Cross stitched by me
Do you enjoy embroidering?If you do, you have probably come across to this inspirational embroidery group blog, Feeling Stitchy, before.
Today is Day 5 of Zakka Handmades blog tour, and I can't be happier that the expert embroiderer and a weekly contributor to the Feeling Stitchy blog, Kristen, is doing a book review in her post today!
今日は私の著書 Zakka Handmades のブログツアー5日目です。ブログツアーとは?についてはこちらをご覧下さい。→☆ 今日は刺しゅう愛好家のクリステンさんが刺しゅうブログにて私の著書のブックレビューをして下さっています。
Fabulous stitchery by Kristen
Kristen, also known as the Bobby Pin Bandit, is a lover of all things stitchy and crafty. She lives in Tuscon, Arizona, and she is a grad student by day and seamstress/embroiderer/crafter by night.
クリステンさん(別名=Bobby Pin Bandit)は、アリゾナ州ツーソン市にお住まいです。昼間は大学院生として勉強に勤しみ、夜になると刺しゅうや手芸全般をして過ごされます。
Above images are Kristen's recent embroidery sampler project... Aren't they gorgeous? If you are impressed with Kristen's handwork, hop on over to the Feeling Stitchy blog, to check out a total of four (!) zakka projects that she created from my book. And yes, there will be another giveaway, too!
And below is my latest cross stitched handwork...
Does it look like a bow tied silver spoon to you? Hope so!
I'm planning to incorporate this piece into a special baby gift, which I hope to show it to you soon...
And the blog tour continues. I'll see you again soon!
6/24/13 - Kerry verykerryberry (interview post)
6/26/13 Jeni In Color Order
6/28/13 Sachiko Tea Rose Home
7/1/13 – Amber One Shabby Chick
7/3/13 – Kristen Feeling Stitchy
7/5/13 – Hiromi Harujion Design
7/8/13 – Amy nanaCompany
7/10/13 – Lisa and Sarah A Spoonful of Sugar
7/12/13 – Mette Erleperle
7/15/13 – Sarah and Rachel Roxy Creations
7/17/13 - Anna Noodlehead
7/17/13 - Anna Noodlehead
***Love, Amy***
Note by author: Zakka(雑貨) in Japanese refers to small household goods used in everyday life. Handmade zakka adds charming and meaningful touch to our daily tasks!
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