Amazing creations by Gina Martin's Sewing Box collection for Moda
Hello everyone and Happy November! This will be my second post about my recent trip to Houston Quilt Market. Click here for my first post. The Market lasted for three days, and I was there only for a day and a half (I had to be home to take care of our kids), but I sure took tons of beautiful images of handmade creations and inspirational individuals I met at the show. I will warn you that this will be another photo heavy post again... but hope you bear with me!
Emma Jean Jansen's Nine Birds quilt. You know how much I love little birds... Love, love, love this!
From Amy Butler's new Hapi collection. So exotic and striking!
有名デザイナーAmy Butlerさんの新しいコレクションから、バッグのサンプル展示です。
From Art Gallery Fabrics booth. Love how they covered the wall with fabrics on embroidery hoops.
生地メーカーBirch Fabricsの楽しいディスプレイ。
Kate Spain's amazing Never-Give-Up-On-Your-Dreams quilt.
デザイナー・ケイトスペインさんのNever-Give-Up-On-Your-Dreams(夢を諦めないで) キルト。
I spotted this cutey at Blend Fabrics booth...
Another adorable creature found at Blend Fabrics!
And guess who I'm with here?! Yes, it's Jeni Baker of In Color Order at her gorgeous booth! As you may recall, she was one of the friendly participants of my recent blog hop, and I was so delighted to finally meet her at the Market! Yay!
上の写真は今回初めて ファブリックデザイナーのJeni さんとお会いしたときに撮影したものです。Jeni さんはこの夏、私の著書が発売されたときにはブログツアーに参加して下さり、本の販売促進に協力して下さった恩人なのです。写真はJeniさんご自身のブースにて。ブログツアーについてはこちらから→☆
上の写真は今回初めて ファブリックデザイナーのJeni さんとお会いしたときに撮影したものです。Jeni さんはこの夏、私の著書が発売されたときにはブログツアーに参加して下さり、本の販売促進に協力して下さった恩人なのです。写真はJeniさんご自身のブースにて。ブログツアーについてはこちらから→☆
Raincheck quilt by designer Camille Roskelley. Isn't this pretty??
こんなに可愛い傘のキルトを見逃すことはできませんよね^^ 作品は著者でデザイナーの カミル・ロスケリーさんのものです。
Very sweet designer Camille herself at her booth.
Designer and author Lotta Jansdotter with her new Mormor and Sylvia collection for Windham fabrics. I have adored Lotta's work for a long long time and I was so thrilled to meet her!
Designer Lily Gonzales-Creed at her booth with her fun fabric collections, Ninjas Don't Sweat and Fun to Fork. Thanks Lily for the samples fabrics!!
Designer Vanessa Christenson at her colorful booth. Take a look at her huge and awesome sewing machine quilt!!
Jinzenji Yoshiko's beautifully quilted banner at Yuwa booth.
Brilliant bags made by designer and author, Sara Lawson of Sew Sweetness.
As an author myself, I did my first book signing at Houston Quilt Market. Yet I lined up at other authors' book signing events while I was there. Boy that was fun! lol Above are the delightfully inspiring signed books that I got at book signings.
From left to right: Cut it, Sew it, Stow it by Ebony Love, A Paper-Pieced Garden by Maaike Bakker and Francoise Maarse, and Sew Classic Clothes for Girls by Lindsay Wilkes.
I even took a pic with author Lindsay Wilkes, or the blogger behind The Cottage Mama. I had been a follower of her blog for a long time so you can imagine how I was excited to see her at the Market!
その中の著者のお一人、リンジー・ウィルケスさん。彼女は The Cottage Mama という有名ブロガーさんなので今回一緒に写真を撮らせてもらって感激でした♪
* * * * *
Phew! Thanks everyone, for following along with me with this long post. I usually don't post my own pictures on my blog posts, and I will promise that this post will be an exception! (Sorry folks!)
Thanks again for stopping by and enjoy your crafty moments!!
***Love, Amy***
Looks like you had a great time. I would love to go to the quilt market one day.
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