First of all, thank you so much for your nice comments and encouragements on my last post about opening of my new etsy shop!
Today, I wanted to show you these
granny squares that I crocheted last night...
I self taught how to knit when I was still a teenager (it's been a while since then!), but I'm fairly new to crocheting. Just like knitting, I taught myself how to crochet only a few years ago, from reading many, many crochet books out there. And I'm totally hooked ever since!
Using these granny squares, I made a simple pincushion.
First, I quickly whipped up a square pincushion using cotton fabric and filled it with a poly fill.
Then, I sandwiched the fabric pincushion with the two granny squares, and crocheted them together using the gray yarn...
Here is the end result.
Pincushion made of two granny squares.
Front side
Back side
Which side do you like?
Cocostitchさん、いつもありがとう☆ 最近また編み物に凝り始めてしまい、日中も時間を見つけては何かしら編んでいます。 すき間時間にできるのが編み物の最大の魅力ですね。
ReplyDeleteそれから、Etsy ショップの開店おめでとうございます。Amyさんらしいかわいいお店ですね。実は私も開店に向けて準備中なんですよ。と言っても、まだ少し時間がかかりそうなんですが。
Hiromiさん、ダンボールいっぱいの糸、わくわくしますね、いいですね~。 私はかぎ針編みの Crochet ももちろん大好きですが、最近また棒針のKnittingにも挑戦したくなってきています。でも、Hiromiさんの美しい刺し子を見たら刺し子もやってみたいし、ああ、でもクロスステッチもいいな~、なあんて我ながら Make up your mind! って感じでもう大変(笑)。
Very pretty - what a lovely way to use a couple of granny squares. I can't wait to see your future crochet experiments!
ReplyDeleteJessica - Thanks! I wish I had enough patience to make a throw, or even a bag out of crocheted granny squares... but since I don't, making pincushions like this one seems just right for someone who is impatient as I am ;)
ReplyDeleteThe pincushion is so absolutely adorable! I just started learning to crochet a couple months ago and I'm enjoying all the little crochet things on your blog! I'm bookmarking your blog!
ReplyDeleteHello, Jessica^^ Thank you for visiting♪ I'm fairly new to crocheting, too (self taught a few years back), but I'm enjoying it very much.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a good remaining February with many crafty moments...♪♪♪ Happy crocheting to you!