About me 自己紹介

Personalized baby gift set for little Rae 姪っ子にベビーギフトをハンドメイド


The baby gift set for my youngest niece is finally finished and it flew to Tokyo earlier this week! The gift was made for the precious little girl, Rae.   I made three handmade items for her: patchwork drawstring bag, soft baby ring toy, and the personalized patchwork bib.



Baby Rae's initial is stitched on the center of this patchwork bag that I shared in my earlier post.


Does this soft toy look like bunny to you? I hope so!  It's a soft ring toy with a hand embroidered face.


Back side 裏側はこんな感じ。

Two separate body parts are stitched together to make a bunny toy...


I love making personalized baby gift for the baby and this one is no exception.   While I stitched little Rae's name on to the bib, I wished that her life will be filled with lots of love, good health, and prosperity...

こちらはお馴染み、ベビーのお名前刺しゅう入りのビブです。 姪っ子は「れい」という名前です。れいちゃんが健康で、愛情いっぱいの、豊かな人生を送ってくれますように・・・とたくさんの願いをこめてお名前をステッチしましたよ。

Reverse side is soft flannel in pink x white polka dots.


Bib can be worn with a snap closure.


By the way, if you would like to make your own bunny soft toy and a personalized patchwork bib for the baby in your life, both items are included in my book (release date: June 1, 2013)!


I hope my sweet little niece likes the handmade gift set made by her aunty from California!


And before I go, the bunny toy wants to wish you all a Happy Easter!! (lol)

こちらでは今週末はイースター(復活祭)を祝う週末です。ウサギのニギニギさんもイースターをお祝いしています。笑。 (ウサギはイースターのシンボルです)。

***Love, Amy Morinaka***

Patchwork drawstring bag with initial embroidery イニシャル刺しゅう入りパッチワーク巾着をハンドメイド。

 First of all, thank you very much for congratulating me about my upcoming first book! I sincerely appreciate your warm comments you left for me on this blog, on my flickr, and via emails.

Right now, I am super excited about my book release, yet it took me a while to reach this state of mind, because this entire book deal sounded just too good to be true. I just couldn't believe that there was someone out there (my Publisher) who actually wanted to take time and effort to publish MY book, out of all the talented crafters out there!  Boy, is my Publisher fearless or what! (I still think that they are bunch of really brave people!)



 In fact, my hubby is still in disbelief about my entire book deal, after watching his wife working very late nights and long hours on her book for over a couple of months. He probably thinks that I was just frantically crafting, as I've always been! (lol).


 I can't thank enough to my veteran editor, Linda Neubauer of Creative Publishing international, who walked me through the entire book making process with lots of patience and straightforward advice. Thank you, Linda!!  


After my mind was set to write a book, I had put in 200% effort in the book making process. My goal was to include simple yet eye-catching, practical handmade zakka items with easy to follow instructions. As a Japanese craft lover, my wish has always been to share the joy of creating and using the handmade zakka that originated in Japan, with the fellow craft lovers from around the globe! 



And that was about my book!



  Today, I'd like to share with you my latest creation made for my youngest niece. It's a patchwork drawstring bag, with her initial "R" stitched with care.


Lovely little girl was born in early February to my youngest sis who lives in Tokyo. She is the second baby to my sis and her hubby. 


For the bag interior, I used light blue x white pinstriped cotton. 


Reverse side of the exterior patchwork bag is the elephant print (my sister's favorite). 


You may recall that I made this elephant patchwork zipper pouch for this sis who just happens to love elephant prints!


I am in the process of making more handmade gift items for the little baby girl, which I plan to share with you in my next post.  I hope you come back to check it out :)  

Thank you so much for visiting my blog today. I hope you continue to enjoy your *crafty* weekend!



***Love, Amy Morinaka***

Zakka Handmades - My Book! 私の著作本が出版されます

Zakka Handmades by Amy Morinaka

May I share the news with you about my first book... Yes, my first book is coming out in June of this year! My heart is pounding from joy and excitement!

