About me 自己紹介

Patchwork drawstring bag with initial embroidery イニシャル刺しゅう入りパッチワーク巾着をハンドメイド。

 First of all, thank you very much for congratulating me about my upcoming first book! I sincerely appreciate your warm comments you left for me on this blog, on my flickr, and via emails.

Right now, I am super excited about my book release, yet it took me a while to reach this state of mind, because this entire book deal sounded just too good to be true. I just couldn't believe that there was someone out there (my Publisher) who actually wanted to take time and effort to publish MY book, out of all the talented crafters out there!  Boy, is my Publisher fearless or what! (I still think that they are bunch of really brave people!)



 In fact, my hubby is still in disbelief about my entire book deal, after watching his wife working very late nights and long hours on her book for over a couple of months. He probably thinks that I was just frantically crafting, as I've always been! (lol).


 I can't thank enough to my veteran editor, Linda Neubauer of Creative Publishing international, who walked me through the entire book making process with lots of patience and straightforward advice. Thank you, Linda!!  


After my mind was set to write a book, I had put in 200% effort in the book making process. My goal was to include simple yet eye-catching, practical handmade zakka items with easy to follow instructions. As a Japanese craft lover, my wish has always been to share the joy of creating and using the handmade zakka that originated in Japan, with the fellow craft lovers from around the globe! 



And that was about my book!



  Today, I'd like to share with you my latest creation made for my youngest niece. It's a patchwork drawstring bag, with her initial "R" stitched with care.


Lovely little girl was born in early February to my youngest sis who lives in Tokyo. She is the second baby to my sis and her hubby. 


For the bag interior, I used light blue x white pinstriped cotton. 


Reverse side of the exterior patchwork bag is the elephant print (my sister's favorite). 


You may recall that I made this elephant patchwork zipper pouch for this sis who just happens to love elephant prints!


I am in the process of making more handmade gift items for the little baby girl, which I plan to share with you in my next post.  I hope you come back to check it out :)  

Thank you so much for visiting my blog today. I hope you continue to enjoy your *crafty* weekend!



***Love, Amy Morinaka***


  1. You really deserve to have such a lovely book. I've been looking at your blog for some time now and your work is so beautiful - perfection itself!

  2. Thank you, Marguerite, for such sweet comments!! Your comments definitely made my day :) Hope you're having a happy & crafty week!

  3. パッチワーク巾着、優しい色使いでとてもかわいいですね。黄色地の花柄の布は、私も色違いで持っています。ついこの間バイアステープにして、フード付きバスタオルのバイピングで使ったばかりなんですよ~。こういうレトロな感じの小花柄、可愛いですよね!

  4. Thank you, Amy, for your sweet comment on my blog. I like your work and would love to see your book, when it's available for sale. I love the japanese zakka world.

  5. Thank you, ladies, for stopping by to leave kind words!

    @cocostitch-私もレトロっぽい花柄には目がないのでこの黄色地の花柄はとても好きです♪ 色違いがあるとは知らなかった!パイピングに使うのも良いアイデアですね!

    @Mette-Thank you for your nice comments about my upcoming book. I love the retro European touch of your lovely creations!

  6. Thanks for your comments Amy - you made my day too! I'm deeply flattered!
