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New pillows for our girls and the peacock babies (hatched!)

Over the weekend, I whipped up these pink pillows for our girls.  I simply sewed together two layers of rectangular fabrics, with right sides together, and filled them with pillow fillings lightly (as our girls prefer "lower" pillows and dislike the "taller" ones).  It was a quick sewing job that it took me less than an hour to make these pillows.   When these need to be laundered, I will just toss them into our washing machine and dryer. 

Here is the close up of the fabric that our girls selected.  It's a fabric with a touch of  Paris, with prints of Eiffel tower,  scooters, and suit cases...  Isn't it lovely? 

By the way, I wanted to show you the pictures of the baby peacocks who just hatched in our backyard!!   There are three of them...   And they're only one day old...

It's so  fun to watch these baby birds follow their mommy wherever they go...

Hope you can see them from these images...

For those of you who are new to this blog, wild peacock laid eggs in our backyard several weeks ago, and we'd been anxiously waiting for the eggs to hatch...

And she is the proud mommy : )

There were four eggs in the nest, and our girls spotted one more egg remaining (unhatched) in the nest today.   We're crossing our fingers that this one will safely hatch soon...

And by the way, if you haven't left your comments on my giveaway post yet, do it now because it is open until this Thursday, May 20th midnight (U.S. Pacific Time).  Thanks to those of you who have already left comments!!


  1. 孔雀ベイビーのご誕生、おめでとうございま~す!

  2. Sweet pillows! Your girls have chosen a very lovey fabric ! I love the picture of the scooter, it reminds me the scooter my brother-in-law used long ago ... :)!

  3. Hiromi さんこんにちは!確かに我が家の子供達にとっては(庭の孔雀の存在は)とても良い経験になると思います。 先日、次女は学校へ庭で撮った孔雀の写真を持参してクラスで発表していました。ただ…孔雀の数が増えた分、それらの(糞)の処理も大変になってしまいましたが…これはやむを得ませんね(苦笑)。Hiromiさんのお宅のウサギ達もきっと可愛いでしょうね!

  4. Hi, PY! Our girls are becoming more and more picky about selecting fabrics, and they're so much like me that it scares me \*O*/

  5. Oh wow - peacock babies!!! And I love the fabric you have chosen for those pillows too. :)

  6. The peacock babies are so cute. I've never seen peacock chicks before, although there were some adult peacocks at the park I used to go to when I was little.

  7. Thanks, Deb and Stephanie, for your comments :) And yes, the peacock babies are really cute and fun to watch, they follow their mommy wherever she goes!
