Back from Houston Quilt Market 2013 with my new patterns! ヒューストンキルトマーケットと、新作雑貨パターンご紹介

My new zakka patterns introduced at Houston Quilt Market 2013

Last weekend I attended the Houston Quilt Market to introduce my new zakka patterns and to have my first book signing.  The show was huge, exciting, and full of energy.

As you may already know, Quilt Market is a big industry trade show where all the major fabric companies, distributors, designers, publishers, authors, shop owners, notions suppliers, and sewing machine manufacturers get together to display their best booth for potential buyers.



 I was fortunate enough to have my own corner to display my books, patterns and pattern samples, within the Seven Islands Inc. booths at the show. Seven Islands is a major Japanese fabric distributor here in the U.S. and throughout Europe, who wholesales Japanese fabrics including Kokka, Kiyohara, Cosmo, Westex, and more.

今回私は幸いにも Seven Islands Inc さんのブースの一角に自分の著書、ならびに新作雑貨パターンとそのサンプルをディスプレイするコーナーを設けていただきました。Seven Islands Inc. さんは、アメリカ国内ならびにヨーロッパ各地で手広く日本の生地を卸販売されています。

Instead of me blabbing too much here, I will go ahead and post bunch of photos of our booth!  Above and below are the images of my new pattern samples displayed at the Market.


Small corner display of my books and zakka samples.

From my zakka patterns: Children's Pencil Cases and Pyramid Zipper Pouch and Sachet 

From my zakka patterns: Reversible Baby Shoes in a Bag and more Pyramid Zipper Pouches.

Samples of Rae's Ribbon Tote. You may recall that I made one of these bags for myself to attend this show!

Cute Pleats! Pencil Pouches and Patchwork Lanyard and Key Wristlet, from my new zakka patterns.

From my zakka patterns: Samples of Travel Organizer


And of course, there were more beautiful displays in our booths.  Below is an amazing booth by fabric designer and author, Ellen Lucket Baker. I couldn't keep my eyes off from her new Garden collection from Kokka. Love the nature inspired colors and designs she used. You can view more images of her booth at her blog, The Long Thread.

では今度は同じエリア/ブース内に展示されていた他のデザイナーさんのブースをご紹介させてくださいね。こちらは、ファブリックデザイナー兼ソーイング・キルト本著者のエレン・ラケット・ベーカーさんの美しいブースです。日本の生地メーカー、コッカさんから発売される彼女の最新のファブリックライン Garden の生地を紹介されています。彼女のブログではより多くの写真がご覧になれます。→☆

It was my first time to meet Ellen in person, but I've always liked her fabric so much.  As you can see from the below pic, I used her previous Folk Modern and Stamped fabric lines to create cover samples of my Fabric Bucket and Hangtag pattern.

今回エレンさんにお会いするのは初めてでしたが、以前から彼女のデザインするファブリックがとても好きでした。今回、私の新作雑貨パターンのひとつである「タグ付き布バスケット」の表紙作品を作る際にも、エレンさんの Folk Modern と Stamped という、異なるファブリックラインから生地を使わせていただきました。どちらの生地もシンプルでとても可愛いですよね。

I was so lucky to get a signed copy of her gorgeous book, 1-2-3 Quilt, and even took a selfie with her :) Thank you, Ellen, for your kindness and generosity!



And take a look at these stunning new fabric line of Katsushika Hokusai, or Japanese influential artist and painter from the Edo period of Japan. The fabrics are traditional yet very modern. 


Friendly representatives from Sunhit Company of Japan.


We can't miss the Kokka display... Their fabrics are magnificently authentic!



Oh and by the way, about my new zakka patterns, they can be purchased at a wholesale level from Seven Islands Inc. At a retail (online) level, they are now available in my etsy shop!

Well, I have more to say about the Market, but I will let you go for now... Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon :D

というわけで長々と失礼しました~。ちなみに私の新作雑貨パターンについては、私のオンラインショップで販売中です。卸販売については Seven Islands Inc さんからご注文いただけます。キルトマーケットについて、本当はもっと書きたいことがたくさんあるのですが今日はこのへんにしておきますね!では今日もお立ち寄り下さってありがとうございます♪

***Love, Amy***

Thank you for my first book signing at Houston! ヒューストンにて初のサイン会♪

Thank you so much for those who showed up at my first book signing at Houston Quilt Market today!  And thanks to the wonderful staff at Brewer's Sewing and Ms. Stefanie Girard of Quayside Publishing Group for making it all possible for me!  You all rock!


