About me 自己紹介

Hello from my linen patchwork bunny and our trip to winter wonderland ♪ リネン+パッチワークのウサギさんからご挨拶と、雪のアメリカ中西部への旅

Hello! to my crafty friends from my linen + patchwork bunny!  Hope you all had a lovely Christmas with your family and friends.

手作りリネン+パッチワークのウサギさんからこんにちは! 皆さんもご家族やご友人と素敵なクリスマスを過ごされたことと思います。 

This bunny is made from my original pattern. She doesn't have a name yet, but I already adore her so much! 


Bunny girl with her puppy pal that I made a while ago. They get along so well! lol


Snap shot with the entire plush friends! ^^


By the way, for this Christmas, we visited my sister's family who lives out-of-state.   With my mom who is visiting us from Japan right now, our family traveled from the sunny and warm Southern California to...


...the snowy winter wonderland of the Midwest state!  Yes the weather was freeeeezing cold over there and we got stranded at the connecting airport, but we ended up having such good time! You know, our girls are born and raised here in Southern California, so it was their first time to see and feel the *real snow* and to enjoy the winter sports. They had a blast!  A huge thanks to my sis's family for entertaining us with so much fun!

雪の舞うアメリカ中西部の州に出かけてきました~。悪天候のため乗継ぎ便が欠航になり、途中の空港では足止めされたりしましたが、最終的にはとても楽しい旅行ができました。特に我が家の娘たちは生まれも育ちも南カリフォルニアなので、これまでは雪というものを見たことがなかったのですが、今回は妹一家とスキーなどウインタースポーツも満喫できて、大満足の数日間となりました! 冷え性の私には寒さが堪えましたが・・・><;妹一家には感謝です♪

We stopped by at Kinokuniya bookstore (Japanese bookstore) in Chicago, Illinois, and guess what made me happy? Yes, I spotted my book at a corner shelf of the bookstore! 

Because of all the holiday preparation and traveling, I hadn't been able to do much stitching lately. I am itching to go back to my sewing table now!   So...what are you stitching right now?


クリスマスの準備や国内旅行などが続いたため、ここ数日間はソーイングをすることができなかったのですが、今は早く何か作りたくてウズウズしています。 皆さんもお忙しい年末年始かと思いますが、ほんの短い手芸タイムを利用してどうかほっこりしたひと時をお過ごしくださいね♪

***Love, Amy***

Making fussy cut coasters for holiday gifts ☆手作りギフト作り(コースターセット)

It's been a crazy busy week for me at work, at home, and at my sewing table this week! 


Despite the craziness, I managed to make this and other handmade gifts this week.


It's a fussy cut coaster set with a fabric tray. There are total of seven coasters included in this set.


The gift has been given away.  Hope the recipient liked it!


***Love, Amy***

Gift Making - Crochet Doily and Linen Pouches ♪ かぎ針編みのドイリーポーチ作り

Christmas is approaching and I am trying my best to squeeze in stitching time during night and day to create handmade gifts for my family and friends...


I recently made these simple pouches.  They are my original Crochet Doily and Linen Pouches. The doilies are crocheted with cotton yarns and the pouch body is made of linen and cotton pieces. 


It took me a while to decide which buttons to add...  I finally decided to fussy cut the *ribbons* from my stash to create fabric covered buttons.


If you are interested in making this simple pouch, it's featured in this book.
Wishing you are enjoying your holiday stitching!


***Love, Amy***

I've been making all things zakka 雑貨いろいろ作ってます♪

*Macaron* zipper pouch

How's your holiday sewing getting along? Well, I haven't actually started stitching holiday gifts (yet), but I've been making all things zakka. I just haven't had a chance to post them on my blog lately...  You know, it's so quick and easy to post images on Facebook and Instagram nowadays that I had been a bit lazy to update my blog.  So sorry!

Today, let me quickly show you some of my recent handmade zakka on this post!

皆さんこんにちは!最近では忙しさにかまけてなかなかブログ更新ができずご無沙汰しています~><;そんな中でも Facebook(フェイスブック = FB) と Instagram(インスタグラム = IG)ではちょくちょく手作り作品の写真を掲載しています。

ブログ更新にはどうしてもある程度の時間がかかってしまうのですが、その点 FB と IG はスマホからも簡単に写真が掲載できるので手早く便利です。今日は最近作った雑貨の中から、既にFBや IGで写真掲載したものを駆け足でブログ掲載させていただきますね♪

Here's a *macaron* zipper pouch that is made of precious scraps of Libery of London fabric. Can you believe that the entire procedure is hand stitched to make this teeny zipper pouch?  A quarter sized coin (Japanese 500 yen coin) snugly fits inside the tiny pocket of the pouch. These macaron zipper pouches are very popular among the Japanese crafters.


Cinnamoroll laptop sleeve

This one is made for my fourteen year old girl. It's a laptop sleeve made from Cinnamoroll fabric, another *kawaii* character from Japan.


The sleeve is entirely quilted throughout with double fleece batting for extra durability. Just like me, my daughter is a clumsy girl so we need extra care to protect expensive items! 


Rilakkuma zipper pouches 

Then I made these zipper pouches for our daughter's friends using the Rilakkuma fabrics.  


Per request of our girl, I added fluffy pom poms to the zipper pull and used cheery polka dots for the lining. These were given away as birthday gifts with other goodies inside.


Rilakkuma lunch set

Here's a bento lunch bag and a matching water bottle holder made for our youngest girl using different Rilakkuma fabric, of course! lol   I got this newer version of Rilakkuma fabric from Japan this summer.

リラックマといえば、これは次女のために作ったリラックマのお弁当バッグと水筒カバーのセットです。 この夏日本で購入したリラックマ生地を使っています。

Miffy the rabbit drawstring bag. The bag is fully lined!


Crocheted edging on double gauze fabric...


The reverse side is quilted linen.


Amigurumi under construction...  Can you tell what I'm making?

Well that's it for today! Hope you enjoyed browsing my recent handmade zakka. If you have a chance, hope you can join me on Facebook and follow me on Instagram ... Until next time!

あみぐるみを編んだりしています。他にもいろいろありますが今日はこのくらいにしておきますね~。お時間のあるときに Facebook と Instagram にも遊びに来ていただけたら嬉しいです♪

Facebook (Amy Morinaka) →☆
Instagram (chick chick sewing) →☆

***Love, Amy***

House Ornaments ☆ おうちのクリスマス飾り

Happy December!  

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend... and enjoyed the black Friday shopping spree! lol  Just like you, I have tons of things to do before Christmas... yet I still managed to make these small house ornaments to lift up the holiday spirits.

もう12月ですね♪ ここアメリカでは、今週末のサンクスギビング(感謝祭)休暇の開始と同時に街はクリスマス商戦スタートです。皆さんと同様、私もクリスマス前にはやるべきことが山積みですが・・・そんな中、以前から作ってみたかったおうち型のクリスマス飾りを作ってみました。

I was inspired from this book to make my own mini houses. I've owned this book for some time now, but I still enjoy flipping through the pages to find something exciting.


Above is the image from the book. Such cute houses!


I changed the size and the pattern a bit and made my own version. The houses are fairly small in size that can sit on my palm like this.


For the window of the mini houses, I was lucky to hoard these window themed fabrics on hand!


We don't have a *big* Christmas tree set up in our house yet, but I got this *mini* tree from our local Daiso (Japanese discount store) for less than $2.  I guess I need more ornaments to decorate this mini tree, but this is how it looks like for now.


Hope you all have a lovely month of December! 


***Love, Amy***

My facebook (Amy Morinaka) →☆
My instagram (chick chick sewing) →☆