About me 自己紹介

Crochet Strawberries かぎ針編みの苺

How is your holiday sewing going along?  Me, I have a long list of projects that I'd like to finish before Christmas, yet I'm trying my best to squeeze in sewing time between my family, kids, work, errands, and all other things in between...! Phew.  Friends, call me the master of holiday (sewing) procrastinator! lol.
いよいよクリスマスも近づいてきましたね。私は例年通り、お世話になった方々への手作りギフトの制作に励んでいますが、仕事や家事、娘たちの諸々の用事を抱えて、ミシンに向かう時間を捻出するのが難しい毎日です。 毎年のことですが、もっと早くから準備すればよかった・・・とほほ。

Despite all the holiday madness going on in our family (lol), I took a short break from sewing and picked up my crochet hook and some yarn balls to make these strawberries.  For me, crocheting brings simple pleasures and I just love making small things out of yarn balls and a hook :)
そんな中、かぎ針編みで小さな苺を編んでみました。 私にとって編み物とは、幸せなひと時を約束してくれるかけがえのないものです。 毛糸玉と編み針さえあれば、たちまち笑顔になれるから不思議です^^
I loosely followed this Japanese crochet book to make these strawberries. Everything in this book is sooooo cute and it's one of my favorite crochet books that I own.
少々編み方を変えましたが、こちらの本を参考に編みました。 この本は可愛いものがぎっしり詰まったお気に入りの編み物の本です。
Book(参考にした本): "Amigurumi-no-mori" (Forest of Amigurumi) 
Publisher(出版社): Gakken (学習研究社)
ISBN-10: 405404820X
ISBN-13: 978-4054048201
Quick view from Amazon アマゾンのなか見!検索→
I attached chains to the strawberry to embellish my tote bag like this :)

Holidays are fun and joyous, but if it begins to add stress to your life... Go grab a cup of hot chocolate, tune on your radio for some Christmas songs, and pick up a yarn ball and a hook (or sticks) to spend a little time to crochet (or knit)! It will sure make you a happy camper again, just like it did to me :)
何かとせわしい年末ですが、そんな時こそほっと一息つく時間を持ちたいですね。 温かいココアを飲みつつ、ラジオから流れるクリスマスソングに耳を傾けて、編み物するのがおススメです。ほんの短い時間でも元気になることうけ合いです♪

Happy crocheting and happy holiday preparation for my dear blogging friends around the world!!
ハッピー編み物♪ 皆さんも楽しいホリデーシーズンをお過ごしくださいね。
***Hugs, Amy***


  1. 苺のバッグチャームかわいいですね。編みたくなりました。私はまだクリスマスギフトの準備は手付かずです!きのうやっとムスメのバレエ公演が終わったので、今日からがんばるつもりです。毎年反省しつつ、毎年バタバタになってしまうのには困りますね~。

  2. So cute Amy! I adore your strawberries!

  3. かわいい~!!子供のヘアゴムにつけてもバッチリですね!!

  4. Thank you, Hiromi, Kerry, and cocostitch, for your lovely comments!

    I've been sewing like a maniac this week, and my daugher calls my sewing area the "mom's workshop" just like the Santa's... I actually wish that I had elves helping me (lol)!

    Best wishes from Southern California, Amy***

  5. Hello! This is MsPetite from Etsy.

    I couldn't help to comment how good you are with your hands. Your crafts all look so good.

    I wish I can sew too. I have got a sewing machine but don't even know how to set it up!


  6. Hello MsPetite! Thanks for stopping by to leave kind words on my post :)

    Setting up your sewing machine for the first time takes some time and courage (I've been there so I know :D), but once you've done that, everything will come easy for you, step by step... really! Good luck!! ***Love, Amy***

  7. Hi Amy, could you tell me if the AMIGURUMI book of forest animals has written or crochet stitch symbol instructions? The animals in the book are so cute, as are the strawberries!

  8. Hello Alexandra! This Japanese book of Amigurumi is written in crochet stitch symbols only.

    I just checked online about the English version of this book that came out recently, and it seems like the translated version is also in crochet diagrams (not in written instructions), according to the book description. Hope this helps. Happy crocheting!

