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Two drawstring bags

Yay! My sewing machine is finally back from service today, and I quickly made two drawstring bags late this afternoon.  Both bags are based on  Pink Penguin's very helpful drawstring bag tutorial and both will be gifts to our family and friends.

The embroidery work of this drawstring bag is done by my 10 year old daughter Lisa.  After finishing her first embroidery piece, she seems to be hooked on embroidering, although she still has hard time threading embroidery flosses into needles...  The word "Obambi" embroidered here is a nickname of her grandma in Japan.    And yes, this bag will be a gift from Lisa to her grandma.  

Well, besides the embroidery work, I did all the sewing, but it sure was fun selecting fabrics together with my daughter for my mom :)  

Inside is white hearts (the bag is reversible)

I used fun apple fabric for the second drawstring bag.  I plan to put these handmade bibs that I made earlier inside this apple bag and give it to my girlfriend for the upcoming babyshower gifts.

Light blue x brown polka dots lining (reversible bag)


Lastly, here is Lisa's latest embroidery work...  I thought it was so sweet for her to embroider something like this...!!!  Which sure made me happy :-)  Now, we're trying to decide what to make from this project... Shall we make another drawstring bag? a pillow? or an apron, maybe??  We'll see.


  1. ミシン、お帰りなさい!!メンテの結果はどうでしたか?調子が戻りましたか?


  2. ミシンが戻ってきて本当に嬉しいです(涙)!ミシンがこんなにも私の生活の一部になっていたとは、手元を離れてみて実感です。メンテ後はとても調子がよくなり、音も静かになった気が…。今回はミシンを長持ちさせる為の秘訣?なども聞いてきたのでまたこちらでアップしますね。


  3. I wrote a big long comment on here last night but I guess it disappeared when my internet connection dropped:-(

    Oh well, anyway, I just wanted to say Lisa must have made you very happy with her lovely new embroidery, and is sure to make her grandma happy as well with that sweet bag. And you did a beautiful job with the bags. Keep up the wonderful work, both of you :-)

  4. that is just so sweet, and she must ne so pleased to see her embroideries turning into cute little handmade gifts!
    You could make yourself an ornament, or make it into a softies that hangs from the doorhandle?

  5. Thank you, Sam! This is Lisa. I reallly enjoy embroidering and I can't wait to embroider more!

  6. Hi, Beth! Thank you for your nice comments and ideas about what to make from my daughter's embroidery project. I'd like to make something that I can see and feel my daughter's work everyday, so hanging softies and ornaments sound like a great idea :) Thanks again!