サイン会会場のブースを提供してくださった Brewer's Sewing の素晴らしいスタッフの方々と、出版社広報担当のステファニーさんにも厚くお礼申し上げます。

With love from Houston, Texas,

Ribbon tote for Quilt Market! キルトマーケット参加用にリボントートを作りました

Hello everyone from Houston☆Texas!

Here's the bag I whipped up for Quilt Market last night.  The pattern is called "Rae's Ribbon Tote" and it's from one of my new zakka patterns!  There are total of eight zakka patterns that I am introducing at the Market and this is just one of them!

I will be back with more images from the Quilt Market. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your weekend!

From my chick chick handmades patterns: Rae's Ribbon Tote



キルトマーケットでの様子はまたお伝えさせてくださいね! 皆さんも良い週末をお過ごしください^^ 私も明日のサイン会頑張ってきます~^^;

***Love, Amy***

My Postcards will be given away at Houston Quilt Market! キルトマーケットで配布予定のはがきが完成しました♪

The postcards are ready to be given away at Houston Quilt Market! Come say Hi! to me at my book signing on Sat, Oct 26 from 11:30 - 12:00 at Brewer Sewing's  booth (#1124) if you're attending! 

ヒューストンキルトマーケットはもうすぐです~。お越しの方は10/26(土)11:30~12:00 著者サイン会に是非お立ち寄りください♪ 場所はBrewer Sewing さんのブース (#1124)です。このようなはがきもご用意させていただきます。例によって作りすぎましたので、是非お受け取りください~。^^;

 I will be back soon with the images of my new zakka patterns that will be introduced at Quilt Market.  My patterns will be displayed at Seven Islands Inc. (booth #962), a major Japanese fabric distributor here in the U.S.

次回はキルトマーケットでお披露目する私の新しい手作り雑貨のパターンについての詳細をお伝えさせてくださいね。新作パターンは、アメリカで最新の日本の生地の卸販売をされている Seven Islands Inc. さんのブース(#962)でご覧になれます。 

Thank you so much for stopping by! I'll see you soon ;D

***Love, Amy***

My book featured in popular Japanese travel blog!「地球の歩き方」ブログにて著書を紹介していただきました♪

Hello! Just popping in to let you know that my book was featured in a popular Japanese travel blog, Chikyu-no-Arukikata (地球の歩き方)or Globe Trotter Travel Guide Book blog!

It's in Japanese... but you can still enjoy the images from here! ;)



***Love, Amy***

Making Crocheted Edged Scarf with Floral Fabrics かぎ針編みのエジングスカーフ(花柄編)

Happy Friday! 

It's almost Halloween but we continue to enjoy the warm weather over 80F or 26C here in Southern California.

ハッピーフライデー! もう金曜日ですね。


 Which means I can continue to wear this summery scarf that I handmade a while ago!


I got this floral lightweight fabric from Japan this summer which was on sale at 30% off...


Then I crocheted the edging with cotton yarns and stitched them onto both ends of scarf to create my original.  It takes exactly one yard of fabric with some cotton yarns to make this scarf. If you're interested in making your own, hope you give it a try... It's one of the projects from my book!

 Hope you enjoy your weekend as I will work, work,work... over this entire weekend for the last minute Quilt Market prep!



***Love, Amy***

Lots of Hawaiian Sachets for my friend  友人にハワイアン気分のサシェを作りました♪


No I'm not in Hawaii but I wish I am!! I continue to be busy for the Houston Quilt Market prep, but let me take a break for now and dream about being in Hawaii... ahhhh!


You may recall this Monstera stamped sachet that I made earlier. 


Well a little while ago, I made a bunch of similar sachets for my dear girlfriend who is a hula-dancer, an accountant, and a super-mom!


