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Sashay Mini Ruffle Scarf   変わり毛糸でフリフリマフラー

Inspired by the pretty ruffle scarves handmade by the talented crafter and my sweet blogger friend, Ryoko of cocostitch, I knitted this ruffle scarf this week. It was a super easy project, but the results doesn't show that (or does it? lol).
いつも素敵な作品を作っているブログ友達の cocostitch りょうこさんがおしゃれなフリフリマフラーを作っているのを見て、私も早速挑戦してみました。りょうこさんが作られた作品はこちらです。→

Yarn (使用毛糸): Sashay from Red Heart (color: Rumba)
Needle size (棒針): US 10 (6 mm)
Note: The pattern asks for size 9 (5.5 mm) needles but I think it makes no big difference
Sashay yarn has a touch of metallic. It looks like a ribbon yarn at first, but when it's spread out, it looks like a fish net!
今回使用したのはこちらの変わり毛糸です。 一見、糸はリボン状に見えますが、広げてみるとネット状に!

I followed this pattern and tutorial to make this scarf. I cast on 6 stitches and continued knitting. 
Pattern (英文編み方): Red Heart Frilly Knit Scarf
YouTube tutorial(編み方動画):Learn How to Knit with Sashay from Red Heart

上記の編み図(英文編み方)と動画を参考にしました。 編み始めは6目でスタート。

Instead of creating a long scarf as described in the pattern (the pattern calls for 62" scarf), I made a shorter scarf with approximately 31" length.  I find mini scarves more easy to wear than longer ones, especially when I'm doing household chores at home...
編み図ではマフラー長さは155センチとなっていましたが、今回は少しアレンジして約半分の長さの78センチのミニマフラーに仕上げました。 家で家事などをするときには短めマフラーのほうが使いやすいかな?と思ったので。
The (metallic blue) mini ruffle scarf turned out so pretty tha I made another one in a darker tone (yarn color: Waltz).

For these mini ruffle scarves, I used only a half ball of yarns for each color. Which means that I can make two more scarves with these leftover yarns (one from each color). 

ミニマフラーひとつにつき、毛糸玉を約半玉使用。 残った毛糸でもう2本マフラーが編めそうです^^

 Mini ruffle scarves in metallic blue and metallic brown/silver. Which color do you prefer?


I love these ruffle scarves! I highly recommend making these for yourself or for your girlfriends and family members on your holiday gift list.
とっても簡単な割には簡単に見えない(笑)?素敵な仕上がりに大満足です。 クリスマスギフト用に是非皆さんも編み編みしてみてはどうでしょう。
Happy knitting! Hope you have a crafty weekend :) 
***Love, Amy***

Mini Drawstring Bags for Holiday Gift Wrap    ミニ巾着ポーチ5点

I listed these mini sized *dew drop* shaped drawstring bags in my online shop today. 
These pouches make eco-friendly and reusable holiday gift wrap to hold small gifts such as gift cards, soap, jewelry, cosmetics, and small toys inside. 

It was so fun to pick these pretty prints from my stash.
From left to right: Pink kitchen zakka print, Happy Folklore print, and Summersville Houses and Trees print.

These pouches are made with holiday colors. From left to right: Red Mushroom Fairies and Holiday Trees.

The pouch can carry iPods and iPhones snugly in place.
iPod や iPhone がちょうど収まるサイズに仕上がっています。

The pouches are small in size, yet they are fully lined with quality cotton fabrics.

The entire shop sales will be donated to "Ashinaga" organization of Japan (あしなが育英会), that supports the children who has lost their parent(s) from Japan's earthquake and tsunami in March 2011.

Thank you for looking :) 
***Love, Amy***

iPad Case for My Sis  歯みがき柄のiPadケースをハンドメイド

Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving with your loved ones. 
We had a great time spending the long weekend with with my younger sis and her family who were visiting us from out of state (they live in the Midwest).
アメリカでは先週はサンクスギビング休暇でした。 我が家では、他州に住む妹一家が遊びに来てくれたので、皆で楽しい時間を過ごすことができました。
As a Japanese family, we did not have turkey for this Thanksgiving, but instead we had lots of sushi, Korean BBQ, Suki-yaki (Japanese style hot pot dish with meat, tofu and veggies), ramen (Japanese noodle dish), cold soba (buckwheat noodles) and Tempura (deep fried seafood and veggie)... over the weekend. 

