Ever since our kids are out of school, it's been quite difficult for me to find time to sew (/. _ .\) ...
So, instead of blogging about my creations, today I'd like to share with you my collection of buttons.
How many buttons does an average person own? I have no idea, and I don't know if my collection of buttons is about average, below average, or above average... but to my opinion, I think I own A LOT of buttons!
I got most of these buttons from my mom in Japan. Just like me, she's a frugal person, and she stored all these buttons throughout the years.
I store my buttons in an empty jar and place it on my sewing table, like this. Although the entire buttons does not fit inside one (spaghetti sauce) jar, so I store them in several different jars...
And do you remember this recycled crochet mat made of fabric yarns that I started a while ago?
Well, after several weeks, it's not finished yet, and I'm still working on it in my spare time. I'm hoping to finish this up during this summer, but I'm not sure if that's going to happen...
So far, I've used recycled fabrics mainly from old bed sheets and pillow cases, but I'm also using our girls' old clothing that they used to wear several years back.
I picked up this bright pink fabric from our girls' old skirt that they outgrew.
I like the bright pink color of this skirt.
Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a good week !!