About me 自己紹介

Drawstring bag making with nani IRO fabric ダブルガーゼで巾着作り。

I stitched up this drawstring bag using the Japanese imported double gauze fabric from nani IRO fabric line. This beautiful fabric is designed by the popular textile designer, Naomi Ito, of Japan.  Double gauze is a lightweight and sheer fabric with such soft feel. I just love, love the colors of this fabric!

ギフト用に、夏らしいダブルガーゼの生地を利用して大きめの巾着を作りました。今回使った鮮やかなダブルガーゼ生地は、日本のデザイナー・伊藤尚美さんがデザインされた nani IRO シリーズから。この色合わせ、大好きです♪  nani IROについてはこちらから。 →☆

You may recall this cross stitch that I whipped up earlier...


I whipped up this bag as a gift for a special person, along with other matching item. I plan to post about the other project soon! 

It's hard to believe that July is ending and August is approaching!! Where did my summer go?? Well I guess I should start enjoying summer with my girls before the fall approaches... Hope you all kick off the month of August in a great mood!


しかし早いものでもう7月も終わりです。 私の夏は一体どこに?!と慌てふためいている場合ではありませんね(苦笑)。8月は家族でゆっくり過ごせたらいいなあ・・・と思っていますがどうなることやら。 皆様にとっては、滑り出し好調!な8月をお迎えくださいね。

*** Love, Amy ***

Zakka Handmades Giveaway Winners Announced! and the Monstera Stamp Sachet 手作り雑貨プレゼント企画当選者発表!とモンステラのラベンダーサシェ

Zakka Handmades giveaway winners are: Speckled Hen (Airmail Mug Rug), Jessica (Kotori pouches) and Frances (Flex Frame Pouch)! I will email you shortly... Thank you so much for entering!

手作り雑貨プレゼント企画の当選者発表です。当選者の方々はこちら。Speckled Henさん(エアメール・マグラグ)、Jessicaさん(小鳥ポーチ)、Francesさん(デンマーク国旗のバネポーチ)。ご応募ありがとうございました。手作り雑貨プレゼント企画の詳細はこちらから。→☆

So... Do you remember these Monstera leaf and the Hibiscus stamps that hand carved from an eraser earlier?


Well I made an Eraser Stamped Lavender Sachet from one of the stamped fabrics.


I filled up this sachet with generous amount of dried lavender, using a paper funnel I made from simply rolling up a piece of paper in a cone.


Love the summery feel of this sachet! If you are interested in making your own, the project is featured in my book

Have a great week and hope you continue to enjoy your summer! (I mean winter, for the folks in the Southern Hemisphere, of course :D


では皆さん良い1週間を、そして引き続き楽しい夏をお過ごしくださいね♪ 南半球にお住まいの方々にとっては冬の季節を満喫してください~。

***Love, Amy***

Book giveaway at sew4home!  インテリア系サイトで著書のプレゼント企画♪

Book giveaway at sew4home

Hi!  I'm popping in to let you know that there is a book giveaway going on until August 5, at sew4home, a fabulous site for sewing essentials and home decor tips!  Their review of my book is stunning with lots of beautiful images!

Thanks, Sew4Home, for the awesomeness! 

Also, Just a reminder that my handmade zakka giveaway is still open until July 26, 10 p.m. PST.  Hope you have a chance to enter if you haven't yet!

Handmade zakka giveaway!



***Love, Amy*** 

Scrappy bird pouch and the peacock... ハギレのポーチと庭の孔雀・・・。

Without much thinking... I stitched up this scrappy log cabin patchwork zipper pouch. It was a fun and speedy project with instant gratification!


I got the center bird fabric from our local Joann. It's one of the Cloud 9 fabric line.

ポーチ中央の鳥さんの生地は近所の手芸量販店 Joannから。Cloud 9という人気ファブリックシリーズのものです。 →☆

And guess who's been visiting our backyard lately?


Yes! It's the peacock again!  In our neighborhood, we often spot these wild peacocks, as mentioned in this earlier blog post.


He likes to sit underneath our backyard table and leave droppings... lol
Has any bird visited your backyard lately?

Just a reminder that my handmade zakka giveaway is still open until this Friday night.  Hope you have a chance to enter if you haven't yet!

庭のテーブル下でくつろぐ孔雀さん。美しい鳥には違いありませんが、必ず置き土産(う〇ち)を残していくのが困り物です! 皆さんのお宅ではどんな鳥が遊びに来ますか?


