About me 自己紹介

Honey bag (embroidered by our daughter)

Well, I know that Thanksgiving is just around the corner here in the U.S., but today, let me post about one more project that we made for last week's Halloween.

It's a trick-or-treating tote bag embroidered by our 10 year old daughter, and sewn by her mommy.   We'd like to call this simple bag a "Honey" bag.

As I've mentioned on this blog earlier, our 10 year old was a bumble bee for this Halloween.   And on the day of Halloween (last Sunday), just only few hours before we left for trick or treating, our daughter came up with this idea of carrying a trick or treating bag that matches her bee outfit... She specifically wanted a yellow bag with a word "Honey" on it.

I insisted her to take the good old plastic pumpkin container for trick or treating, but
 this girl is so stubborn (just like who?) that she just had to have the "Honey" bag that matches her bee outfit...

So she embroidered the word "Honey" on to a yellow fabric (in less than an hour)...

And her mommy quickly sewed it into a bag (in a little more than an hour)...

Because I was in such a hurry, I did not use any batting nor interfacing when whipping up this bag.

However, I still wanted to make this into a reversible bag, so that my girl can use this bag throughout the year (even on days when she is not a bumble bee!)

Reversible side is black/white corduroy polka dots from my stash.

Bag opening area

By the time we came back home from trick or treating,  the Honey bag was filled with candies.  Our bumble bee couldn't be happier!

Here is a small image of our bumble bee with a Honey bag on Halloween night.

And guess who is that Snow White behind the bee? 

Yes, it's me! 

 I sure enjoyed dressing up for Halloween as much as our kids did :D

And I guess because of my height (I'm only 5'1" or 153cm) I was offered many candies while trick-or-treating with the kids... In the darkness, people probably thought that I was one of the kids and not the parent... But I'm sure they noticed that it was the (middle-aged) Snow White and not the young and lovely one that they offered the candy to, once they saw me under the porch light...! Ha ha!

  Halloween was so much fun, even for the (middle-aged) Snow White ;P


  1. Hi!
    I like your blog very much!
    compliments for your creativity! If you want leave a comment or a suggestion, meet me at http://lasoffittadellestoffe.blogspot.com/

  2. あっ、チックチックさんと思ったら、やっぱり。。最高に素敵ですわん。娘さん達の衣装もかわいい。カバンの黒の水玉と表の生地の色とマッチしていておしゃれです。

  3. Nice bag ! I am glad to see that you have so much fun. Wow! You are such a pretty Snow White!

  4. Thank you, ladies, for your nice comments!

    gazimama - いつもあったかいコメントありがとうございます♪ そちらも皆さんで楽しいハロウイーンを過ごされたのでは? それにしても年内には会いたいね~!!

    Marivel - Thank you! And I love what your daughter made for your birthday. She's so creative and talented like her mama!

    PY - You're always too nice ;) And yes, we had so much fun for this Halloween!

  5. ついに、snow white chick chickさん公開ですね。
    娘さんのバックも衣装とマッチ!当日の数時間前という飛込みではありますが、素晴らしい出来ですね。chick chickさんへ面白くて優しいママですね~!

  6. cocostitchさ~ん、ハハハ! ついに!私のオバ白雪姫姿を公開しましたがこれはもう、ふふふ…というよりは、ギョギョギョ…という感じですね、ハイ。笑。 

    このバッグは超最速で作ったので仕上がりは???ですが娘が満足していたので良しとします。 長女はもう小5なんだから自分のバッグくらい自分で作れ~~っていつも言ってるんですけどねえ…。
