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How I made the Crochet Rag Rug (tutorial)❣ 裂き編みマット作り方❣

This week's accomplishment: crochet rag rug finished! Yes it turned out a bit wonky, but after all it's just a rug, so I can live with the wonkiness! (lol)

今週もバタバタと忙しく過ぎましたが。。。すきま時間を使って裂き編みマットが完成しました♪ ご覧の通り少々イビツな仕上がりになりましたが、足マットなのでまあいいかと(笑)。

To make this rug, I first cut out fabric strips from my fabric stash and upcycled sheets to create fabric yarns.


Besides fabric stash and upcycled sheets, I used upcycled kids clothing...


I even used a portion of these "yukata" fabric, or Japanese summer kimono fabric, that I got from my mom a while ago.


To make fabric yarns, the fabric is cut into long strips with approximately 2.5 inches or 5 cm width. 

Using a pair of scissors, make a small cut at one edge of the fabric, then tear down the fabric along the grain. Leave approximately an inch of fabric untorn at the opposite edge (as shown above) then make the next cut, about 2.5 inches away from the first strip. Continue until you have a long continuous fabric strip (or a fabric yarn ball).


Crochet hook size used: US-N 13 or 10 mm (かぎ針=10mm 使用)
Number of stitches: 38 stitches  (つくり目=38目)

This is really a simple rug - it's made entirely of single crochets, row after row.  Just be careful that you may end up with aching fingers from time to time, from crocheting fabric strips (as it had happened to me at first!) 


Almost entirely this rug was crocheted in my car, sitting in the parking lot while I waited for my girls' schools and other activities. Such a great way to spend those odd moments of my day!

このマット、娘たちの学校や塾の送り迎え時の待ち時間を利用して、車内で黙々と編みました。すきま時間の利用法にはうってつけです❣  持ち運びにちょっとかさばるのが難点ですが。。。

To join fabric strips, I simply tied double knots as shown above. (The frilly ends are cut into shorter length later).


Front side of the crocheted rug.


Here's the reverse side (with joined knots).  I actually like these exposed joined knots as they add scrappy cuteness to the rug!


Finished size: Approximately 24" x 17" 
(出来上がりサイズ: 横 60 cm x 縦 42.5 cm)

I was literally "hooked" when making this rug. It's a great way to use up your stash and upcycled fabrics around the house. 

Happy crocheted rag rug making! 

短時間で楽しく作ることができてストレスも解消です☆彡  裂き編みマット、また作りたいな~。

***Love, Amy***

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1 comment:

  1. Great tutorial, thank you for sharing. I have a bag of un-wearable t-shirts that I will use for this :)