Publisher (出版社):  Creative Publishing international
Publish date (出版予定日): June 1, 2013

The book contains 24 zakka projects,  including everyday accessories and necessities, various bags and pouches, baby and young children's items, and kitchen and lunch related projects. All projects comes with step-by-step instructions with plenty of step out illustrations drawn by me.

 I'd like to thank my family members and friends for the continued support and love, the Publisher for this wonderful opportunity, and to you my fellow crafty bloggers for visiting my blog and being there for me!  I look forward to share with you more about this book in the coming months.  Happy zakka sewing! 

With love from California, 
Amy Morinaka



本については詳しくはこちらをご覧ください(アメリカ amazon.com)→☆




 Amy Morinaka

My sewing machine 愛用のミシン♪

This is my sewing buddy, Juki TL-2010Q.  I've been using it for over a year now.  This machine can only sew straight stitches (no zig zag or other fancy stitches), but it's very powerful, reliable, yet quiet, and I can't be happier with this machine!
かれこれ1年以上前から愛用しているミシン(Juki TL-2010Q)です。直線縫いしかできませんが(ジグザグステッチやボタンホール機能もなし)、パワフルでしかも静か。とても頼りがいのあるミシンです。
Also... as you may have noticed, I've updated my profile picture (eeek!) and added "About me" page to my blog.  It's a simple addition to my blog and hope you go take a look if you haven't yet. BTW my self portrait pic was taken in our living room using our camera's self timer function, with a little help from my thirteen year old daughter...
Thank you for stopping by, my dear crafty friends!
既にお気付きでしょうか・・・。当ブログのプロフィール(写真も)を変えてみました。 写真は我が家のリビングでカメラのセルフタイマーを使って撮影してみました。(長女にも手伝ってもらいながら・・・)。 他にも、About me (自己紹介ページ)を作成したので、よかったらご覧になってくださいね。→☆ いつもありがとうございます♪♪

Echino bird eco bag set (and the peacock visit)  エチノの生地でエコバッグ作り(と野生の孔雀が遊びにきました)

A little while ago, I sewed this matching reversible eco bag and a mini drawstring pouch set for a gift to our family friend. I used my favorite Echino fabrics to make these bags. As you know, Echino is a popular Japanese imported fabric line by designer Etsuko Furuya.
知人の方へのプレゼント用にお気に入りのエチノの生地でエコバッグとお揃いのミニ巾着のセットを作りました。 ご存知のように、エチノは日本のファブリックデザイナー古家悦子さんの世界的に人気のあるシリーズです。
 The size is roomy enough to be used as market tote, baby bag, gym bag, library bag, etc. The bag can be used reversible, and it is made from my original pattern.
 The matching mini drawstring pouch is made from the cut-out remnants of the inner straps when making the eco bag. I like how this small drawstring pouch shapes into a "dew drop" when the drawstrings are pulled.

There are no batting or interfacing used to make this eco bag, so it folds nicely when not in use.

... and stored inside the matching drawstring bag. I love the bird fabric!
くるくるっと丸めてミニ巾着に収まる仕組です。 エチノの鳥柄の生地でエコバッグセットのできあがりです。
 * * * * *
Speaking of birds... recently, we've been spotting these wild peacocks visiting our neighborhood.  You may recall that few years back, the peahens (female peacocks) even laid eggs in our backyard! (These birds fly into our neighborhood every spring from the neighboring city).

鳥といえば、最近、近所で野生の孔雀を見かけます。 この辺り一帯では、春先には隣町から野生の孔雀が飛んでくるのです。数年前には雌の孔雀が我が家の庭先に卵を生んだこともあったんですよ。当時の様子はこちらに記してあります。→☆
Yes these long tailed birds are pretty...
But their droppings are not! I've been cleaning our front yard every morning lately to clean up their mess and it's a dirty business! Oh, and they cry very loud from very early in the morning, too...

