About me 自己紹介

Tiny pincushion made with crochet, linen, and a hand carved eraser stamp


Today is April 1st, and here in Southern California where I live, all of a sudden we are experiencing a springlike weather with temperature rising as high as 82F (28C) during the day... Our girls went off to school with T shirts and shorts, and I had them bring big bottles of icy waters to school this morning. Talk about sweaty kids around here :D

Anyways, today,  I wanted to show you something I made several weeks ago but hadn't had a chance to post here.  It's a tiny pincushion made with crochet, linen, and a hand carved eraser stamp.

Side view

The pincushion bottom is crocheted with wool yarns in gray and white, and the cushion part is made of 100% linen,  filled with poly fill.  I stamped my hand carved eraser stamp on the top of the pincushion to add a finishing touch.

Bottom view

The round bottom makes it somewhat unstable when placed on the sewing table...  but I really like the simple look of this pincushion.

By the way, I have few announcements about my etsy shop

As you may already know, I reopened my shop in the end of March, in hope to raise money for the Japan Earthquake Relief.  

Images of padded flat zipper pouches sold in my shop.

I am very grateful to announce that so far, I've raised $227 $267 (as of 4/2/11 midnight)  from sales proceeds, which I plan to donate 100% to the American Red Cross Japan Relief.    I still plan to continue my fundraising efforts until I reach my initial goal of $500 in sales proceeds, but I can't thank enough for those of you who continue to support me for this cause.   Thank you very much!!

 Also, I will be closing my shop temporarily from tonight, 4/2/2011 midnight, for a week, until 4/8/2011, as I will be out of town with my family members to visit our elderly relative who lives out of state.
I will be taking a short break from crafting and blogging, but I plan to go back to my sewing table when I return home, to continue to raise money for the Japan Relief.

Thank you very much for visiting and reading my blog, and hope you all have a wonderful month of April!!


  1. I love the stamp! What a really lovely little pincushion.

  2. Amy, you have been working so hard for Japan relief! You must be pretty tired. Have a good trip and I hope it will be a good rest for you!


  3. すごい、Amyさん!気をつけて行ってきて下さい。

  4. Thank you, ladies, for your lovely comments!

    Ruth-I'm glad to hear that you like my hand carved stamp :)

    Hiromi-Thank you so much for your kind words, as ALWAYS!! Well, considering my age (LOL) I suppose I'm a bit exhausted lately from working too hard for this Japan Relief project, but at the same time I'm very thankful for so many caring people out there who support me and encourage me for this cause (including yourself!) お互いに海外在住日本人として、手芸を通して日本のためになることができたらいいですね…。 Hiromiさんもイベント頑張ってください! 応援しています!!

    gazimama- いつもありがとうございます。 gazimamaさんも頑張っていらっしゃるので、私も気合が入りまくってますよーー!(って、怖い?) では、gazimamaさんもお子さんたちと楽しい春休みをお過ごし下さいね☆ 

  5. Hi Amy what a cute project it is... lovely one

  6. Lovely tiny pincushion,
    and so elegant rose stamp, I like!
    -Pitsimiini from Finland-

  7. Amy, have a good rest.
    The citizens of my country also raising fund to help Japan. We are living in the same planet and I think everybody should try to heip those in need.

  8. Thank you, Farah, Laura, and PY, for your warm comments!

    PY, it is very encouraging to hear about the fundraising efforts for Japan Relief in your country. Arigato!

  9. I love your site. Your items look so sweet and fabric choices are perfect.

  10. Thank you, earlysnowdrop, for stopping by at my blog! I love to create and I love to meet with new crafty friends, like yourself, through my blog!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)
