For a quick gift to my girlfriend, I made these coasters using linen + some fabric scraps. To add some personal touch to them, I stamped five different stamps on to each coaster... stamps of rose, ribbon, clover, cherry and a musical note. These are hand carved eraser stamps that I carved a while ago.
Close up of the stamps
And here are some pics of my niece's favorite polar bear guy... I sewed a simple clothes (or quite simply, a "tube" wear) and a scarf (with pom poms) for this guy, using fleece. According to my niece in Japan, this polar bear guy's name is "Jun". But I totally assumed that he was a dog, and not a polar bear, while I sewed up a clothing for him ;-) lol
He's looks so comfy, sleeping on a handmade crochet blanket, made by my mom (my niece's grandma), while wearing a fleece wear, made by me (her aunty)!
By the way, today is my niece's birthday, and I'd like to wish a very happy birthday to her! Hope you have a great one, sweet girl. ジュンと楽しい誕生日を過ごしてね♪
Your handcraved stamps really make your coasters look cute ! I like them very much !
Thanks! My handcarved stamps has flaws and they are not even close to being perfect, but I still like to use them on my sewn projects :)
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