Recently I whipped up a patchwork bib for our family friend's newborn baby girl. I just love to make handmade baby gifts to welcome those little peeps to our world♥
こちらのブログでも何度かお伝えしていますが、私は赤ちゃんギフトを手作りするのが大好き♪ 今回も知人に元気な女の赤ちゃん誕生のニュースを聞いたのでお名前入りパッチワークのビブを作ってみました。
To add personal touch to the gift, here I stitched the baby girl's name on to bib front with pink stitches.
Bib pattern is from my book, Zakka Handmades.
Cotton batting is sandwiched in between front and back panels. I used double gauze on the reverse side, so the bib turned out very soft and extra absorbent.
Our gift set of handmade bib and small monetary gift was well received by the new mom and dad❣ As I stitched the gift, I continuously wished for the happiness and good health of the baby♥
出産祝いはご祝儀袋と一緒に無事に新米ママとパパのお手元に渡りました♪ 生まれたばかりの赤ちゃんの健康と幸せを心から願っている手芸オバちゃんでした(笑)。
***Amy Morinaka***
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That is so adorable!! And I love that book :)