About me 自己紹介

Crocheting granny rounds  丸モチーフ編み

This is what I've been up to lately. Crocheting granny rounds.  It's such an addictive and fun project that once I pick up my hook and yarns, I just can't stop!
最近ハマっているのがこちら。 かぎ針で編む丸モチーフです。 英語ではこのようなレトロなモチーフのことを granny squares / granny rounds (グラニーモチーフ)と呼びます。 グラニーとはおばあちゃんのこと。 実際にどこかレトロで「おばあちゃん」ぽいモチーフですよね。
 I try to hide this project away from my sight during the day, so that I can concentrate on my work and other chores.  You know, just like how an alcoholic person (who is trying to cut back on drinking) hides a bottle of vodka from her sight, I try to hide this granny project out of my sight... Really, it's that addictive! (lol)
I followed this user-friendly and beautiful tutorial from the Crochet with Raymond blog.

一旦編み始めると楽しくてやめられないので、忙しいときには目に付かないところに隠しています。 まるで断酒中のアル中患者が自ら酒瓶を隠しておくように、私も編み物を隠しています。 ←って、あいかわらず変な例えですね、我ながら・・・。でも本当にそんな心境なんです!(笑)

Back side looks like this... I need to start weaving in the ends as you can see.  
So what have you been up to lately?

Bobble Stitch Flex Frame Pouch ***玉編みのバネ口ポーチ***

Isn't this an uniquely designed pouch? It's a flex frame pouch made of crochet bobble stitches. I found these bobbles so fun to stitch with, and love the bobbly and wobbly texture of it :)

Image of bobble stitch from Crochet! and Crochet World website
玉編みイメージ図。 実際には長編み3目一度の玉編みで編みました。
The pouch is worked in round from the bottom.

Metallic/glittery yarns are used: Vanna's Glamour (Silver): two strands and Caron Simply Soft Party (Fuchsia Sparkle): one strand
Crochet hook(かぎ針): 4.0 m/m or F


I made changes here and there, but basically followed a pattern from this Japanese crochet book:
The book is filled with patterns of pretty bags, pouches, scarves, etc.
ISBN-10: 4863223390
ISBN-13: 978-4863223394


Small projects like this one can be finished quickly, which is perfect for an impatient crocheter like myself (lol). I look forward to make many of these quick and fun items using small blocks of spare time that I tend to have throughout the day.
小さな小物はすぐに編めるのでせっかちな私向きです(笑)。 今年も、すきま時間を使って楽しく編み物したいな。

Tea time mug rug gift set ティーマット(マグラグ)をハンドメイド

I made a couple of handmade mug rugs as holiday gifts (for last Christmas) that I wanted to share with you today...  I'm a tea drinker so I'd like to call these small size quilted mats "tea time mug rug".


After the pot and the mug cup are machine appliqued, I hand stitched the word "tea" and the "steam" line using embroidery floss. Then the mug rug is machine quilted throughout.


Here's the reverse side.  The size of the mug rug is 10" x 8" (25 cm x 20 cm).

裏面はこんな感じです。サイズは25 cm x 20 cm。

After making one, I got carried away and made three mug rugs in total :)


With my favorite Lindt chocolates and a small tin can of tea leaves...


The tea time gift set is complete. Hope the recipients enjoyed their special tea time...


Reversible baby shoes and Ashinaga donation ハンドメイドベビーシューズと、あしなが育英会

I made a soft reversible baby shoes recently. It measures approximately 4" long to fit babies 6 months to 9 months of age.

ベビーシューズをハンドメイドしました。 サイズは約10センチ。 生後6ヶ月から9ヶ月くらいの赤ちゃん用です。 

As you can see, this baby shoes are made without any buttons, snaps, or any exposed seams, so it is safe for any baby to wear.


Soles and the sides are fully lined with cotton batting.


The best part is that these shoes can be worn reversible to double the wardrobe potential for the baby! (lol)


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

On a different topic... I'm delighted to announce about my recent cash donation of $600 to "Ashinaga" organization that supports Japanese orphans, including those children who were affected by the mega earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in March 2011. The entire cash donation was generated through my 2012 etsy shop proceeds.

I'd like to send a heartfelt THANK YOU for your continued encouragement and support toward my fundraising efforts through my etsy shop sales.  Domo Arigato to you all!!

The donation was made via online, and this is a copy of the print out receipt. 

さて・・・今日はお知らせがひとつあります。 既に何度か当ブログでもお伝えしていましたが、昨年度(2012年度)のオンラインショップ売上金$600ドルを日本の「あしなが育英会」に寄付させていただきました。 ご存知の通り、「あしなが育英会」は、病気や災害、自死(自殺)などで親を亡くした子どもたちや、親が重度後遺障害で働けない家庭の子どもたちを物心両面で支える日本の民間非営利団体です。

私のオンラインショップの売上げに貢献してくださった方々、いつも私のハンドメイド活動を応援してくださっている方々には感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。 どうもありがとうございました!




With lots of love and appreciation,

Happy New Year 2013!

From my 2012 creations, originally uploaded by chick chick sewing (amy).
Via Flickr:
1. hand carved cherry stamp, 2. sewing eco bags, 3. tea time mug rug (front side), 4. baby gift set, 5. Patchwork lavender sachets, 6. Matryoshka russian doll reversible granny bag with wood handles, 7. handmade chopsticks holders, 8. Crochet flower chair pad, 9. Rilakkuma carrying pencil pouch, 10. iPhone cover in pink goats fabric, 11. Baby gift set for a baby boy, 12. matching iPad cover and zipper pouch for my sis, 13. crochet strawberries, 14. Patchwork flex frame pouches (quilted), 15. Sewing for the Orphans, 16. Log cabin patchwork and linen reversible everyday tote, 17. Japanese style bento bags (lunch bags), 18. Reversible baby shoes, 19. Mini drawstring bag with crochet bottom, 20. Cotton doilies, 21. Matching bag set, 22. cute key fobs, 23. Reversible zakka style cotton and linen bag, 24. Liberty of London Carrying Pouches with Ribbon motif, 25. iPhone cover with crochet doily flap
Created with fd's Flickr Toys

From my 2012 creations

I wish you a very Happy New Year!Hope you have a great time ahead filled with love, laughter, good health, happiness... and of course, lots of crafting time!!

Despite living in California, we try to celebrate every new year in Japanese style, especially for our girls.  I spent hours in the kitchen during the last two days of the year end to cook these traditional Japanese style new year food, or "Osechi". 
Some of these dishes are too "traditional" for our girls (they like tacos and burgers you know), but I still cook them anyway because I believe that they are the centerpiece of Japanese style new year celebration.

Best wishes to my beloved friends for an amazing year ahead! See you again soon :)

***Love, Amy***