Hello everyone! Today I have an announcement that I had been itching to share with you...
I will be going to the Houston International Quilt Market next month (Oct 26 - 28, 2013) to promote my book and to introduce my new zakka sewing patterns at the show! Eeek!
というのも、毎年10月末にアメリカ・テキサス州・ヒューストン市で行われる国際キルトマーケットに今年は私も参加させていただくことになりました! 今年度のキルトマーケットの日程は、10月26日~28日。会場では、拙著の販売促進活動とともに、今回新しく立ち上げる手作り雑貨のソーイングパターンを何点かご紹介させていただくことになりました。
My book: Zakka Handmades (Release date: June 1, 2013)
As many of you already know, Quilt Market is a major trade show that takes place twice a year here in the U.S. - Spring and Fall. Fall Quilt Market is always held at Houston, Texas, whereas the Spring Quilt Market is exhibited at different places every year. (For this Spring, it was held at Portland, Oregon). The show is open to the vendors only, and it's not open to the general public. (Houston Quilt Festival that follows the Quilt Market is open for general public).
From my book: Patchwork Lanyards
From my book: Raindrops Tote
From my book: Eraser Stamped Lavender Sachets
As you can imagine, I have been very busy lately, designing new patterns and sewing up a storm, while taking care of my family and working on my day job, all at the same time! Phew!
Unfortunately, I am not able to share with you what I have been stitching lately, but I will promise to share everything with you on this blog when the time comes, so hope you stay tuned! (The above images are some of the projects from my book).
Enjoy your week!
今回のイベントにて発売予定のソーイングパターンのデザインと作品制作のために、ここしばらくの間は猫の手も借りたいほどの忙しさです☆ 実際には、ソーイングの仕事以外にも、家事、育児、そして昼間の仕事(パートですが)もあるので毎日バタバタですがなんとか頑張っています~。
残念ながら現在制作中の作品の数々はまだ皆さんにお見せできないので、今回は私の著書の掲載作品からいくつかの写真をUPさせていただきますね。 早く皆さんに私の新しい作品の数々をご紹介するのが今から楽しみです^^
***Love, Amy***