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Crochet Flower Chair Pad Finished! お花の円座

This week, I finished making this crochet flower chair pad while I waited for my girl's dance lessons. 
Remember this image from my last post? Now you know that I was crocheting a flower chair pad :)

To make this chair pad, I first crocheted two exactly same oversized doilies in different colors.


Then the two large doilies are layered right side out and joined together using slipstitch, single stitch and chains.

Yarn (使用毛糸): Lion Brand Baby's First
Hook (編み針): J or 6.0 mm
Free Pattern: Hamanaka Garbera Seat Cushion (offered by Japanese yarn company)


Placed on our kitchen stool.

Finished size: 14 1/2" or approximately 37 cm diameter

 I took an image of the reverse side of the chair pad.
Here's the side view. Because of the layered structure, the chair pad is thick and comfy to sit on.
To warm our butts during the cold season (lol), I like to crochet seat cushions for our kitchen chairs.  These are the seat cushions I made earlier this year for our family.
These seat pads were made using *crochet star* stitches. Blogged here. I really enjoy trying out different stitches and patterns when I crochet. I have a long list of patterns and stitches that I would like to crochet, and I try to use any small time slots that I can find during the day ;) 
But my problem is that besides the long crocheting list, I also have a long list of things that I'd like to sew, patchwork, and quilt... while I juggle time over work, family, and kids. Oh, and of course I can't skip the blogging time! Just like many of you, for me, time management is the key to success in crafting! You should see how (less) often I vacuum our house since I began crafting! lol
写真の円座は*スタークロッシェ*という星のような仕上がりの編み目で編みました。 この写真は過去記事より。 私にとって、新しい編み図や編み目に挑戦するのは編み物をする上での醍醐味です^^ 
もっといろいろと編んでみたい編み図や編み目が山のようにあるので、今後も隙間時間を見つけてはコツコツ編みたいです♪ ただ、編み物以外にも、ソーイングやパッチワーク方面でも作りたいものが山のようにあり、家事、仕事、育児と手芸の両立が一番の課題です。 もちろんブログアップの時間も大切ですし(笑)。 子育て中や、お仕事をされている方で、手芸をされる方は皆さん同じだと思いますが、私も手芸をするようになって常に時間管理を意識するようになりました。手芸をする時間確保のために私がどれほど家事の手抜きをしているか...(苦笑)。
Anyways, the finished crocheted flower seat pad is so pretty and comfy that I'd like to make more for this winter. 
It's definitely getting more autumny even here in Southern California. Hope you continue to take care good care of yourselves and enjoy your weekend!
こちら南カリフォルニアでも少しずつ秋めいてきました。 皆さんも風邪などひきませんように、楽しい週末をお過ごしくださいね。
***Love, Amy***


  1. Hi Amy I absolutely love your flower chair pad... It's beautiful. I cannot read these type of patterns. I was wondering is there a written pattern? Thanks for sharing :0))

  2. Hello moizee! As you may already know, all crochet patterns in Japan are written in crochet chart diagram format, and that's how I learned how to crochet. It may look intimidating at first, but actually it's not that bad once you tackle the symbols.

    Unfortunately, I don't have a written pattern available for this specific chair pad pattern, but I've searched the web and found some links that explains how to read the crochet chart symbols:



    Hope these helps! Happy crocheting!

  3. You know what - because of this lovely cushion, I have signed up in Pininterest and Ravelry, just to find out more about it! Finally, I came to your site - what a journey! And it's all worthwhile bcos now I know how it's made. :D Thanks for sharing, I absolutely adore it!
