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Pocket tissue covers and more ♥ ポケットティッシュケース作りました ♥

In most big cities of Japan, outside of major train stations or on crowded streets, you will see people handing out pocket tissues to passers-by. It's nice to receive these promotional items because they're totally free, although they come with advertising inserts inside.


free pocket tissues 

It's been less than a year since our family moved to Tokyo from U.S., yet we already have a good supply of these free pocket tissues in our household (a lot more than I can show you here!)


So I made these simple pocket tissue covers using pieces of fabrics from my scrap bin. I made four of these, one for every family member, but our girls doesn't seem to like any of the fabrics I used... Well, no surprises as I am used to their pickiness when it comes to fabrics!! (And guess who they got it from?! lol) 

そのままで使うと味気ないのでハギレでポケットティッシュケース作ってみました❣ 家族4人にひとつずつ、のつもりでしたが我が家の娘たちは私が選んだ生地はすべてお気に召さないようです。可愛いのに~(とほほ)。ま、そうくるとは思っていたので想定内でしたが・・・(一体誰に似たのか⁈ 娘たちは生地選びにはうるさいのです)。

Speaking of fabric pickiness, a while ago I stitched up this tote for my sis using one of my fave fabrics (Echino bird from Kokka). 


This was a "practice project" while I was drafting my original tote pattern, or Tokyo Carryall Tote.  All patterns, including this tote pattern, is currently on 50% off sale in my etsy shop.

このトート、私のオリジナルパターン作品の一つです(妹にはパターン作成中の練習として作りました^^;)現在オンラインショップにて全ソーイングパターン半額セール実施中です♪ パターンはすべて英文です。オンラインショップはこちらから→☆

Few of the bags and totes made from my original patterns.


And lastly, these are homemade sweets/cookies/cupcakes that our girls baked for this year's Valentine's day...


It's a recent tradition in Japan for young girls to exchange homemade "friendship chocolates" or Tomo-choco (友チョコ)with their friends at school. It's just like exchanging Halloween candies in the U.S., except without spooky costumes or trick-or-treating!  Yum!


***Amy Morinaka***

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