you find it fiddly to put together? I tried making one for my daughter and didn't use a pattern so there was a lot of trial and error!

  8. Hi, Meeks :) Sewing this bento bag wasn't that fiddly for me, as it wasn't my first attempt to make these type of bags. However, sewing oilcloth used to be a big challenge for me, before I owned the teflon foot for my sewing machine. This time with the teflon foot, it was pretty smooth!

  9. What a fabulous bag....very red riding hood! I recently made my daughter a snack bag and she also seems to have issues fitting it in her book bag but now she has started having smaller snacks so she can fold it up smaller. Children always find a way to solve problems....

  10. Thanks, patchworkpalace! Ha, you're right, the lunch bag does have a "red riding hood" taste! And so far, my daughter seems to be getting used to the (large) lunch bag, which is a relief for me ;)
