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Smocked summer top for my daughter

For a "quick" summer sewing, I made this smocked summer top for my daughter.

The reason why I call it "quick" is because I used the cotton/spandex fabric that was already smocked at the top (purchased from our local Joann store a while ago). 

All I needed to do was to make four shoulder straps, sew together hem on each of the short ends, attach straps to the top, and sew the bottom seams.  That's it! 

To make the shoulder straps, I used four fabric strips of 1.5" x 13" (2.3 cm x 33 cm) in length.

Close up of the shoulder straps, attached to the smocked top, and tied in ribbon.

Using the same fabric with the shoulder straps, I made a matching hair scrunchie (or we call it shoo-shoo in Japanese).

Matching hair scrunchie and the shoulder straps.

Our 10 year old daughter used to wear any clothing that I hand it out to her, but now, she is a young fashionista (at least she thinks so) and she is so specific about what she likes and what she doesn't like to wear...

But this summer top, she seems to like it...  phew!
Now we have one happy mom and a daughter :)


But it doesn't stop here... Now I need to sew another top like this one for my younger daughter, just to be "fair" ! 


  1. お~、娘さんのポーズがバッチリ決まっていますね。
    10歳ですか、、今回 無事ママ好みと娘好みが一致して良かったですね!phew!
    ところでこのお洋服の脇と、裾の始末は例のミシンでしょうか? 写真で見ると、裾は3つ折始末ではないようなので、、巻きロックとか私の夢です。フリフリ♪させて子供の服とか作ってみたいです。

  2. cocostitch さん、そうです、今回も脇&裾の始末は例のミシンで仕上げましたよ~。裾は巻きロックで超簡単仕上げでした。とはいえ、まだまだ私の腕が追いつかなくて仕上がりはガタガタな部分もありますが…。 


  3. oh i love how smocking looks like. i read and re-read the instructions on my sewing machine book on how to smock.. haha, but it sounded complicated that I haven't had the guts to try it out yet! i've seen fabric such as these ready smocked ones.. really pretty! you did a great job with the blouse Amy :D

  4. Thank you, WhimsyLoft! Just like yourself, I've read and reread the smocking instructions on my sewing books, too, but never tried smocking by myself before :P But since my girl liked this top so much, I'm thinking about smocking fabric myself, as it will be much cheaper than to by the readily smocked fabric!!

  5. aw!! nice!! it's nice to have daughters. I haven't sewn any clothes for babyY yet. But I'll do so soon when she starts standing and walking!^___^

  6. Thanks, Wynn! Yes, you should start sewing clothes for your daughter (and son, too, of course) before they become too picky... like our girls are now :P

  7. This summer top is very cute. Your girls must be happy and proud to put on your handsewn clothings .

    I can see that sewing really brighten up your life. So much FUN ! Right ? :)

  8. PY, you're right! Sewing really brightens up my life, and I don't think I could ever live without being doing something creative (and I'm sure you're the same, too ;)
