My daughters, 2nd and 4th graders, are both very self concious about their hairstyles (even at this age), and every morning, they spend quite some time in front of the mirror grooming. They have to make sure that their hair looks all right before going to school... (I don't do their hair anymore, they are on their own).
I made these fabric headbands for them some time ago. The girl in the picture is my younger one.

The headbands are made reversible, so that they can enjoy it both ways. I hope that this will help our picky girls to choose the matching headbands quickly on busy mornings...
そうですね、こちらで育つといわゆるPeer Pressure というのでしょうか、周りの影響もあって娘達は日々マセてきています。小2&小4でこんなにルックスを気にしていたら高校生くらいになったらもう気分はオバサンになっちゃうんじゃないか、ってそっちのほうが心配です…苦笑
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