She is a very sweet girl who loves everything Hawaiian.  Hope she likes them!


How to make this eraser stamped lavender sachet can be found in my book.  Create your original sachets using your favorite stamps.

Hope you have a wonderful week filled with a scent of lavender! 
Mahalo! (Or thank you♪in Hawaiian.)



***Love, Amy***

Book Signing at Quilt Market! ヒューストンキルトマーケットで初のサイン会

I just wanted to pop in to share an exciting news with you that I will be having my first book signing event at Houston Quilt Market!! Eeeeek!!

It will be held on Saturday, October 26th, from 11:30 a.m.-12:00 noon at Brewers Sewing (booth #1124). If you find a petite Japanese girl sitting nervously at book signing table at Quilt Market, that's me! lol

みなさんこんにちは!今月末に参加するキルトとソーイングの祭典 ヒューストンキルトマーケットでは、な、何と著者として初のサイン会をすることが決定しました!(ひぇ~。)

会場はBrewers Sewingさんのブース(ブース番号1124)にて、日程は10月26日(土)11:30 a.m.-12:00正午までの30分です。 サイン会会場で不安そうにオドオドしている背の低い日本人女性を見つけたら間違いなく私だと思ってください(苦笑)。

Projects from my book, Zakka Handmades

Besides the book signing event, I will be introducing several new zakka sewing patterns at Houston. The patterns will be displayed at booths of Seven Islands Inc., a major Japanese fabric distributor here in the U.S.  

As you can imagine, I am super thrilled to go to Houston, yet I still have lots of sewing, pattern reviewing, and other preps to do before I leave, which means I better go back to work now~ 

ヒューストンではサイン会以外にも、私の手作り雑貨の新作パターンを数点ご披露する予定です。今回お世話になるのは、ここアメリカで日本の生地を手広く卸していらっしゃる Seven Islands Inc. さんです。



***Love, Amy***

My projects featured in Love Crafting magazine! 何気なく手にしたイギリスの手芸雑誌に自分の作品を発見してびっくり!

This week during my regular trip to our local Joann, I picked up this charming craft magazine from the U.K.   The magazine is called Love Crafting, and it is packed with inspirational images and tutorials of delightful projects.

近所の手芸量販店 Joann の雑誌コーナーで何気なく手にしたイギリスの手芸雑誌「Love Crafting」をパラパラとめくっていたところ・・・

As I enjoy flipping through the pages, my jaws almost dropped to the floor when I spotted my own Kotori Zipper Pouch (little bird pouch) in the mag! Oh my gosh! \*o*/


And guess what?! I found not only one of my original projects, but two projects featured! My Vintage Ribbon Flex Frame Pouch was also included among the fifty-two projects featured in the magazine! 


There was a tiny image of my book's front cover printed in one corner of the page.


The magazine was $9.99 at the store. And yes, I rushed to the cashier to get this one!

I don't know when and how other authors are notified when their projects are featured in the magazines, and I'm not sure if I will ever be notified about all this?  Hmmm... As I'm a rookie author, there are still so many mysteries in the publishing world...


恐らく私以外の手芸本の著者の方々は雑誌に自分の作品が掲載されると随一報告を受けると思うのですが、私にも近々報告があるのでしょうか? 私は年は食っているものの、著者としては新人なので出版業界にはまだまだわからないことばかりです~。><;

***Love, Amy***

Eraser stamped lavender sachet for my friend 友人に消しゴムはんこのラベンダーサシェ

My girlfriend is losing sleep from her medical conditions and stress.  I wish I have a quick remedy for her, but unfortunately I don't... Feeling so helpless, I made a quick gift for her. It's a handmade sachet packed with organic dried lavender. 


In the center of the sachet I stamped my hand carved eraser stamp that I carved a while ago.  The size of the linen square is 3" (7.5 cm) square.


Back side of the sachet.


If you are interested in making this eraser stamped lavender sachet, you can find it in my book. I used my hand carved eraser stamp for this project, but you can pick any stamp you like and stamp it onto the center of the block to make an unique, one of a kind gift item or to keep for yourself.

Hope my friend can sleep well tonight with this sachet at her bed side...



***Love, Amy***


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