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Color Wheel Dresden Patchwork ♪ とってもカラフルなドレスデンパッチワーク作り♪

Happy weekend everyone!

Today I'd like to show you this scrappy dresden patchwork I managed to stitch this week. 


This color wheel came really handy when arranging and selecting my own colors/fabrics.


Chain stitching saves a lot of time. It's my kind of sewing! You may check out my earlier post on how I make these patchwork dresden plates.


It's been quite a challenge for me to squeeze in stitching time during the week, especially when one of our girls are in summer break and the other one is not! Yet it's always worth the try, because there is nothing more than sewing that gives me a sense of accomplishment. Besides, these colors really make me happy!


***Love, Amy***

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Hexagon Log Cabin Placemat ♪六角形(ヘクサゴン)のログキャビンでミニマット完成♪

Saturday is one of the busiest days of the week for me. There is so much driving involved in just one day to drop off/pick up our girls from their Japanese school, sports activities and other extra curriculum classes! 


Yet I'm sew happy that I managed to whip up this fun hexagon shaped log cabin place mat yesterday.


I've hoarded this charming horse fabric (Wee Wander Summer Ride by Sarah Jane) for a while, hoping that I can make something from this beauty one day...


It took some courage to fussy cut the white horse into hexagon shape, using this clear hexagon template. One edge of the hexagon measures 3.25 inches.


My iphone's alarm function is so helpful to manage the drop off/pick up time of our girls schedule throughout the day. I rushed back to my sewing table between my driving schedule to piece this hexagon...


...and managed to finish this place mat done! Yay!


Log cabin patchwork piecing is so addicting and fun that I can never get over with it!

Happy hexagon log cabin making... Enjoy your week!

ログキャビンのピーシングは楽しくて仕方がありません。作品を作っている間はとにかく夢中になれるのが何より有難いです^^ では皆さんも良い1週間をお過ごしくださいね。

xoxo, Amy

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More Scrappy Log Cabin Blocks ♪ はぎれでログキャビン♪

This week, I stitched up a couple more scrappy log cabins using my spare time. As always, without much thinking, I simply pulled out strips from my scrap bin and combined them together... Sew fun!


The center block measures 5" and the surrounding strips are 2" wide. The finished block is squared up to 11" square.


My initial plan was to whip up a quick door mat for our entrance area using these scrappy blocks. But as the number of blocks grew, now I'm thinking about making them into a bigger project... maybe a lap quilt?? 


So far, I have eight blocks altogether. I have no clue what these blocks will end up to be... But one thing for sure is that I will continue to enjoy every step of the way!


***Love, Amy***

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Patchwork Placemats for my Sis ♪パッチワークのランチョンマットを妹にプレゼント♪

Hello everyone!

Today I'd like to show you what I recently whipped up for my sis #1... a set of patchwork placemats! (Note: I have two younger sis and two younger bros, so it's easier for me to number them at times... he he)


Reverse side of placemats ランチョンマットの裏面

Actually, these placemats were made for my sis and her family as a thank you gift from me, for hosting us during our Christmas visit to their home last year end... Yes, it took me a whole six months to stitch up this gift for my sis and her family... Shame on me! 


This was a scrappy and hassle free kind of project that I really enjoyed making all four blocks! After all, these were made for my sis, which meant that they didn't have to be perfect...! ^o^


By the way this isn't the first time that I make placemats for my sis #1. Here is another set of placemats that I made back in 2010 for her. 


Here are the close up of the placemats that I made for my sister this time...


Scrappy string quilt version


Lemoyne star version


Kaleidoscope (kind of?) version


Cat in the house version (my original block)


I asked my sis which block she likes the best... Well, I already knew her answer because she is a serious cat lover... But yes, her favorite was a cat in the house block as I had expected ^^


I was able to hand over these placemats to my sis when she and my niece visited us over the past weekend.  After all, my thank you gift was waaaay too late, but better be late than never... Right, sis? 


***Love, Amy***

Recent makes (scrappy log cabins) ♪はぎれでログキャビン・サンプラー♪

Here's something that I began stitching from late last night... scrappy log cabins!


Log cabins are one of the very first quilt blocks that I have learned how to piece when I began stitching. It has always been my all time favorite block!


Each block measures approximately 11" in size. 

These blocks are totally made in a random manner. Without much thinking, I cut up several strips from my scrap bin and just keep on stitching. After a long day, making these random blocks at my sewing table really makes me happy and relaxed.  Happy log cabin making!


***Love, Amy***

Sewing for a Fundraiser ♪手作りグラニーバッグなど寄贈しました♪

The Yonsei Basketball Association is a non-profit organization founded by a group of Japanese Americans (JA) in Southern California to establish cultural exchange program for middle-school aged youths, using basketball as a vehicle.

Currently, the association is organizing fundraisers to raise money for the JA eighth-grade boys and girls to visit Japan this summer as part of the U.S. – Japan youth exchange program.



 Lining side of the bag バッグの内布

When I was asked to donate my handmade goodies and a copy of my autographed book to the Association’s fundraising program, I was thrilled! As a Japanese mom of two middle-school aged children, it's my honor to be able to help out such an exciting program!

このたび、このような素晴らしい活動をされている団体に私の手作り作品2点とサイン入り著書を寄贈させていただきました。 私自身中学生の娘二人の母ということもあり、お声をかけていただいた時は嬉しくてすぐにミシンに向かって作品制作を始めたい気持ちでいっぱいになりました!実際にはすぐにというわけにはいきませんでしたが、出来上がった作品はこちらです↓↓

Above are the finished projects… a simple tote bag and a matching lanyard made from Japanese “Echino” fabric. The pattern of the bag is my original. The lanyard pattern is from my book.


I love the colors of this fabric… deep and vibrant colors on cotton and linen blend fabric.


These items will be up for auction. I hope my handmade goodies will help raise money for the young JA boys and girls to experience the Japanese culture and heritage this summer in Nagoya, Japan (which happens to be my hometown)! I wish them the best of luck^^


***Love, Amy***

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Fabric necklace for my girlfriends ♪ギフト用に布製ネックレスを作りました♪

Over the weekend, I made these fabric necklaces as gifts to my girlfriends.


It takes a little less than one fat quarter to make one necklace.  You may want to check out  this earlier post to find out more about how I make these quick and simple accessories.


With wood beads placed inside, the finished necklace is very lightweight. It is perfect for daily use.



I asked my youngest girl to be the model of the day... The blouse may look a bit baggy for her and that's because she's wearing her mom's (lol).

次女にモデルになってもらいました♪ 私の服を着ているのでちょっとブカブカですね。(笑)

Which necklace do you prefer? 


***Love, Amy***

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