Kotori (little bird) Zipper Pouches made by me
Wow. It's hard to believe that we're in the final week, or Day 10, of Zakka Handmades Blog tour! Which means there is only one more stop to go... Eeeek!
I'm very excited that our stop for today is the talented sisters behind Roxy Creations, Sarah and Rachel! Sarah is a full time teacher who lives in Australia, and Rachel runs a successful etsy business based in Italy. They are both mums of one child and the sisters enjoy embroidering, quilting, sewing, painting, and much more. The sisters share their lovely creations through their mutual blog, Roxy Creations.
What amazes me is that despite living 9,000 miles or 14,000 km away from each other (Australia and Italy), Sarah and Rachel continue to connect and share their thoughts through their handmade creations! What a beautiful sisterly love that is!

いよいよ 私の著書 Zakka Handmades のブログツアーも最終週に突入し、残りはあと1日となりました。皆さんどうか最後までお付き合いくださいね!ブログツアーとは?についてはこちらをご覧下さい。→☆
ブログツアー10日目の今日は仲良し姉妹の Sarah さんと Rachel さんが姉妹のブログ、Roxy Creations にてブックレビューをして下さっています。Sarah さんはオーストラリア在住。教職に就くかたわら、手芸作品を制作されています。一方、Rachel さんはイタリアにお住まいで現在はご自身のオンラインショップにて手作り作品の販売をされています。お二人ともそれぞれ一児のママ。お忙しい時間をやりくりしつつ手芸を楽しみ、お二人共同のブログにてハンドメイド作品を発表されています。 オーストラリアとイタリア・・・と遠く離れた地に暮らしながらも、手芸を通してますます強まるお二人の美しき姉妹愛に感動してしまいます♪
Let's take a look at some of their latest creations!
Sarah's "new baby boy quilt". What an eye candy this quilt is!
Rachel's handmade growth charts made for young children. These lovely heirlooms can be customized at her shop with your child's name stitched on them!
こちらは Rachel さんのハンドメイドの布製子供用身長計です。オンラインショップ上で注文をすれば、お子さんのお名前も入れてくださいます。可愛すぎです!
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And here's what I made for today... Kotori (little bird) zipper pouches from my book! I made two birds, and you know what? They are sisters, just like Sarah and Rachel! lol
Sister birds! 小鳥の姉妹♪
I added colors to their linen wings using my hand carved eraser stamps of a tiny flower and a simple dot.
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Check out Sarah and Rachel's blog now to see the zakka projects that they have created from my book! Don't forget to leave a comment to enter the giveaway, of course!!
Sarah さんと Rachel さんのブログでは今回の企画のために、私の本から数点の手作り雑貨を作って下さいました。もちろん私の著書のプレゼント企画もあります!→☆
Our blog tour schedule will continue as follows... Only one more stop to go!!
6/24/13 - Kerry verykerryberry (interview post)
6/26/13 Jeni In Color Order
6/28/13 Sachiko Tea Rose Home
7/1/13 – Amber One Shabby Chick
7/3/13 – Kristen Feeling Stitchy
7/5/13 – Hiromi Harujion Design
7/8/13 – Amy nanaCompany
7/10/13 – Lisa and Sarah A Spoonful of Sugar
7/12/13 – Mette Erleperle
Thanks so much for playing along and make sure you check back for our next (and final) stop of our tour!
*** Love, Amy***
Note by author: Zakka(雑貨) in Japanese refers to small household goods used in everyday life. Handmade zakka adds charming and meaningful touch to our daily tasks!
Love those bird sisters!,
Thank you, Lynne!! I love making these birds, especially when they are sisters ;D
Que maravilla de monederos !!! Me gusta todo ,saludos.
Mucho gracias, Montse! Me alegra que te gusten mis bolsas de aves! (Hope you understand my broken spanish...;D)
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