***Love, Amy***

Zakka Handmades Giveaway Time! ハンドメイド雑貨のプレゼント企画です♪

Hello everyone!

As I've mentioned in my previous post, today I'm giving away three of my handmade zakka projects that I created during the Zakka Handmades Blog Tour, to show my appreciation of the recent blog hop success!

  You have a chance to win one of the following zakka projects handmade by me: (1) Airmail mug rug  (2) Kotori (little bird) zipper pouches (a set of two) or (3) Flex frame pouch with three brand new sets of flex frames (4" or 10 cm width)!  All of these zakka projects are featured in my book, and I created these exclusively for this blog hop. 

Zakka Handmades Blog Tour: 6/24/13 - 7/17/13



Choice # (1) Airmail Mug Rug. You can find details of this mug rug here.


Choice # (2) Kotori (little bird) zipper pouches (a set of two) - Details are here.


Choice # (3) Flex frame pouch with 3 sets of flex frames (4" or 10 cm width) that can be used to create your own flex frame pouches! Details of this flex frame pouch can be found here


Here are the rules...
  • The giveaway is open internationally. 
  • Leave a comment on this post telling me which zakka would you like to win: (1) the Airmail Mug Rug (2) Kotori zipper pouches (a set of two) or (3) Flex Frame Pouch with three sets of flex frames.
  • Don't forget to include your email address in your comment, unless your email is listed in your blogger profile. You can leave your email address like this: amymorinaka[at]yahoo[dot]com if you prefer.
  • One entry per person, please.  
  • The giveaway will close at 10 pm PST of Friday, July 26, and I will announce the winner shortly.  

Remember, even if you don't win, you can still create these zakka projects from my book  that comes with step-by-step instructions with easy to follow diagrams!

Good luck to you!


  • ご希望の雑貨(1)(2)(3)のうち一点をお選びいただき、メールアドレスとともにコメント欄にお残し下さい。メールアドレスは、セキュリティの問題上、[ ]などを使ってこのように記してもOKです。amymorinaka[at]yahoo[dot]com
  • ご応募はお一人につき1点のみ。
  • アメリカ国外の方も是非ご応募くださいね。
  • 締切りはアメリカ西部時間7月26日(金)午後10時とさせていただきます。

・・・もしも今回のプレゼント企画でハズれてしまっても、これらの作品の詳しい作り方は著書に掲載されていますので是非ご自身でも作ってみてくださいね♪ (本は英語ですが・・・イラストもふんだんに盛り込まれています~。)

Giveaway is now closed. Thanks for entering!

*** Love, Amy***

Note by author: Zakka(雑貨) in Japanese refers to small household goods used in everyday life. Handmade zakka adds charming and meaningful touch to our daily tasks!

Zakka Handmades Blog Tour Wrap Up! 著書「雑貨ハンドメイド」のブログ企画総まとめです♪

Zakka Handmades Blog Tour is officially over and I am super delighted to announce that it was a huge success!! Thank you so much to the magnificent bloggers who took part in this blog hop, and thank you to each and every one of you, my crafty-minded friends, for following along the tour with me!! 

To wrap up the tour, let's take a closer look at the most charming zakka projects created by the talented participants during this blog hop!

Zakka Handmades Blog Tour: 6/24/13 - 7/17/13


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Day 1: Puffy Ponytail Bows made by Kerry of verykerryberry


Lovely bows worn by the sweetest girl! Go check out my interview post that Kerry had put together to kick off the tour, if you haven't yet!

 * * * * *

ツアー2日目はデザイナーのジェニーさん。ご自身がデザインされた最新のファブリックシリーズ Nordika の生地を使って「レインドロップス・トート」をハンドメイド。洗練された生地とリネンがうまくマッチしていますね。→☆

 Jeni combined natural linen with her newest fabric line, Nordika, to create this tote. Fabulous!