No, we didn't eat all this in one day! But yes, we overate over the Thanksgiving, even if we didn't have a traditional Thanksgiving feast!! 
サンクスギビングといえば七面鳥ディナーですが、今年は七面鳥の代わりに、寿司、焼肉、すき焼き、ラーメン、そば、天ぷら、などなど・・・という豪華(?!)メニューでお祝いしました。(注:一日ですべてこれだけ食べたわけではありません。笑)。 とはいえ、ご多分にもれず、今年のサンクスギビングも食べ過ぎました・・・。 
Anyways, while my sis was here, I whipped up a new iPad case for her that she had asked me to make quite some time ago.  I followed this wonderful tutorial from One Shabby Chic to make this one.
My sis and I went to a local fabric shop together, and she selected this imported *toothpaste* fabric. I had never seen a toothpaste themed fabric before, and it seems somewhat strange... but we both liked the pop art taste of this Japanese fabric.
妹一家の滞在中には、以前から妹に頼まれていた iPadケースをハンドメイドしました。 こちらの作りかたレシピを参考に作りました。

 Although my youngest daughter thought this fabric came from a local dentist's office (lol)!


Using the remnants, I made a matching padded zipper pouch for her. 

 My sis seemed to like how these turned out which made me very happy :)

Over the weekend, I also made these long zipper pouches for my shop.
I love the colors of these pouches - turquoise blue, emerald green, and deep purple - they are all my favorite.
週末には他にも、オンラインショップ用のペンケースも縫いました。 深緑、トルコブルー、紫色・・・どれも好きな色ばかりで仕上げてみました。

As you may already know from my earlier posts, the entire shop sales will be donated to "Ashinaga" organization of Japan (あしなが育英会), that supports the children who has lost their parent(s) from Japan's earthquake and tsunami in March 2011.
Now that the Thanksgiving is over, I can actually feel Christmas in the air... which means lots of sewing time for me!
Happy sewing and hope you continue to enjoy your week ;)
サンクスギビングも終わり、次はクリスマスですね。 私にとってクリスマスとはまさにハンドメイドの季節です。 今年もがんばってハンドメイドギフトをたくさん作りたいな♪
***Love, Amy***

Granny squares  あまり毛糸でモチーフ編み

 Today I wanted to share with you a quick peek of what I started working on this week during my spare time...
Using leftover yarns from this crochet scarf from last winter, I began stitching some simple granny squares while I wait for my daughters' after school activities.
昨冬に編んだこの小マフラーのあまり毛糸を利用しています。 私の編み物タイムは、主に娘たちの習い事の待ち時間中です。
You can find stitch diagram of this scarf in my earlier post.

The granny squares are not steam ironed yet... so they look very wonky ;)

I'm not exactly sure what these grannies will turn into when they're joined.  We'll see...


I keep a ball of yarn, a hook, a pair of small scissors, and some yarn needles in this handmade drawstring bag.  I carry around this bag wherever I go and I start crocheting whenever I find a chance, even at odd places...
 If you find a short Japanese girl (I'm 5' 1") crocheting granny squares while waiting in line at a local post office, banks, or supermarkets, that's got to be me!  Yes, I'm a weird crochet maniac :D  (lol)
出かけるときはこの手作り巾着バッグの中に、毛糸、編み針、小さなはさみ、毛糸針、などを入れて持ち歩いています。 どこにいても、ちょっとした待ち時間を見つけては編み編みしています。
Happy crocheting and enjoy your weekend!
***Love, Amy***

Liberty of London Carrying Pouches in my shop  リバティプリントの持ち手付きポーチをハンドメイド

I've made countless number of these carrying zipper pouches using various fabrics over the years, but this time I whipped them up using my favorite fabric collection, or the Liberty of London tana lawn classic prints, combined with 100% white linen. These carrying zipper pouches are now listed in my online Etsy shop.
大好きなイギリスのファブリック、リバティプリントと白リネンを合わせて、持ち手つきファスナーポーチを作ってみました。 いずれのポーチも私のオンラインショップで販売中です。

I stitched a tiny embroidery of bow tie ribbon at the center top linen panel of the exterior pouch to add charm... Wood bead is attached at the zipper pull with cotton cords.
小さなリボンモチーフをリネン地に刺しゅうしてみました。 ファスナーにはナチュラルなウッドビーズの飾りをつけました。

Pink floral version

 Navy floral version

 The pouch has flat bottom with approximately 1 inch (2.5 cm) depth to securely hold items inside.

