About me 自己紹介

Fireworks and the Hawaiian *honu* tote bag ハワイアン生地でトートバッグ

Hi! Hope you had a good July the 4th weekend.

Here in the U.S., we celebrate the Independence Day with fireworks.  Our family and I visited our local park last night to view the fireworks show. 

It was spectacular!

When I was back in Japan, I used to go to the Summer festivals and Fireworks show with my friends and family, and what I enjoyed the most at these festivals was all the drink and food booth they had over there... such as Yakisoba (fried noodles), Takoyaki (baked octopus), Ika-geso (deep fried squid's tentacles)...

Image of baked octopus, or Takoyaki

I know, I know, these food may sound really barbarous or even disgusting to some of you, but they're actually yummy, when you try them on hot and humid nights in Japan, especially with ice cold beer!   \*0*/ 

Well, too much about Japanese ethnic food and ice cold beer, and let me get back to sewing... I almost forgot that this was my craft blog after mentioning about the ice cold beer... Ha ha!

Here's what I made recently, a large tote bag with *Honu* or Hawaiian sea turtle prints used for the outside pockets.

The light blue fabric used for the outer side of the tote is duck canvas, which makes the bag very sturdy and somewhat stiff.

On one side of the tote bag, I placed a handmade tag made of handcarved erasers of Hawaiian motifs

Honu stamp on the other side of the tag

Side view of the bag.  It is very roomy.

The tote bag is reversible, and the reversible side looks like this.

Close up of the inside pockets

This tote bag was a requested item from my younger sis who lives in Japan. 
I have two younger sisters and two younger brothers and they all live in Japan. 

  This will be a gift to my younger sis #2 who is a grade school teacher.

reversible side of the bag

I really like the *Honu* pockets

Happy sewing and hope you all have a great summer (or winter, for those of you who live on the other side of the planet :)


  1. The food looked so yummy. I hope I will have a chance to try it one day. :)

    The tote bag is well sewn and roomy. I love the nice blue colour fabric you used. Your sis is so lucky to get this pretty bag.

    US is so far away from Japan. I supposed you miss them a lot.Right ?

  2. Oh and Okonomiyaki ("as you like it" pancake")! Yum!

    Guess what I found at my local supermaket...Lamune soda!! I just have to accept that I need to pay nearly 5 times the price for this yummy drink.

  3. Happy 4th of Julyでしたー。LAの方ではおおきな花火が見れるんですね~。すごーい。うらやましい。私たち家族は友人宅のBBQに招かれて楽しいひと時を過ごしました。


  4. こんにちは。夏休み楽しんでらっしゃいます?うちの息子は昨日からサッカーキャンプに行ってます。


  5. Hi, Meeks! Okonomiyaki and Lamune soda! They're my favorites since I was a kiddy! And sometimes I feel that you're blogging from Japan, and not from NZ!!! Itsumo arigato ;)

  6. gazimamaさ~ん、ごぶさたしてます! 息子さんはサッカーキャンプ、楽しんで通ってらっしゃることと思います。 うちは今、次女が日本へ行っていて長女と2人なので家の中が妙に静かで怖いくらいです。(姉妹ケンカがないだけでこんなに平和になるとは!!) 

