About me 自己紹介

Day 11 (our last stop!) of Zakka Handmades Blog Tour - Noodlehead ブログツアー11日目♪ 最終日

Airmail Mug Rug stitched by me

Hi all! Today is the final day or Day 11 of our Zakka Handmades blog tour and I hope you have enjoyed following along with us as much I did so far!

I am so lucky to have the popular blogger, Anna of Noodlehead, as the final stop of my blog tour today!  Anna lives in the beautiful state of Wisconsin with her husband and two adorable girls. As you may already know, she is the talented designer behind those beautiful and stylish bags and pouches, cute kids' items, polished home accessories, and so much more that you can find in her blog!  She generously shares awesome tutorials, and her fabulous sewing patterns can be purchased online. (Her paper pattern is coming out soon as well!)

Hop on over to Anna's blog to check out her zakka creation from my book and to enter the final chance to win my book!

Zakka Handmades, my book

みなさんこんにちは!今日はいよいよ私の著書 Zakka Handmades ブログツアーの最終日となりました。ブログツアーとは?についてはこちらをご覧下さい。→☆  

記念すべき最終日にブックレビューをしてくださるのは、ウィスコンシン州在住の有名ブロガー、Noodlehead の Anna さんです。Anna さんのご家族はご主人と、まだ小さな娘さんがお二人。オリジナルデザインの洗練されたバッグや布小物、おうち雑貨や子供グッズを多く手がけており、彼女のブログには作品レシピも満載です。現在はオンラインでバッグなどのパターン販売もされています。Anna さんのブログはこちらから。→☆

Let's take a look at some of my favorite projects designed by Anna...

今日はAnna さんデザインの人気作品レシピからいくつかご紹介させてくださいね。

The amazing gathered clutch tutorial by Anna!  I have made mine in the past as gifts, and I just loved it! 

まずはギャザー・クラッチバッグ。とても素敵なデザインで、私も過去にはAnna さんの作り方レシピを参考に、いくつか作らせていただきました。私の過去作品はこちらから。 →☆☆

I love the zakka feel of this library tote that Anna designed! Isn't it lovely?  


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And below is what I created to share with you for the final day of my blog tour: Airmail Mug Rug (or a small placemat).  Ever since I moved to the U.S. a few decades ago, I have enjoyed exchanging airmails with my friends and family in Japan. We all know the wonderful feeling of receiving an airmail, especially from someone special!

そして今度は私の手作り作品のご紹介です。今日は著書の掲載作品より「エアメール・マグラグ」を作ってみました。(マグラグとは小さめのティータイム用マットのことです)。私は日本からアメリカに移り住んでかれこれ20年以上経ちますが、これまでには日本に住む友人や家族とは数え切れないくらいの数のエアメールで文通をしてきました。 特に海外で暮らしていると、親しい人たちから届くエアメールを受け取る嬉しさは格別です!その幸せな想いを形にしたのがこの作品です。

Small fabric scraps are cut out and appliqued as "postage".


If you are interested in making the Airmail Mug Rug for yourself, the project is featured in my book

この作品にご興味のある方は是非、私の著書 Zakka Handmades を手にとっていただけたら幸いです♪

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Check out Anna's blog now to get inspired from the zakka project that she created from my book!
Anna さんが作って下さった雑貨作品を是非ご覧になって下さいね!→☆

And this concludes the blog tour... Thank you so much to the talented bloggers who kindly participated in this blog hop!  And I thank you to my fellow craft lovers for following along with us!!  There are still a couple of blogs that are open to enter the giveaways so check them out if you haven't yet!!

6/24/13 - Kerry verykerryberry  (interview post)
6/26/13  Jeni In Color Order 
6/28/13  Sachiko Tea Rose Home 
7/1/13 – Amber One Shabby Chick 
7/3/13 – Kristen Feeling Stitchy 
7/5/13 – Hiromi Harujion Design 
7/8/13 – Amy nanaCompany 
7/10/13 – Lisa and Sarah A Spoonful of Sugar (giveaway open through July 17)
7/12/13 – Mette Erleperle   (giveaway open through July 19)
7/15/13 – Sarah and Rachel Roxy Creations (giveaway open through July 19)
7/17/13 - Anna Noodlehead (Our final stop! Giveaway open through July 20)

Domo arigato (thank you very much) and I'll see you soon!

これにて Zakka Handmades ブログツアーは終了です。お忙しい中、ブログツアーに参加してくださったブロガーの皆さん、そして今日までブログツアーにお付き合いくださった皆さん、本当にありがとうございました!このような機会を与えてくださった方々に心からお礼を申し上げます。ありがとうございました!!


*** Love, Amy***

Note by author: Zakka(雑貨) in Japanese refers to small household goods used in everyday life. Handmade zakka adds charming and meaningful touch to our daily tasks!


  1. Love this project - and the French feel to it! Very cute and a great way to use up those special little pieces of fabric.

  2. Hi Amy, congrats on your blog tour. I have just watched you video clip and get to hear and see you in present, so nice. I have been absent lately, but feel so good when ever I read my friends blog posts. Have a great day..xc

  3. Love your new mug rug Amy. We have also loved following the blog tour. There have been such great projects made by yourself and the other bloggers.
