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Half Moon Patchwork Pouch (from my new zakka patterns!) ♪半円パッチワークポーチのご紹介(新作雑貨パターンより)♪

Hello everyone! 

I'm so thrilled that I'm finally able to introduce one of my four new zakka patterns to you! The new zakka patterns will be available at Pittsburgh Spring Quilt Market at Seven Islands Fabrics booths (# 2045/2145) if you're attending this week! 

私の新作雑貨パターンより Half Moon Patchwork Pouch(半円パッチワークポーチ)のご紹介です♪ ペンシルバニア州ピッツバーグ市にて今週末より開催される業者向けのトレードショー「キルトマーケット」にて販売開始します。マーケットに参加される方は、Seven Islands Fabrics さんのブースに足を運んでくださいね♪(ブースナンバー2045/2145)。

Half Moon Patchwork Pouch... is the name for this new pattern. The PDF pattern will be available in my etsy shop soon, too!


So now you know what I was making from that potholder-looking-log-cabin-patchwork from my earlier post! Ha!


The pouch comes in two sizes: Medium (6.5"H x 4"H x 2"D) and Small (4.5"H x 3"W x 1"D). 
This time I embellished the zipper pulls with these ribbon trims... Hope you like them!


The pouch opens widely for easy access.

Speaking of zippers... The zippers are installed by hand along the curved edge (traditional Japanese zipper installation). But trust me, it's not as bad as you think! In fact, I think you will enjoy stitching them by hand, following my step-by-step instructions with tons of diagrams ;)


 The pattern comes in five pages, including the full size pattern sheet.


No I am not attending the Spring Quilt Market  at Pittsburgh this time, but I'm so excited that my patterns and samples are flying in! My huge thank you goes to Seven Islands Fabrics for displaying my new samples at their booths (no. 2045/2145)!  

My earlier posts from Fall Quilt Market 2013 can be found here and here. I will come back with more new patterns this week so hope you check back again soon!

今回のキルトマーケットには参加できませんが、私の新作パターンならびにサンプル作品の数々はピッツバーグまで飛んでいきました! 私の雑貨パターンを世界の!業者さん向けに販売して下さる Seven Islands Fabrics さんには心から感謝しています♪


***Love, Amy***

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  1. These are so super cute!! I can't wait to see all of your new patterns!

  2. Beautiful! Love the finished result and am looking forward to seeing your other zakka patterns too.

  3. 可愛い布使いがとっても素敵です。

  4. Beyond darling... oh, you make the sweetest patterns, Amy!
