Hi all!
I bet you're all busy busy now getting ready for the holiday celebration and the gifts preparation...
Today, I'd like to show you some of the handmade gift items that I made so far. Due to the lack of time, I was able to work on quick projects only this year. Also, for some of the handmade gifts I made, I forgot to take pictures! So, these are just a portion of handmade gift items, but I still wanted to show them here...
For this Christmas, I made a couple of these simple reversible coasters for gifts.
And here are one of my favorites.
I really like these apple prints from Alexander Henry Farmdale Delicious collection.
They are so modern yet warm!
This pencil pouch is made of Echino bird fabric.
This deep purple is my favorite color.
A small wood bead is attached to the zipper pull.
This one is a simple key fob made of French Soleiado fabric in the center.
I used light blue cotton webbing to match with the floral fabric.
I also made several of these fabric rag wreaths for gifts. (See my tutorial here). As far as I can remember, I think I've made a total of seven of these wreaths as gifts this year.
I really enjoy making these fabric rag wreaths.
And BTW look what I received in mail from my dear blog friend, cocostitch...
I really enjoy making these fabric rag wreaths.
And BTW look what I received in mail from my dear blog friend, cocostitch...
Beautifully patchworked logcabin coaster and gourmet chocolates
were packed inside!
And last but not least, I want to let you know that I will be taking a short break from blogging. We will be out of town for a while to visit our relative who lives out of state. My shop, will be temporarily closed, also...
I look forward to return to blog posting and to reopen my shop sometime early next year. Meanwhile, I wish you all have a wonderful Christmas and a new year with your loved ones.
With best wishes throughout this holiday season,
Amy xoxo
Hope to see you all soon ;)
Merry Christmas&よいお年を!
I just wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I've really enjoyed reading your blog throughout the year. Thanks for all your effort you make to put up fun and informative posts!
My japanese friend lent me her "Cotton Time" magazines, and the crafts reminded me of you!
Happy New Year!!
Thank you, and a happy new year to you, ladies! I really appreciate your warm and kind words throughout the previous year :)
cocostitch - あけましておめでとうございます。すっかりご無沙汰してしまいましたが、今年もどうぞよろしくお願いします♪ cocostitchさんの今年の初ソーイング作品は何でしたか?私はまだ今年に入ってからミシンに触れていなくてウズウズしています~☆
meeks - Hope you had a wonderful holiday season with your family members and friends. And yes, I like to read "Cotton Time" magazines, too! Have a wonderful 2011!!
Speckled Hen - Happy new year! and hope your holidays were filled with lots of love and happiness. And I wish your 2011 to be even sweeter!
Amy, I wish you and your family a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. I am sure you will show us more beautiful handmade creations in this blog of yours.
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