 孔雀は間近で見ると迫力もあり、とてもきれいな鳥なのですが、玄関先で〇〇チをされるのには閉口しています!ここのところ私の毎朝の日課は玄関先の孔雀の〇〇チを処理すること。 しかも、孔雀は早朝からものすごい大きな鳴き声で鳴くのでそれもかなりウルサイのです・・・。 


Crocheted camera case かぎ針編みのデジカメケース

The other day, I was in a desperate need of a camera case to protect our new digital camera, after dropping the camera down to our kitchen floor not once, but twice in a row. Oops!

First I thought about sewing the new camera case, but I ended up crocheting one. I wanted a new case a.s.a.p. (before dropping the camera again for the third time...), and crocheting seemed like a quicker way to do this.
Here's the sewn version of the camera case that I made few years back for our old digital camera. Yes, I still like this camera case, but this one is too roomy for our new camera to fit inside. (You know that the size of the digital camera continues to get slimmer and smaller.) Therefore I had to custom make a new case for our new camera.

 It took me about two hours to crochet this simple case. Mission accomplished :)
There is no pattern for this project. I simply picked up acrylic/cotton blend yarn from my yarn stash and began crocheting with single crochet from the bottom up, beginning with an oval shape then making it into a flat tube shape to fit our camera snugly.
 My initial plan was to embellish the camera case with these crocheted flowers... but then I changed my mind because I knew that my hubby (who is in his late forties) will not like the idea of carrying around a camera with crocheted flowers attached to the case!

Well, he may not like the bow embellishment either, but to me, the bow seemed less girly than the flowers. Or are they both equally girly looking? (lol)
Later on, I may end up making a more "unisex" looking camera case for my hubby, but as of now, we'll keep this one and see what he says ;) At least I know for sure that our girls wouldn't mind using our new camera case.

Elephant patchwork zipper pouch ぞうさん柄のパッチワークポーチ

Here's something that I whipped up for my youngest sis, using the remnant fabrics from the baby gift set that I made earlier.  It's a patchwork zipper pouch featuring her favorite fabrics of elephants :) 
東京在住の妹にぞうさん柄の生地でパッチワークのファスナーポーチを作りました。 少し前に妹に頼まれて作った赤ちゃんギフトのハギレを利用しました。 この妹はなぜかぞうさん柄が好きなのです。
You may recall this baby gift set that I made for baby Hajime earlier...

My younger sis is a school teacher in Tokyo, and she asked me to make her an oversized pencil pouch to store all her supplies she uses at school.

I'm not sure if this zipper pouch is big enough to store all of her needy supplies, but even if it doesn't, she can still use it as a cosmetic pouch...
ただ、このサイズで充分なのかどうか? 万一、小さすぎる場合は、化粧ポーチとして使ってもらおうと思います。

BTW...we received these very lovely and yummy looking Easter chocolates this week.  If you know me, you know that I'm a chocoholic, yet I'm trying to save these candies (at least for a few more days) for its cuteness! 

Color knitted fingerless gloves finished 編みこみハンドウオーマー完成

 I finished knitting a pair of fingerless gloves.  You may recall the work-in-progress of this project that I posted earlier.


The pattern is from this Japanese knitting book.  This was my very first color knitted or stranded knitted project, yet I truly enjoyed the challenge. The best part was to see the patterns on the book actually show up and come to life as my knitting progressed!

作り方は、すぎやまともさんの「編み込みこもの ミトン、帽子、ソックス…」を参考にしました。編みこみニットは初挑戦でしたが、編み図とにらめっこしながら編み進むのは楽しい作業でした。編みながら模様が浮かび上がってくるのを見る楽しみといったら^^

Here's the back side of the gloves.  As you can see, the yarns are carried across the back side of the gloves. Maintaining the right tension was quite a challenge for me.


The thumb sticks out from the opposite side of the glove like this.  I think these gloves are very convenient for people who use smart phones in cold weather.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Speaking of weather, we are experiencing a summer like weather here in Southern California. In fact, today's highest was 84F (29C)... which means that I will not have a chance to wear these gloves this season (or any season at all around here).  I can never complain about the gorgeous weather around here, yet when it comes to knitting winter projects, I miss the cold winter days of Japan where wearing mittens, scarves, and sweaters was a must for everyone!
