This is what I've been up to lately. Crocheting granny rounds. It's such an addictive and fun project that once I pick up my hook and yarns, I just can't stop!
最近ハマっているのがこちら。 かぎ針で編む丸モチーフです。 英語ではこのようなレトロなモチーフのことを granny squares / granny rounds (グラニーモチーフ)と呼びます。 グラニーとはおばあちゃんのこと。 実際にどこかレトロで「おばあちゃん」ぽいモチーフですよね。
I try to hide this project away from my sight during the day, so that I can concentrate on my work and other chores. You know, just like how an alcoholic person (who is trying to cut back on drinking) hides a bottle of vodka from her sight, I try to hide this granny project out of my sight... Really, it's that addictive! (lol)
I followed this user-friendly and beautiful tutorial from the Crochet with Raymond blog.
一旦編み始めると楽しくてやめられないので、忙しいときには目に付かないところに隠しています。 まるで断酒中のアル中患者が自ら酒瓶を隠しておくように、私も編み物を隠しています。 ←って、あいかわらず変な例えですね、我ながら・・・。でも本当にそんな心境なんです!(笑)
Back side looks like this... I need to start weaving in the ends as you can see.
So what have you been up to lately?