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Crocheted green apple coasters

I crocheted these green apple coasters recently, while I waited for
our girls' after school activities in the car...

The coaster matches well with a Japanese tea cup
that I like to use when drinking green tea...

Now I have both the red apples that I crocheted earlier,
and the newly added green apples :)

Hope you're enjoying your February days!


  1. 可愛いですね~。このまま丸く、すごーーく大きく編んだら、ラグとか出来そうですね!

  2. I miss the days I sat and crocheted while waiting for the kids to finish socker or basketball!!
    These are so adorable.

  3. かわいい!糸は何を使っているのですか。グリーンの色がとってもいいですね。丸く編んだだけのコースターは作ったことありますが、葉っぱをつけるだけで、ぜんぜん違うものになりますね~。かわいい!

  4. Pretty! I love how simple and cute they look - what a perfect crochet project for those odd few minutes that are hard to fill.

  5. Oh these are so cute! They'd make a nice little wall display too!

  6. Thank you, ladies, for your lovely comments!

    Hiromi, I used inexpensive acrylic yarns from our local Joann store to make these coasters :)

    Jeannie, for me, waiting time = crocheting time, especially when it comes to kids activities, and I'm really enjoying it!!

  7. I love to crochet, and these are so pretty - I've never crocheted coasters as am trying to finish off a blanket, which has taken 3 years so far!
    I find you through Pink Penguin. What a lovely blog you have.

  8. Thank you, Lace hearts for your lovely comments!

    One day, I'd like to try to crochet bigger projects (such as blankets) but I just don't have enough patience like you do... Good luck on your projects and hope you have a great weekend :)
