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OMG I'm on YouTube! Zakka Style Recycled Scrap Fabric Wreath Tutorial  手作りリースの作り方がユーチューブ・ビデオになりました♪

Excuse me to interrupt your weekend... Please allow me to share with you my very first video clip posted on youtube!  OMG!  Help!

In the video, I am showing you how to create the zakka style fabric wreath. The gorgeous lady sitting next to me is Ms. Stefanie Girard, who is the craft marketing specialist from Quayside Publishing Group. The video clip was taken by Maria Del Pinto, the friendliest producer ever!

Hope you take a moment to check it out...


ビデオでは、雑貨ふう手作りリースの作り方をご披露しています。私の隣の女性は、出版社のマーケティング担当ステファニーさんです。 ビデオ撮影はマリアさんというとってもフレンドリーなプロデューサーの方に撮っていただきました。

In Japanese (こちらは日本語)

Actually there's another video clip of me on YouTube... This one (above) is entirely in Japanese. If you'd like to  guess what I'm saying, click the above! lol

実はユーチューブビデオはもう一本撮影されました。こちら ↑ では日本語で話しています。事前には、日本語でビデオ撮影をする事については聞いていなかったので、急な展開にまたしても慌てています。(トホホ)。

Thank you so much for taking your time to check out my very first video clips on YouTube... Awwww!!! 


*** Love, Amy***


  1. Fantastic Amy! Congratulations - such a great tutorial.

  2. How nice to hear your voice too! Lovely video x

  3. Great video Amy. The wreath project looks like a fun project to do with the kids! Your products look great in the video.

  4. Oh WOW! Your book has been on my wish list for a while now, seeing your clip makes me want to get it even more now. And not to mention have a go at one of those adorable wreaths.

  5. Amy, you are so lovely! Congratulations!!

  6. That is soooo cute, Amy! So nice to see you and hear about your new book projects in your sweet voice! Thank you for sharing :)

  7. Hi Amy! So nice to hear your voice. :) I feel like I know you better now. Terrific project and great video. I too love those Russian nesting dolls! xo k

  8. Thank you so much to my crafty friends!! It's really awkward to watch myself on video... but your comments really brighten up my day! Happy zakka making!