Coordinating pink x white polka dots cotton print is used for the interior and the straps of both pouches.
As I mentioned in my earlier post, 100% revenue generated from my shop sales, including these carrying pouches, will be donated to "Ashinaga" organization of Japan (あしなが育英会), that supports the Japanese orphans, including those children who has lost their parent(s) from Japan's earthquake and tsunami in March 2011.
前回、当ブログでもご紹介させていただいた通り、これらのポーチを含むショップの本年度全収益金は「あしなが育英会」に寄付させていただきます。 「あしなが育英会」は、病気や災害、自死(自殺)などで親を亡くした子どもたちや、親が重度後遺障害で働けない家庭の子どもたちを物心両面で支える日本の民間非営利団体です。
Thank you for stopping by!  I will be back soon ;)
今日も遊びに来てくださってありがとうございます。 また近いうちにブログUPしますね♪
***Love, Amy***

Japanese Style Bento Lunch Bags Made for My Shop  ランチバッグをハンドメイド

Hello my fellow craft lovers :)
After several months of absence, I reopened my etsy shop over the weekend. I've been wanting to open my shop sooner, and I can't believe it's been almost six months since I closed my shop...!  But after all, I'm happy now to be able to sit down and make things for my online shop so hope you can stop by if you have a chance! 
I decided to continue my fundraising efforts through my shop sales to support the "Ashinaga" organization of Japan (あしなが育英会). All shop sales made during 2012, including the sales generated between March to July of this year, will be donated to the organization.
As you may recall from my earlier post, the word "Ashinaga" means "Daddy Long Legs" in Japanese, and this organization supports the Japanese orphans both emotionally and financially. 
今年の初めのショップ売上金と、年内いっぱいのハンドメイド作品の売上金の総額(送料を除く)を「あしなが育英会」に寄付させていただくことにしました。 ご存知の通り、「あしなが育英会」は、病気や災害、自死(自殺)などで親を亡くした子どもたちや、親が重度後遺障害で働けない家庭の子どもたちを物心両面で支える日本の民間非営利団体です。
As a Japanese national living away from my home country, I wanted to continue to do my part to support the earthquake and tsunami victims that struck Japan in March 2011.
As a mother of young children, my heart  especially goes to those children who lost their parent(s) from the natural disaster. I know that I can't do much, but I still wanted to do something to help those in need. You know that I love to craft, and if I can make an even teeny tiny difference to those children in need through my love of craft, I can't be happier!
You can read more about my fundraising efforts in this post and this post.
2011年3月の東日本大震災から1年以上が経過し、海外で暮らす日本人として、そして私自身2児の母として、昨年の大災害で片親、または両親を亡くした震災遺児、津波遺児の子供たちのために微力ながらも何かお手伝いできたら幸いです。 特に、私の大好きな手芸を通してお力になれたらこれ以上嬉しいことはありません!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
So, here are the Japanese style bento bags (lunch bags) that are newly added to my shop.  All of these bags are made of quality Japanese imported heavy cotton or cotton/linen blend that are very durable.
Bento bag made of Echino Decoro fabric (green)
デザイナー古家悦子さんのテキスタイルブランド echinoの生地で。

This one features the Matryoshka and Dala Horse. I love the folklore taste of this heavy weight cotton.
Retro Animals version. I combined it with green x white gingham check top closure fabric.
This bento bag is made from my favorite Melody Miller collection.  You may recall from this earlier post.
For all of these bento bags, the layer of insulation is sandwiched in between the exterior and interior fabrics to keep food, snacks, and drinks inside the bag cold or hot for hours. The bag can also be used to carry baby food and formula.

  I attached embellished fabric balls made with coordinating fabrics to the drawstring ends to add the zakka style charm to the bag.
The bags opens and closes with convenient drawstring closure, and the straps are made of durable cotton webbing.


 These bags lay flat when not in use, which saves some space in your kitchen (hopefully).

Besides the bento bags, I've also listed these Patchwork Flex Frame pouches that are perfect to be used as sunglasses holder, pens and pencil case, crochet hook case, and more!
Patchwork flex frame pouches (non quilted)

These are the machine quilted version.

 I will be back for more pictures soon!  Thanks for visiting and hope you have a wonderful week! My goal for this week (and the weeks following) is to create more items for my shop throughout this holiday season.

今日も最後までお付き合いくださってありがとうございます。 皆さんも良い1週間をお過ごし下さいね。 私は今後しばらくは時間を見つけてはショップにアイテムを補充できるように頑張ります♪

***Love, Amy***
chick chick handmade shop owner and designer