 * * * * *

Day 3: Fabric Bucket made by Sachiko of Tea Rose Home


To make this project, Sachiko used the gorgeous laminated cotton for the exterior and regular cotton print for the lining.  Her fabric bucket turned out so elegant that it can definitely be used as an everyday tote bag!
* * * * *

ブログツアー4日目はハワイ在住の4児の母、アンバーさんがご自身でキルティングされた生地を使って「布製丸底バスケット」をハンドメイドされました。一部、鳥の生地が上下逆になってしまったようですが、それもまた楽しいですね♪ →☆

Amber created the exterior panel of this bucket by combining her beautiful fabric scraps using the quilt-as-you-go method.  It turned out so lovely and appealing! I even love the upside down bird! lol

* * * * *

Kristen was amazingly creative to whip up a total of FIVE zakka projects from my book, starting with the red gingham Raindrops Tote and two Kotori (little bird) zipper pouches...

現役大学院生で刺しゅう愛好家でもあるクリステンさんは、私の著書の掲載作品からなんと5点!もの雑貨を作って下さいました。詳しくはこちらです。→☆ まずはギンガムチェックの「レインドロップス・トート」と、キュートな「小鳥ポーチ」を2点。他にも・・・

...and the Rice Therapy Eye Pillow 「お米のアイピロー」。

 ... and the Eraser Stamped Lavender Sachet!


Kristen's fabric choices are so colorful and fun! With her delicate stitches, the zakka she creates turned out so charming and happy! 


* * * * *

ツアー6日目は手芸家のひろみさんが「かぎ針編みのドイリーとリネンのポーチ」を印象の違う生地を使って2点も作って下さいました。 どちらもひろみさんの繊細な手仕事とセンスの良さが光る作品で素晴らしい!→☆

I love the details of Hiromi's handwork perfected by combining vintage button, delicate crochet stitches, and the exceptional fabric choices. So impressive!

* * * * *

ツアー7日目はロサンゼルス在住の4児の母、エイミーさんがお嬢さんのために作られた「お弁当バッグ」。表布には日本からの輸入生地を使われたそうです。こんなにキュートなお弁当バッグは見たことがないです~♪ →☆

 Amy combined the prettiest Japanese fabric with a retro feel and tiny floral prints from her collection to create this bag for her adorable daughter.  It's one of the sweetest Bento Lunch Bag that I've ever seen!

* * * * *

 Day 8: Mini Drawstring Pouch by Lisa and Sarah of A Spoonful of Sugar

ツアー8日目はオーストラリア在住のリサさんとサラさん親子が「ミニ巾着ポーチ」を作られました。さくらんぼ柄とギンガムチェック生地の組合せが絶妙ですね♪ →☆

I love how Lisa and Sarah altered the pattern slightly to show more of the gingham check lining! You can't beat the combination of strawberry prints and the gingham check!  So cheerful!

* * * * *


Mette combined the loveliest bird print, pink gingham, and natural linen to create this one of a kind Eye Pillow.  It makes a perfect pampering gift for that special person!

* * * * *

 Day 10: Rachel and Sarah of Roxy Creations stitched up a total of SIX zakka projects from my book... What a remarkable creativity that these sisters share!

 Rachel whipped up two Raindrops totes with varying fabrics.  Love both versions!

ツアー10日目は、オーストラリアとイタリアにお住まいのレイチェルさんとサラさん姉妹がお二人合わせてなんと合計6点!もの雑貨作品を作って下さいました。まずはレイチェルさん作の「レインドロップス・トート」が2点。どちらも布合わせが素敵! →☆

And Sarah created two lovely Children's Pencil Bags...


A Crochet Doily and Linen Pouch...


... and  the Matryoshka Doll Key Cover with felted flower! This is the prettiest Russian doll I've ever seen!!


* * * * *

Day 11: Fabric Bucket by Anna of Noodlehead


Anna combined gray linen and the black x white polka dots to create this stylish Fabric Bucket with such modern feel! It will suit any room or make a wonderful gift presentation!

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Hope you got inspired from these amazing eye candies made by the compassionate and crafty ladies! Thank you again for sharing your creativity, ladies!!

If you have a chance to make any zakka project from my book, feel free to post it on to my Flickr group - Zakka Handmades, the book to share with us! I also have a Pinterest board where I pin our zakka creations from my book!

Also... last but not least, I have another giveaway coming up on my next post so make sure to check back soon! (Hint: my zakka creations from the blog tour...?)

いかがでしたか? もしも皆さんが私の著書の掲載作品からハンドメイド雑貨を作る機会がありましたら、是非 「フリッカー」(写真投稿サイト)に作品の写真をアップしてくださいね。フリッカー・「雑貨ハンドメイド」グループはこちら→☆ 



***Love, Amy***