Announcement! I will be going to Houston Quilt Market 2013 ☆ヒューストンキルトマーケットに参加します☆

Hello everyone! Today I have an announcement that I had been itching to share with you... 

I will be going to the Houston International Quilt Market next month (Oct 26 - 28, 2013)  to promote my book and to introduce my new zakka sewing patterns at the show! Eeek!

というのも、毎年10月末にアメリカ・テキサス州・ヒューストン市で行われる国際キルトマーケットに今年は私も参加させていただくことになりました! 今年度のキルトマーケットの日程は、10月26日~28日。会場では、拙著の販売促進活動とともに、今回新しく立ち上げる手作り雑貨のソーイングパターンを何点かご紹介させていただくことになりました。

My book: Zakka Handmades (Release date: June 1, 2013)

As many of you already know, Quilt Market is a major trade show that takes place twice a year here in the U.S. - Spring and Fall.  Fall Quilt Market is always held at Houston, Texas, whereas the Spring Quilt Market is exhibited at different places every year. (For this Spring, it was held at Portland, Oregon).  The show is open to the vendors only, and it's not open to the general public. (Houston Quilt Festival that follows the Quilt Market is open for general public).


From my book: Patchwork Lanyards 

From my book: Raindrops Tote

From my book: Eraser Stamped Lavender Sachets

As you can imagine, I have been very busy lately, designing new patterns and sewing up a storm, while taking care of my family and working on my day job, all at the same time! Phew!

 Unfortunately, I am not able to share with you what I have been stitching lately, but I will promise to share everything with you on this blog when the time comes, so hope you stay tuned! (The above images are some of the projects from my book).

Enjoy your week! 

今回のイベントにて発売予定のソーイングパターンのデザインと作品制作のために、ここしばらくの間は猫の手も借りたいほどの忙しさです☆ 実際には、ソーイングの仕事以外にも、家事、育児、そして昼間の仕事(パートですが)もあるので毎日バタバタですがなんとか頑張っています~。

残念ながら現在制作中の作品の数々はまだ皆さんにお見せできないので、今回は私の著書の掲載作品からいくつかの写真をUPさせていただきますね。 早く皆さんに私の新しい作品の数々をご紹介するのが今から楽しみです^^ 


***Love, Amy***

Shoes bags for our girls 娘達にハンドメイドの靴袋。

Hello everyone!

I remembered that I hadn't shared with you what I had sewn for my girls several weeks ago, before our recent trip to Japan


I stitched these drawstring bags with bag straps using coordinating fabrics.  These bags were made to keep shoes for our girls during the trip.


For the lining, I used vinyl fabric that I got from Daiso, or Japanese dollar store in California.  No matter how often I wash our girls' shoes, they get very dirty quickly!  I thought vinyl lining makes it convenient to store dirty shoes inside...


Small iron-on patches are attached to each bag. Of course, the girls had to argue about who gets the "pink" bow over the "blue" one... (Our girls just love pink so much!)


The girls made good use of these bags over this summer. Hope their feet don't get too big so that they can continue to use these shoe bags for years to come... lol!

Enjoy your week!



***Love, Amy***

Hello! from my sewing table お久しぶりの更新です。

I just wanted to say hello! to all of my fellow crafty friends out there.  I've been creating like a maniac lately, but I just haven't had a chance to blog about my recent creations and updates... So sorry!

私のほうはお陰様で何やかんやと忙しくしています~。 猛烈な勢いでソーイングもしているのですが、なかなかブログ更新できていなくてごめんなさい><

It's been busy weeks with lots of sewing and seam ripping involved...


I look forward to come back with some *finished* projects to show you soon!
Hope you're enjoying your creative moments...


***Love, Amy***

Lovely stuff from Japan 日本で買ったものいろいろ。

Hello everyone and Happy September!  

Both of our girls are finally back in school full swing from this week after a long summer and things are settling back to normal in our household... Oh how much I love the month of September! 


Felt squirrel making kit from Japan

Thanks to the lovely comments you had left on my previous post about my recent trip to Japan! Today I'd like to show you some of the pretty stuff/fabrics/notions that I got from my recent trip.



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First off I got these lovely fabrics, trims, and a handy kit to create a charming Hungarian Rose embroidered coin purse from a shop called Angie Angie of Kyoto, Japan.


I did not have a chance to visit Kyoto during this trip (unfortunately), but I was able to visit their temporary booth set up at Hankyu Department Store in Osaka, Japan.  The shop owner, Ms. Ashida, was so charming and I had wonderful time chatting with her while I shopped.


* * * * * * * * * * 

My next stop was from my fav spot, Nippori Textile Town, in Tokyo.
お次は私の大好きエリア、東京の日暮里繊維街にある手芸雑貨店On Travellingさんへ。

 The shop name is On Travelling and they carry the sweetest buttons, trims, notions and such as you can see from my purchases above!


* * * * * * * * * * 
Then I got more treasures at a vintage fabric/feed sack specialty shop called A-Materials, in Kichijoji, Tokyo.


  I could not take pictures inside their shop but their feedsack collection was amazing!  The below images are the swatches that were included inside the small precut set (shown in above image to the left).


After exposing my expenditures in Japan... I just hope that my hubby is not reading this post... lol!

日本であれこれと好きなものばかり買い物してしまいましたが・・・夫がこのブログ記事を読まないことを祈るばかりです。 オホホ!

Finally, I sent off small souvenir packages to all of those talented bloggers who had kindly participated in my recent Zakka Handmades Blog Tour 2013 to help me promote my book release. I will always be grateful to those fabulous ladies with big heart and amazing talents! (Although all the chocolates in the packages probably melted so badly while I brought them over from the super hot and humid Japan!)

最後になりましたが、今年6月下旬から7月中旬にかけて私の著書をネット上で紹介していただく「2013 Zakka Handmadesブログツアー」に協力してくださった手芸ブロガーさんたちにも、心ばかりの小さなお土産セットをお送りさせていただきました。参加ブロガーさん方にはこれまでも、これからもとても感謝しています♪(但し、暑い日本から持参したお土産のチョコは完全に溶けてしまったと思いますが・・・ごめんなさい~)。

***Love, Amy***


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