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Airmail Zipper Pouch (from my new zakka patterns!) ♪エアメールポーチのご紹介(新作雑貨パターンより)♪

Here's my second of four new zakka patterns that I'm introducing this week at Spring Quilt Market... It's Airmail Zipper Pouch! My entire sewing patterns are available at Seven Islands Fabrics booth no. 2045/2145 at the Market so stop by if you're there!

先日の記事に引き続いて今日も新作雑貨パターンをご紹介させていただきますね。今日は2作目の「エアメールポーチ」です(新作雑貨は全4点です)。現在ペンシルバニア州ピッツバーグ市にて開催中の国際キルトマーケットに参加されている方は、 Seven Islands Fabrics さんのブース(2045・2145)にてサンプル作品とともにご覧いただけます。

Do you remember these fabric stamps from my earlier post? Well now you know how I made good use of them! He he...


Speaking of fabric stamps, you may also recall my Airmail Mug Rug from my book! This time, using my original fabric stamps, I designed zipper pouches for this pattern.

布製切手アップリケといえば・・・私の著書の掲載作品のひとつ「エアメールマグラグ(ミニマット)」でも使っています♪  手持ちの生地からお気に入りモチーフをカットして作る布製切手、一度作ったら楽しくてハマってしまうのです~。 皆さんにも是非お試しいただきたいです♪

Here's the reverse side of the pouch. The running stitches resemble the envelope flap opening. Small heart shaped felt sends love to the recipient! lol


There are a total of five pages in this pattern, including the full size pattern sheet.


The pouch comes in two sizes: Medium (8"W x 6"H) and Coin Purse (6.5"W x 4.5"H).


The new patterns will soon be available in my shop, too.  Thanks for visiting and stay tuned as I will be back for more new patterns!


***Love, Amy***

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  1. Oh my gosh!!!! SO adorable!!! I can't wait for all of these patterns!

  2. Squealing with delight over the cuteness of this zip pouches, Amy! I adore those sweet fabric stamps and the clever airmail binding. I know I'm going to have to make some (note I did not say "one" ;o)!

    Hope you have a great time at Quilt Market. :o)

  3. eeeep!!!! what a wonderful idea to use to hold a special letter to those you love! ;p

  4. Awesome details with the custom stamps and adorable border!! You are so creative and amazing, Amy!!!
