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*Honu* passport case/organizer and a gift set

This is a passport case/organizer that I sewed up for my younger sister #2.  She asked me to make a tote bag AND a passport case/organizer for her birthday gift, and I finally finished making both of them.

FYI her birthday was in mid June... Sorry for the delay, sis :P

I used linen, cotton polka dots, and the same linen/cotton blend fabric of *Honu* or Hawaiian turtle print to make this passport case to match with the tote bag that I made earlier.

passport case/organizer (opened)

The gift set will be flying to Japan by the end of this week...

It wasn't really planned, but I think that this gift set looks so "summery".
Japan right now is in the midst of hot and humid summer, so I guess the gift set suits the season over there...

Although I'd like to have my sis use these items throughout the entire year, even during the chilly and freezing winter in Tokyo... :D 

Well... I'll see how it goes...!


  1. Amy, great work! Love your fabric choice,well-matched and very pretty . Your sister is so lucky to get this lovely gift set .

  2. Hi Amy! Does "flying to Japan" mean you're going to Japan this Summer? Maybe not? I am going to Japan two weeks from today. And it seems you have two younger sisters in Japan. So do I! And I made something for one of my younger sister as a birthday gift! What a coincidence!

  3. セットでとても素敵なGiftになりましたね!
    パスポートとカードが収納できるポーチも実用的でよいGift Ideaだと思います。旅には必須アイテムですよね!次の作品も楽しみにしています!!

  4. Thank you, ladies, for your nice comments always!

    PY - I love these fabric choices, too, however, my sis is a picky girl (like who? me?) so I'm crossing my fingers that she likes the gift set ;)

    Hiromi - Unfortunately, I will not be flying to Japan this summer, but how lucky you to be there soon! ひろみさんのおみやげ用パッチワークポーチも素敵です♪ 久々に姉妹の方々と再会できるのも楽しみですね!

    cocostitch - 今回、妹用に作ったパスポートケースは母子手帳ケースも兼ねてるんです。母子手帳のサイズが私にはわからないのでこのサイズでいいのか?ちょっと不安なんですが、ま、妹用なのでそのへんは適当に作ってしまいました(笑)。

  5. This set is so cute! Picky or not she will love it :)

  6. Thank you, Jeannie, for your encouraging comments!
