About me 自己紹介

Practicing coin purse making がま口財布作り修行中。

Making this type of coin purse is always a challenge for me.  

These clasp frame purses are called ga-ma-gu-chi in Japanese, which literally means "toad's mouth" from its shape when the coin purse is widely opened.


The size of this clasp frame is approximately 3 inches or 7.5 inches wide.  These ga-ma-gu-chi coin purses have been around in Japan for decades, and it's one of the very traditional Japanese zakka items.


I purchased the clasp frame set from our local Daiso store, a Japanese discount store packed with variety of household, stationery, food, toiletry and craft items.


It came with a pattern and instructions (in Japanese).


 To attach the clasp, you will need a pair of pliers, a pointy object (I used toothpicks), craft glue, and a small paper rope that comes with the frame. For me, sewing zipper pouches is so much easier than making these coin purses! I just need more practice, practice, practice...

If you are interested in making these clasp coin purses, I found a great tutorial in English here.

財布に口金を取り付ける際には、ペンチ、爪楊枝(または目打ちでもOK)、木工用ボンド、紙紐(キットに入っています)が必要です。 私はまだまだがま口財布作りは修行中の身で、ファスナーポーチを作るほうがどれだけ簡単か知れません。 練習あるのみ・・・!


Here are some of the clasp coin purses that I've made in the past...


For this coin purse, I needle felted applique flowers on to linen.


I made this polka dots version for my mom a while ago. 


coin purse, originally uploaded by chick chick sewing (amy).

This one was made for our daughter using their favorite fabrics (Cinnamoroll from Sanrio). 


I need to make more of these ga-ma-gu-chi coin purses to improve my skills in attaching the clasps!
Happy coin purse making and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!



***Love, Amy Morinaka***


  1. Hi, I was using the same frame from Daiso Store too.
    I agree with you that to make it better is to have more practice. I was quite clumsy when i was making my first and only coin purse using the frame. (http://sweettarap.blogspot.com/2012/08/my-first-purse-with-metal-frame.html)
    There was no stock during my last visit to the store. Hope I can get it in my next visit. (I can only go there when i travel as i live in a small town).

  2. Thanks, SweetTarap! Hope you can find another frame at your next Daiso stop... Happy coin purse making!

  3. Love your purses Amy. I have a purse frame from Daiso - you have inspired me to have a go at making one. Great project to use some treasured pieces of fabric.
