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Color knitted fingerless gloves finished 編みこみハンドウオーマー完成

 I finished knitting a pair of fingerless gloves.  You may recall the work-in-progress of this project that I posted earlier.


The pattern is from this Japanese knitting book.  This was my very first color knitted or stranded knitted project, yet I truly enjoyed the challenge. The best part was to see the patterns on the book actually show up and come to life as my knitting progressed!

作り方は、すぎやまともさんの「編み込みこもの ミトン、帽子、ソックス…」を参考にしました。編みこみニットは初挑戦でしたが、編み図とにらめっこしながら編み進むのは楽しい作業でした。編みながら模様が浮かび上がってくるのを見る楽しみといったら^^

Here's the back side of the gloves.  As you can see, the yarns are carried across the back side of the gloves. Maintaining the right tension was quite a challenge for me.


The thumb sticks out from the opposite side of the glove like this.  I think these gloves are very convenient for people who use smart phones in cold weather.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Speaking of weather, we are experiencing a summer like weather here in Southern California. In fact, today's highest was 84F (29C)... which means that I will not have a chance to wear these gloves this season (or any season at all around here).  I can never complain about the gorgeous weather around here, yet when it comes to knitting winter projects, I miss the cold winter days of Japan where wearing mittens, scarves, and sweaters was a must for everyone!



  1. おぉ~ とうとう完成しましたか~♪
    上手に出来たね~♪ さすがAmyチャン♪
    売れますよ~♪ 私 買いたいもん♪
    日本は 寒波が凄くて 寒いよ~>_<;
    ご近所さんなら 教えて頂きたいっ♪

  2. etsuちゃ~ん、いつもありがとう♪ このハンドウオーマー、何とか仕上がったのはよいものの、よく見るとホコロビも多いんです…。でもこれに懲りずにどんどん次作にチャレンジしたいです~。

