Here are the zipper pouches that I had sewn recently for the orphans of Vietnam.
Teresa Coates from Crinkle Dreams is heading up a charity sewing drive to get quality handmade items to be delivered to more than 100 orphan children living in Tam Ky Orphanage of Vietnam. Teresa and her two children have spent time at this orphanage and have volunteered to help the children in need.
As a continued support to help the children of Tam Ky orphanage, she is currently asking for handmade shorts, dresses, messenger bags, pencil pouches and simple diapers, to donate to the needy children. Her deadline to receive handmade items is September 30, 2012. For more information, visit here. For monetary donation, visit here.
テレサさんというオレゴン州在住の女性がベトナムのTam Ky孤児院で暮らす100人以上の孤児に寄贈するための手作り衣類(半ズボン、女の子用ワンピース、乳児用オムツ)や雑貨(メッセンジャーバッグ、ペンケース)を募集しています。 締切りは今月末(9月30日)とのこと。
テレサさんと二人のお子さんたちは、ベトナムの孤児院でボランティア活動を行っており、今回もその活動の一環で手作り作品を集めて、孤児に届ける計画をたてています。詳しくはこちらまで。 募金活動についてはこちらまで。
When I first learned about this wonderful charity sewing project via the very talented sewist, elnorac's flickr, I immediately thought I wanted to participate.
私はつい最近この活動について、こちらのflickr(写真投稿サイト)を通して知りました。 そしてすぐに、自分も参加できれば・・・と思いました。
Some of these handmade zipper pouches were previously sewn for my etsy shop (temporarily closed at this moment), but the rest are the ones that I sewed up a storm this week for this charity. I tried to select colorful and cheerful fabrics from my stash, hoping to brighten up the faces of recipient children.
今回寄贈させていただいたのは、過去に私のオンラインショップ用に(現在はお休みしていますが)、作ったものも含まれていますが、それだけでは物足りなかったので今回新しく作ったものも加えました。 作品を作る際には、ベトナムの可愛い子供たちが喜んでくれそうな明るくて楽しい生地を選んでみました。
As a mother of young children, it's just too hard to even imagine the lives of the orphans living in the orphanage, without the loving family to take care of them at all times. Are they fed enough? Do they get proper education and training? Do they have hope and dreams for the future? Thinking about questions like these just breaks my heart, especially when I imagine about my own children living under the same circumstances.
私自身、2児の母として、ベトナムの孤児院で暮らす子供たちの様子を想像することは容易ではありません。 孤児たちに与えられる食料は足りているのか・・・。子供たちは学校には通わせてもらっているのか・・・。 将来に希望や夢は持っているのか・・・。
I know that my handmade donations does not help much (or not at all) to improve the living conditions of the orphans... I feel totally helpless, but at the same time, I just wish that my handmade creations bring smiles to the children. That was the only wish I had in my mind when I was sewing these pouches for the children.
私がこれらの手作り作品を寄贈したところで孤児院で暮らす子供たちの暮らしは何もよくならないでしょう。 自分が無力すぎて悲しくなりますが、そんな中でも、これらのペンケースを手に取ってくれた子供たちがたとえ一瞬でも笑顔になってくれるのであれば、私にとってはこんなに嬉しいことはありません。
As you can see, I've donated a total of twelve pencil pouches - six simple zipper pouches and six carrying pouches with handles. Both are made from my original patterns.
ご覧の通り、今回は合計12点の手作りペンケースを寄贈させていただきました。 そのうちの6点はシンプルなファスナーポーチで、残りの6点は持ち手付きのポーチです。 いずれも私のオリジナルの製図から作っています。
However, I had just one problem when creating these pencil pouches. As you can see from the images, almost all of these pouches that I created are made for the girls and there is only one pencil pouch made for a boy...
今回、手作りするにあたって一つだけ問題がありました。 というのも、既にお気づきかもしれませんが、12点のうちの1点を除いてはすべて女の子向けのペンケースになってしまったということです・・・。
... which is this pouch made with this fun colorful blocks fabric. Well after all, I'm a mom of two girls and I don't own almost any fabrics for young boys... I just feel so bad for the boys at the orphanage... So sorry!
こちらが唯一の男の子向けペンケースです。 我が家には男の子がいないので、どうしても手持ちの布は女の子向けのものばかり。 孤児院の男の子たちには申し訳ない気持ちでいっぱいです・・・。
I wish I can sew more, but this is the best I can do right now with my current work schedule.
Yet I'm feeling very thankful to Teresa for organizing such wonderful charity, and for giving me an opportunity to participate for a great cause.
Thank you for reading my post today. Hope to see you soon...
***Love, Amy***
Amy, for limited time you did awesome! they will totally love these. I have some boy fabric and will see about doing some pencil pouches for them. I'm mostly a girl sewer too.hah.ah.aa.h.a..
ReplyDeleteOh, Amy, you did sooooo much! Wonderful! We don't have any kids in our family at the moment, so I have almost no kid-type fabric, but I got a few pieces of boy-type prints in a scrap bag from Purl Soho, so I'll make some boy ones! We'll be a good team! Love your pouches, and good for you for taking the time to make them!
ReplyDeleteI feel terrible when i think of orphans. As you say, i wonder if they're fed enough, if they need an older person to hold them or say that it's gonna be allright..
ReplyDeleteThis donation organization is great, i'll look if i can participate too. Your work is also great!
Thank you so much, ladies!! It seems like my package arrived safely to Teresa, the organizer of this charity sewing.
ReplyDeleteIt made me feel better that both Jeannie and elnorac kindly mentioned about making some boy pouches ;) Love, Amy